
  • 网络Electronics and Information Technology
  1. 电子与信息技术的不断发展,给我国机床加工设备的现代化提供了强有力的技术支持。

    With the development of electron and communication , the technology sustain have provided for our machine tool equipment modernization .

  2. 通信、电子与信息技术在最近几十年里得到了飞跃发展,尤其是互联网的发展给了人们获得各种各样信息的机会,而不仅仅限于广播、电视和报纸等传统手段。

    With the development of technology in information field , such as electronics and communications , especially Internet , provides people with more and more methods to access different kinds of information in addition to traditional ways as radio , TV , and newspaper .

  3. 电子商务与信息技术

    Electronic Commerce and Information Technique

  4. 当2000年互联网泡沫破灭之时,不仅初露头角的创业者和投资者烧伤了手指,就连一心期望教授电子商务与信息技术课程的商学院教授也感到痛苦。

    When the dotcom bubble burst in 2000 it was not just budding entrepreneurs and investors who had their fingers burnt . Business school professors who had pinned their hopes on teaching e - commerce and information technology courses also felt the pain .

  5. 电子商务管理模式与信息技术的需求和支持关系

    The Relation of Need and Support Between Electric Commerce Management Model and IT