
  1. 论主旋律电影的特点及其教育功能

    On the Characteristics of the Main Melody Movies and Their Instructional Functions

  2. 改革题材影片:主旋律电影的一种景观

    The Telefilm about Reform Theme : a Scene of the Television in Main Trend

  3. 类型化:在政治和商业之间&中国主旋律电影叙事研究

    The Narration Study of Chinese Mainstream Film

  4. 在中国电影的舞台上,主旋律电影一直都占据着重要位置。

    On the Chinese film stage , the main theme movie plays an important role .

  5. 本文是一篇以新时期以来主旋律电影女性形象为研究课题的论文。

    This paper takes female images in Chinese major melody movies since new period as the research subject .

  6. 而在这一令人瞩目的电影飞地周边,则是新主流电影模式和政治主旋律电影的日趋成熟。

    Around this eye-attracting enclave field are the daily matured new main-stream film mode and the films of main-line political film .

  7. 王兴东的主旋律电影在弘扬了主流的价值观的同时,注重电影的本体地位,强调电影必须要讲一个好的故事。

    His mainstream movies carry forward the mainstream values , while at the same time pay attention to the importance of the film .

  8. 商业语境下的主旋律电影&《超强台风》与好莱坞灾难片的比较分析

    The Main-melody Movies in the Context of Business & The Comparison between " Super Severe Typhoon " and the Disaster Films of Hollywood

  9. 主旋律电影一直以来都受到政府的重视和扶持,起着传播主流意识形态和主流文化价值观念的作用。

    The mainstream film has been strongly cherished and supported by government , which plays the roles of spreading National Ideology and Social Mainstream Values .

  10. 中国国产商业电影发展到今天,其区别于艺术电影和弘扬意识形态的主旋律电影的主体性特征已经确立。

    At present , Chinese commercial movies , along with its development , have set up its subjectivity which is different from artistic movies and ideological movies .

  11. 在现实题材类主旋律电影中,主人公往往是时代英雄或者普通劳动者的典型形象,以主人公面临困难,解决困难的模式进行,并且出现了英雄人物平民化的转变。

    However , in realistic main-melody movies , protagonists are often typical images of era heroes or ordinary laborers , who would face certain difficulties and solve them .

  12. 于是,主旋律电影为了更好地迎合大众口味,呈现出商业化的现象。

    Then , the mainstream film in order to better catering to public taste , which appears the phenomenon of the mainstream film beginning to " commercialization " .

  13. 主旋律电影承担着传播国家意识形态和社会主流价值观念的重要功能,受到政府的大力扶持和倡导。

    As the special types of Movies , the Theme Movie is charged with diffuse function of National Ideology and Social Mainstream Values , and strongly subjected by government support and advocacy .

  14. 主旋律电影作为一种比较成熟的电影类型,其间形成了自己一套特有的叙述体系和运作机制,而且一直以来都是电影界的重点研究对象。

    As a comparatively mature film type , the main-melody movie has already formed its own narrative system and operation mechanism . It has always been an important research topic in the filmdom .

  15. 主旋律电影有三大发展走向:一、实现主题的转变;二、走商业化运作的道路;三、实现艺术的不断创新。

    There ' rethree major trends of main-melody movies : First , the transformation of the theme ; second , take the road of commercial operation ; third , realizing the art innovation .

  16. 自新中国诞生之初至今的半个多世纪里,革命历史题材电影作为主旋律电影的主力军,得到了长足的发展并取得了丰硕的成果。

    From the early time of the new China up to the present , as the main force of the main-melody movies , films on revolutionary history have greatly developed and have achieved plentiful fruits .

  17. 从电影企业规模角度来看,电影企业的规模大小与非主旋律电影内容生产效率存在一定的正相关性,并支持经济学理论关于大规模企业规模经济效应和生产效率相应较大的观点。

    From the perspective of film enterprise scale , the scale has certain positive relationship with non-theme film production . The article also supports the opinion in economic theories that scale economy effect of large enterprise results in large production efficiency .

  18. 第四章是十七年喜剧电影的影响和局限,十七年喜剧电影的创作经验和模式对当代主旋律电影创作的影响,以及歌颂性喜剧创作上的审美局限性分析。

    The fourth chapter is " 17-year " and limits the impact of the film comedy , " 17-year " comedy experience and mode of creative film-making on the impact of the contemporary theme , and the praise of the comedy creation of aesthetic limitations .

  19. 随着经济发展、社会转型的加剧再加上外来电影文化的冲击,受众的审美心理发生了变化,以往呆板枯燥的主旋律电影不再受大众喜爱。

    With the development of economic , along with intensified social transformation and the impact of the foreign film culture , the audience aesthetic psychological has undergone tremendous changes , thus the previous inflexible and boring mainstream film no longer receives the love from the audiences .