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ān mì
  • tranquil;peaceful
安谧 [ān mì]
  • [peaceful; tranquil] [地方] 安定;平静

  • 下安上谧,无侥幸之患矣。--《南史.贺琛传》

安谧[ān mì]
  1. 站在阿斯哈图山巅极目远眺,你会看到贡格尔草原安谧如圣境;

    Standing on the pinnacle of Arshihaty to overlook the boundaries of views , you will see the Gongger grassland being as tranquil as sacred land ;

  2. 度假者勾勒的一幅单纯而安谧的图画,他们的小码头上竖着旗杆,美国国旗在蓝天白云下飘扬,

    the cottages with their innocent and tranquil design , their tiny docks with the flagpole and the American flag floatingagainst the white clouds in the blue sky ,

  3. 那家旅馆远离闹市,是一个幽静安谧的好去处。

    The hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city .

  4. 乡村里的傍晚是平静安谧的时刻。

    Evening in the country is a very peaceful time .

  5. 安谧的午后小憩;温暖舒适的沐浴。

    A quiet afternoon nap ; a warm , quiet bath .

  6. 一起过着安谧幸福生活的一对夫妇。

    A married couple who lived quiet and happy lives together .

  7. 他心灵的秋天有如小湾安谧

    His soul has in its Autumn , when his wings

  8. 每一任新主人都被玻璃屋散发的安谧力量所影响着;

    Each new occupant is affected by the glass room 's quiet power ;

  9. 一切都安谧与恬静。突然,沃尔特·克朗凯特蹒跚着闯入了画面。

    All was tranquillity and repose . Suddenly into the picture staggered Walter Cronkite .

  10. 代之的是大量舒适安谧的城市住宅和小巧精致的乡村别墅。

    And a lot of the utmost comfort city residential and cabinet and delicate country villas .

  11. 这屋子和屋里的人,以及他们凝视着的景致,都显得非常安谧。

    Both the room and its occupants , and the scene they gazed on , looked wondrously peaceful .

  12. 清早,我便来到屋外。雪后的世界是如此安谧,甚至是轻微的呼吸都能打破这份宁静。

    I go out in the early morning and there is such silence that even breath is a profanation .

  13. 在太平年月里,大西洋这个远离海岸的绿色的小岛是个安谧宁静,鲜花盛开连汽车都没有的伊甸乐园。

    This little green isle far out in Atlantic was , in peacetime , a quiet flowery eden without automobiles .

  14. 若是光阴一直如此安谧宁和,此生也不枉度。

    If the time is prefer always accordingly peaceful and , the this present life doesn 't garbage a degree as well .

  15. 他不得不以他安谧悠闲的方式慢慢地培养他们,直到他们自己真正理解了这项技术。

    He had to bring them along slowly , in his quiet way , until they " got it " by themselves .

  16. 细细欣赏那蜜汁的甘甜芳香乘着这高远的冥想冲天而飞他心灵的秋天有如小湾安谧这时他心满意足地收拢翅膀懒看着雾色;

    To appreciate the sweet fragrance of honey , In this meditation and fly high . His heart fall like wings , Then he tucked contentedly wings , Lazy at fog color ;