
xīn là
  • pungent;hot;acridity;bitter;bite;piquancy
辛辣 [xīn là]
  • [pungent;hot;bitter] 味辣,比喻文章风格或人的性格厉害

  • 鲁迅的杂文辛辣深刻,入木三分

辛辣[xīn là]
  1. 辣椒素是红辣椒的主要辛辣成分,可特异性激活Aδ和C类纤维的初级传入神经元。

    Capsaicin , the pungent ingredient of hot pepper , is a specific activator of primary afferent C - and A δ - fibers . The kidney is innervated by sensory nerves , which are sensitive to capsaicin .

  2. 目的:辣椒碱(capsaicin,CAP)是辣椒果实中主要的辛辣成分,具有多种药理作用,其中最为突出的是通过作用于含有P物质的感觉神经系统,起到长效镇痛作用。

    Objective : Capsaicin , the pungent extract of peppers , has many pharmacological effects , one of which is long-acting analgesic effect through act on nervous system with substance P in it .

  3. 我其实不喜欢吃辛辣食物。

    I don 't really care for spicy food .

  4. 空中飘来一阵阵辛辣的气味。

    Spicy smells wafted through the air .

  5. 把鸡肉、辣椒和米饭和在一起、口味辛辣的搭配

    A fiery combination of chicken , chillies and rice .

  6. 这些菜的味道辛辣,应该配红酒而不是白葡萄酒。

    The spicy flavours in these dishes call for reds rather than whites .

  7. 意大利菜以辛辣菜系最为出名。

    Italian cooking is best known for savoury dishes .

  8. 他的歌词一如既往的犀利辛辣。

    His lyrics are as acerbic and poignant as they ever have been .

  9. 怀尔德最初是想把《日落大道》拍成一部对好莱坞的辛辣讽刺片。

    Sunset Boulevard was originally conceived by Wilder as an astringent satire on Hollywood .

  10. 泰国菜味道辛辣浓烈。

    Thai food is hot and spicy .

  11. 做到辛辣菜和清淡菜比重相当。

    Balance spicy dishes with mild ones

  12. 韩国食物最显著的特点就是味道辛辣。

    The most distinguishing feature of Korean food is the spiciness .

  13. 他带着辛辣、凄凉的微笑看着他们。

    He looked at them with a smile both acrid and desolate .

  14. 这种药有辛辣的酸味。

    The medicine had a sharp , acid taste .

  15. 它们从澳大利亚、加勒比和中国远道而来,却传递着一种共同的嗜好——对辣味食物的嗜好,一点辛辣是不够的,要辣到嘴唇灼热、大脑飞旋、泪流不止的那种辣。

    They come from as far away as Australia , the Caribbean and China , but they all share a common addiction — food that is not just spicy , but hot enough to make your mouth burn , your head spin and your eyes water .

  16. 她在起司沾酱中加了一些青辣椒让它辛辣一点

    She added some green chili peppers to her cheese dip to make spicier .

  17. 辣椒素是辣椒的主要辛辣成分

    Capsaicin-the main acridity of capsicum .

  18. 这话是用辛辣的自我谴责的口吻说出来的,说话时他的面孔也歪扭得象个地道的魔鬼。

    This sentence was spoken with the bitterness of self-upbraiding , and a contortion of visage absolutely demoniacal .

  19. 其特色是将米粉浸泡在河螺调味的辛辣肉汤中,并加上腌笋、青豆、花生和豆腐皮等配料。

    Liuzhou luosifen , a soup dish dubbed and topped with ingredients including pickled bamboo shoots , string beans , peanuts and tofu skin .

  20. 你可以这样描述某种食物的特点,例如四川菜,hotandspicy/辛辣的。

    You can describe certain foods , e.g.Sichuan food , as hot and spicy / hot and spicy .

  21. (SilverOak自己生产木桶。)更常用的法国橡木桶更精致些,有辛辣香气。

    ( Silver Oak makes its own barrels . ) The more commonly used French oak is far more subtle , with spicy aromas .

  22. 硫氧化物(SOX)是辛辣的腐蚀性的有毒气体,产生于含硫燃料的燃烧。

    Sulfur oxides ( SOX . ) are acrid , corrosive , poisonous gases produced when fuel containing sulfur is burned .

  23. 上月,他在佛蒙特州(Vermont)开始竞选活动,对财富不平等和亿万富翁阶层的贪婪发起了言辞辛辣的攻击。

    Last month he launched his campaign in Vermont with a blistering attack on wealth inequality and the greed of the billionaire class .

  24. 研究使用顶空固相微萃取(SPME)技术与气相色谱(GC)联用测定芥末油中辛辣物质异硫氰酸烯丙酯。

    A method for simultaneous determination of a pungent substance , allyl isothiocyanate ( AITC ), in mustard oil sample was studied using headspace solid-phase microextraction ( SPME ) and gas chromatography ( GC ) .

  25. SierraNevada六瓶装的Bigfoot(一款辛辣的大麦酒,保存几年之后会像雪利甜酒(Sherry)一样甜腻)售价仅在12美元左右。

    A six-pack of Sierra Nevada 's Bigfoot -- a spicy barley wine that turns as syrupy as sweet Sherry after a few years -- goes for about $ 12 .

  26. 啤酒赛(费用45美元)也美不胜收,其中就包括了SaisonCazeau(添加拉骨木花后酿制而成的辛辣味比利时啤酒)以及OffColorBrewing酿制的Scurry啤酒(用燕麦酿制的深色蜂蜜啤酒),然而酒水单上并无葡萄酒。

    Its beer matches ( $ 45 ) are extraordinary , too , including Saison Cazeau , a spicy , elderflower-infused Belgian ale and Off Color Brewing 's Scurry , a dark honey ale made using oats . Wine is not on the menu .

  27. 他在自己的“侵入多重宇宙”(HacktheMultiverse)博客上写道:“当我看到(那篇文章)错得多么没有价值时,感觉就像拆开圣诞礼物后看到里面是袜子。”哎哟,好辛辣!

    On his Hack the Multiverse blog , he wrote : " When I saw how trivially wrong [ the paper ] was , it was like opening a Christmas present and getting socks . " Ouch .

  28. 利用DPPH法对洋葱、姜、蒜和葱4种辛辣蔬菜常温下和经100℃处理的汁液进行抗氧化作用的研究,结果表明,它们都具有抗氧活性。

    The antioxidant effects of Allium cepa , Zingiber officinale , Allium sativum and Allium fistulosum at normal temperature and their juice at 100 ℃ were studied by DPPH method The results indicate that all of the treated vegetable crops have antioxidant activities ;

  29. 12、压力大、经期不注意休息、经期辛辣及寒凉饮食是出现经期伴随症状的主要危险因素(P0.10,OR1)。

    Stress , menstruation does not rest , hot and cold food is accompanied by symptoms of menstruation of menstruation risk factors ( P0.10 , OR 1 ) . Conclusions : 1 .

  30. 奥马哈内布拉斯加大学医学中心的胃肠病学家TimMcCashland说,辛辣的菜肴会降低食道底部肌肉的压力,这样胃酸会倒流到食道。

    Chili Peppers This staple of spicy cuisine can lower the pressure of the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus , allowing stomach acid to spill back up into the esophagus , says Tim McCashland , M.D. , a gastroenterologist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center , in Omaha .