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xīn yí
  • flower bud of lily magnolia
辛夷 [xīn yí]
  • [lily magnolia;magnolia wood] 香木名,指木兰

  • 露申辛夷。--《楚辞.屈原.涉江》

  1. 方法:采用多种动物模型,观察中药辛夷挥发油对炎症反应的影响。

    Method : Observed the anti inflammatory infection of flower bud of lily magnolia to several kinds of animal models .

  2. 超临界CO2流体萃取辛夷精油的组分分析

    Proximate analysis of volatile oil of Magnolia liliflora by supercritical co_2 fluid extraction

  3. 在最佳萃取条件下,超临界CO2流萃取法萃取辛夷的出油率可达4.2%,比水蒸汽蒸馏法的出油率平均高出约73%。

    Under this condition , the extracting ratio can reach 4.2 % , 73 % higher than that of steam distillation .

  4. 采用TLC法鉴别辛夷、苍耳子、金银花,采用HPLC法测定辛夷中木兰脂素的含量。

    Flos Magnoliae , Fructus Xanthii and Flos Lonicerae Japonicae were identified by TLC , and the content of Magnolin was determined by HPLC .

  5. 结论:辛夷挥发油能够明显抑制实验性哮喘豚鼠气道浸润Eos细胞数,减轻哮喘气道的炎症反应。

    Conclusion : OMbP can obviously reduce the cell count of EOS in experimental asthma airway , and alleviate the airway inflammatory reaction in asthma .

  6. 辛夷鼻炎丸对肝功能影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Effects of Xinyi Biyan Pill on Liver Function

  7. 复方辛夷口服液在支气管哮喘治疗中的应用

    Application of Compound Xinyi Oral Liquid in Treatment of Bronchial Asthma

  8. 辛夷和苍耳子的临床药理研究进展

    Advance in research on pharmacology of Flos magnoline and Siberian cocklebur fruit

  9. 辛夷挥发油的抗过敏实验研究

    The experimental study of anti-allergic effects of volatile oil from Flos Magnoliae

  10. 复方辛夷滴鼻液的研制与临床应用

    Study on Preparation and Clinic of Compound Xinyi Nasal Drops

  11. 辛夷挥发油对肾缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用

    Effects of Flos Magnoliae volatile oil on renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats

  12. 辛夷雾化液平喘作用的药理实验研究

    Pharmaceutical Research on Asthma-relieving Function of Flos Magnoliae Aerosol Liquid

  13. 结论复方辛夷胶囊可通利鼻窍,宣通肺气,清热解毒,消炎止痛,治疗鼻窦炎疗效确切。

    Conclusions Taking Fufang Xinyi capsule can produce definite therapeutic effect on nasosinusitis .

  14. 目的研究中药辛夷二氯甲烷提取物的药理作用。

    Object To study the pharmacological effects of CH2Cl2 extract of Flos Magnoliae .

  15. 结果:建立了辛夷的薄层鉴别法。

    Result : A TLC identification method of Flos Magnoliae has been established .

  16. 辛夷产量选择指标及选择指数的研究

    Analysis on the Selective Character and Selective Index for the Yield of Flos Magnolia

  17. 辛夷挥发油的研究

    Studies on the Essential Oils of Flos Magnoliae

  18. 复方辛夷胶囊治疗鼻窦炎临床观察

    Clinical efficacy of Fufang Xinyi capsule on nasosinusitis

  19. 目的:探讨辛夷挥发油对大鼠佐剂性关节炎的作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To explore the effect of VOMbp on adjuvant arthritis in rats .

  20. 目的建立辛夷药材中辛夷脂素的含量测定方法。

    Objective To establish a method for determination of fargesin in Magnolia flower buds .

  21. 辛夷成分及其药理应用研究综述

    Summarize of Study on the Application in Medicine Function and the Ingredient of Magnolia Liliflora

  22. 目的:对复方辛夷滴鼻液的工艺和质控标准进行了研究。

    Objective To study the technique and quality control standards of Compound Xinyi Nasal Drops .

  23. 辛夷挥发油纳米脂质体滴鼻剂治疗儿童变应性鼻炎的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Flos Magnoliae Volatile Oil Nano-liposome Nasal Drops in Treating Pediatric Allergic Rhinitis

  24. 包结物晶析法选择分离辛夷挥发油中1,8-桉叶素

    Selective Isolation of 1,8-Cineole from Volatile Oil of Flos Magnoliae ( Xin Yi ) via Inclusion Crystalline

  25. 目的研究含有苍耳子的辛夷鼻炎丸对肝脏功能的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe the effects of Xinyi Biyan pill containing Fructus Xanthii on liver function .

  26. 对照美丽的辛夷生长和开花是如何与我们生活关联的。

    Comparisons of the growing and blossoming of beautiful Magnolia flowers and how this relates to our life .

  27. 如今,对辛夷的开发和利用主要在辛夷精油的提取和鼻炎用药。

    Today , the development and utilization Magnolia are mainly on the Volatile oil extraction and rhinitis medication .

  28. 通常,辛夷花理康复援助用来稳定和保护身心(平衡)。

    The healing essence of Magnolia aids with stabilisation of the mind and body and protection in general .

  29. 结论:薄膜分散-超声-膜过滤法是制备辛夷挥发油纳米脂质体的一种简单可行的方法。

    Conclusion : Film-ultrasonic wave together with membrane filter method is a simple method to fabricate nano-magnoliae liposome .

  30. 辛夷,中草药名,即玉兰科望春花,亦称辛夷花。

    Xinyi , a herb name , is a kind of spring flower , also called Xinyi flower .