
  1. 社会的改革,作为主体客体化的过程,是人的实践的产物。

    Social reform , as a process of objectifying subjects , is a result of human practice .

  2. 在实现机制中,主体客体化和客体主体化的双向运动使主体活动得以实现。

    In realizable mechanism , The interactive activity of subject and object makes the subject activity be realized .

  3. 教师管理的专业化,集中体现为管理主体客体化和管理客体主体化。

    The professionalization of teacher management epitomize " management subject turns into object " and " management object turns into subject " .

  4. 位格伦理视角下人类基因的法律地位&基于主体客体化的背景

    On the legal status of human gene from the prospective of person ethical theory under the backgrounds of the objectification of the subject

  5. 在正面主体客体化的现实和人格内在的财产性的基础上,人类基因被界定为一种拟似的人格财产。

    Faced with the " objectification of subject " reality , based upon the inherent property attribute of personality , human gene is defined as a quasi personality property .

  6. 虚拟技术的出现则提出了虚拟实践的新形式,虚拟实践具有虚拟性,虚拟实在是人的意识的外化,虚拟认识是不断主体客体化和客体主体化的过程。

    The appearance of suppositional technique brough forward a new form of suppositional practice . It told us that suppositional practice was dummy , suppositional actuality was the externalism of consciousness , and suppositional understanding is an unceasing procedure of exchanging between main body and object .

  7. 非理性的人&先锋小说的非人化叙事与人物主体性的客体化

    Irrational Man On Dehumanization Narration of Avant-garde Novel and Objectification of the Characters

  8. 全书紧紧围绕着总体性、主体与客体、物化这三个基本范畴进行论述。

    The book closely around the overall , subject and object and materialization of these three basic categories are discussed .

  9. 在这个溶解的过程中,主观自负的封闭主体性和相互客体化的个体被剥夺和并塑像下来进入深渊。

    In this process of dissolution , the monadically closed-off subjectivity of self-assertive and mutually objectifying individuals is dispossessed and cast down into the abyss .

  10. 理论联系实际并不是无过程、无中介的,它内在地包含了客体主体化和主体客体化的两个相统一的过程、环节。

    Without doubt , the situation named theory associated with practice should not be concluded to lack of process and absence of intermediaries , which inherently contains the " objcification of subject " and " subjecification of object " unity of the two processes .

  11. 网络教育传播中的主客体关系发生间接性转化、学生主体价值的强化以及教师主体客体化等三方面的转变,这些转变也影响着教育传播模式的变化。

    This paper discusses how the indirect changes of the relationship between deliverer and accepter , the strengthening of the accepters ' value and the change of roles between teacher and student affects the change of pattern of dissemination in network education .

  12. 评价主体多元化、评价主体与评价客体统一化;

    Evaluation subject is pluralistic and unites with evaluation object ;