
zhǔ ɡuān ɡuò cuò
  • subjective fault
  1. 赔偿金额计算方式宜采取弹性金额制,并在确定金额时考虑被告人主观过错程度、财富状况等。

    It should adopt a flexible payment model on the calculation of punitive damages , and several factors are required to take into account when determining the damages , including the degree of subjective fault , wealth of the defendant , etc.

  2. 加害人的主观过错程度对其赔偿范围有一定的影响;

    The degree of the invaders ' subjective fault can affect compensation scope .

  3. 没有主观过错的行为不会令行为人有罪。

    An intoxicated person who commits a crime shall bear criminal responsibility .

  4. 缔约人在缔约过程中违反先契约义务时必须有主观过错;

    There must be subjective fault when the contracting party breaches the liability of precontractual .

  5. 其特征是主观过错性、行为违法性、后果严重性、危害社会性。

    Its characteristic contains subjective fault , illegal behavior , serious result and harming society .

  6. 主观过错与客观过错其各自的内涵及相互之间的关系是什么?

    What are their relation as well as its own connotation of subjective fault and objective fault ?

  7. 同时,还应考虑当事人主观过错等因素的影响;

    Meanwhile , influences of such factors as subjective mistakes of involved parties need to be considered .

  8. 对不同的侵权责任人有不同的主观过错要求,适用不同的归责原则,赋予不同的抗辩理由;

    Different subjective fault criteria should apply to different person responsible to compensate the loss of the investor .

  9. 过错责任原则的适用方法是对行为人主观过错的举证和证明。

    The use method of fault liability principle , refers to the certification of the subjective fault of the actor .

  10. 也就是说,挪用公款罪并非一种单纯的目的犯,其主观过错也同样包括间接故意,从而消弥了实践中对这一问题的误解。

    The author provides that the subjective aspect of the crime includes not only actual intent but also indirect intent .

  11. 经过几年的实践感到:缔约过失责任作为民法理论问题在先合同义务方面、主观过错方面仍存在着缺陷,有待进一步完善。

    Years of practice have now proved that improvements should be made in theories concerning the pre-contract responsibilities and subjective faults .

  12. 公务员对上级违法的决定和命令没有服从义务,执行上级明显违法决定或者命令的公务员的主观过错程度大小并不影响其法律责任的承担。

    Fault of the civil servant who obeyed the no doubt illegal order isn 't a necessary condition to the liability .

  13. 文章还提出,医师专家责任的构成要件包括责任主体、违法行为、损害后果、因果关系以及主观过错。

    The constitutive requirements of professional responsibilities include subject of liabilities , violation , dam-aging effects , causal relationship and subjective fault .

  14. 它是行政违法的特殊形式,由主体、客观事实和主观过错等要件构成。

    It is a special form of unlawful administration , created by executers , objective facts , subjective mistakes , and the like .

  15. 离婚损害赔偿必须具备违法行为、损害事实、因果关系和主观过错四个构成要件。

    Divorce indemnity system consists of four necessary part behavior of breaking-law , damaging factor , cause & effect relation and subjective fault .

  16. 目前我国教科书将学理上存在的过错认定标准总结为主观过错说、客观过错说(注意义务违反说)、经济分析说。

    At present , the textbook summarizes the standard of culpa identification as subjective culpa theory , objective culpa theory and economic analysis theory .

  17. 其二,关于该民事责任的构成要件,本文从虚假陈述行为、主观过错、损害后果和因果关系等方面展开论述。

    The second is about the constitutive requirements . And the thesis runs from the misrepresentation behavior , subjective fault , consequence and causality .

  18. 该规定加大了环境侵权责任的范围,因为这不要求证明污染者存在主观过错。

    This broadens the concept of liability in environmental torts , in that it does not require proof of any subjective fault of the polluter .

  19. 国家赔偿法中的违法与通常所称的违法不同,并不包含有主观过错条件。

    The illegal conducts in state compensation law are different from the usual ones because they don 't include the important condition of objective offence .

  20. 网页快照侵犯的是版权人的信息网络传播权,是对信息网络传播权的直接侵犯,无需主观过错。

    Cache infringes the Information Network Transmission Right of copyright owners , which is a direct infringement to Information Network Transmission Right without any subjective faults .

  21. 过错概念的发展经历了从主观过错到客观过错,再到过错概念本身边缘化的趋势。

    The development of the fault concept has been experienced from subjective to objective fault , reached the trend of the borderline of its own at last .

  22. 对于垃圾短信侵犯隐私权的侵权行为仍从违法行为、损害结果、因果关系和主观过错四个方面予以认定。

    I think the compositions of privacy tort caused by spam messages contain the illegal acts , the damage results , the causal relationships and the subjective faults .

  23. 主要介绍了破产管理人违反义务的行为、主观过错的判断,损害事实的存在及因果关系的判定。

    Introduces the breach of obligations of the insolvency administrator , subjective judgments fault , damage and causal relationship between the existence of the facts of the judge .

  24. 怠于履行义务的行为,既有客观行为形式,也有主观过错的性质,比不履行法定职责的概念更全面科学;

    Being remiss in obligation , which embodies in not only objective act form , but also subjective faults , is more scientific than not to perform function .

  25. 其基本构成要件为责任主体、主观过错、客观行为以及行为与损害之间的因果关系。

    The basic composing important item of the privilege responsibility is the responsibility corpus , fault , behavior and behaviors and the cause and effect of the result relation .

  26. 网吧侵权主要讨论网吧经营者及影视作品版权提供商的侵权行为、侵权主观过错以及侵权责任。

    Internet cafe infringement cases will discuss the tortious act , subjective fault and tort Liability of the Internet cafe operators and the provider of film and television copyright .

  27. 尽管主观过错理论已经式微,客观过错理论占据优势并对责任能力制度产生一定的影响,但是,责任能力仍然有其制度价值。

    Although the theory for subjective offence had already had waned , and the theory for impersonal offence has been predominating , the capacity for civil liability still is important .

  28. 决定某类过错行为,包括过失危险行为在内可以犯罪化的基础不是主观过错,而是危险行为本身所具有的社会危害性。

    What decides a certain kind of wrong , including negligent dangerous act which can be criminalized is not subjective wrong , but the social harmfulness possessed by dangerous act itself .

  29. 离婚诉讼中,受害一方有权向另一方请求精神损害赔偿,第三者存在主观过错的情形也应当承担损害赔偿责任。

    In the divorce proceedings , the injured party shall have the right to request compensation for spiritual damage , third cases also have subjective fault shall be liable for damages .

  30. 认定是否构成新闻名誉侵权,应当以新闻名誉侵权的四个构成要件为标准进行衡量,这四个构成要件包括:新闻侵权行为、损害事实、因果关系和主观过错。

    Whether making up news reputation infringement . Should be measured by four factors including : the action of news infringement , damage facts relationship between cause and result and subjective fault .