
yōnɡ yǒu zhě
  • Owner;holder;occupant
  1. 他们的行动只会让土地拥有者的态度变得更坚定。

    Their action can only serve to harden the attitude of landowners

  2. 它的历史体现了其拥有者的性格特征和发展过程。

    Its history is expressive of the character and development of the people who possess it .

  3. 但与大多数收藏家不同的是,扎克会去寻找奖牌的合法拥有者并把它们完璧归赵。

    But unlike most collectors , Zac tracks down the medals ' rightful owners , and returns them .

  4. 系统(System):此阶段的SOA由多个业务拥有者控制。

    System – Here the SOA is controlled by multiple business owners .

  5. 授权版本工程学团队作为CM处理过程的拥有者

    Empower the Release Engineering team as owner of CM process

  6. 在两条地中海电缆有一条的拥有者是FLAG公司。

    One of the two Mediterranean cables was owned by FLAG .

  7. 而作为替代,用户故事提供了恰好够用的信息来开始开发人员与产品拥有者(ProductOwner)之间的对话。

    Instead , a user story provides just enough information to start a conversation between a developer and product owner .

  8. 因为通常有一个SOA的拥有者,控制并不非常复杂。

    As there is usually one owner of the SOA , control is not very complicated .

  9. 此阶段有一个拥有者总负责,并为SOA提高主要的资助。

    One owner is in the lead here , and funds the majority of the SOA .

  10. 您可以分配操作列中的操作,也可以单击省略号以打开Operation编辑对话框,您可以在其中输入拥有者名称。

    You can assign the operation in operation column , or you can click on the ellipses to bring up the Operation edit dialog , where you can type owner name .

  11. 当您安装DB2后,您就创建了一个默认实例拥有者用户IDdb2inst1。

    When you installed DB2 , you created a default instance owner user ID db2inst1 .

  12. 标准的PDF加密与用来保护PDF格式的唯一拥有者和用户密码。

    Standard PDF Encryption with owner and user passwords used to be the only PDF protection .

  13. tar和ssh稍微复杂一点,但它们可以保持文件的元数据,如拥有者和权限。

    Tar and ssh are slightly more complex , but they preserve file metadata , such as owner and permissions .

  14. 今天,便携式电话用户约有四亿,与之相对照的是,个人电脑(PCs)的拥有者为三亿。

    Today there are about 400 million cellphone subscribers compared with 300 million owners of Personal Computers ( PCs ) .

  15. 数字证书拥有者可以将其证书提供给其他人、Web站点及网络资源,以证实他的合法身份,并且与对方建立加密的、可信的通信。

    The owner of digital certificate can produce his certificate to other people , web sites and network resources . The certificates help validating his legal identity , establishing the encrypted and credible communication with others .

  16. 你能使用多个托管账户,可以和其他Azure账户拥有者进行合作。

    You can use multiple hosted accounts , perhaps teaming up with another Azure account holder .

  17. 报道还称,网飞一开始想买洛杉矶地标剧院(LosAngeles'LandmarkTheatres),该剧院的是共同拥有者是MarkCuban。

    The report claims that Netflix executives originally wanted to buy Los Angeles ' Landmark Theatres , co-owned by Mark Cuban .

  18. 现代PE投资模式旨在PE资金拥有者和被收购的公司之间建立起联盟,并着眼于公司的强盛发展、竞争优化及其价值递增。

    The modern private equity investment model aligns the interests of private equity owners and the companies they acquire by making companies stronger , more competitive and more valuable .

  19. 麦当劳,老MacDonald(麦当劳拥有者)有个农场,我父亲是个药剂师。

    McDonald 's. Old MacDonald had a farm , my dad is a pharmacist .

  20. 确认用以将一个请求转化为Jazz工具拥有者的ClearQuest记录状态得到了建模。

    Make sure that the ClearQuest record states used for transitioning a request to an owner on the Jazz tool is modeled .

  21. 美国枪支拥有者组织的执行主任(Pratt)回答道:

    The replied is ( Pratt ) the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America :

  22. udev缺省用Unix的0660权限(拥有者和组员拥有读写功能)创建设备节点。

    Udev defaults to creating nodes with Unix permissions of0660 ( read / write to owner and group ) .

  23. 下面的例子将介绍如何切换到一个名为tsom的DB2实例拥有者登录上下文。

    The following examples show you how to switch to the login context of a DB2 instance owner named tsom .

  24. 通过MBO,管理者成为完全的剩余权益拥有者,可减少或消除代理成本,激励经理人积极性的发挥。

    Through MBO , a manager becomes a complete owner of the surplus value , which can eliminate or reduce the agency cost and stimulate managers .

  25. TRIPS将进一步加强技术拥有者在技术供应方面的全球垄断地位,专利制度就要将这种技术的优势转化成为市场垄断权。

    Trips will further strengthen the global monopoly position for technology owner in the-technical supply aspect , patent system will transfer this kind of technical advantage into market monopoly right .

  26. 为什么零售商和品牌拥有者需要他们的供应商通过BRC认证?

    Why do retailers and Brand Owners need for their supplier base to have BRC certification ?

  27. 世界上最大的物流公司之一,德国邮政世界网(同时也是DHL的拥有者),最近几年一直在开发一个公司范围内的SOA。

    Deutsche Post World Net , one of the world largest logistics companies ( and owner of DHL ) have been creating a company-wide SOA for several years now .

  28. 政府是社会信息资源、知识资源的最大拥有者、生产者、使用者和传送者,构架基于KM的电子政务系统已是大势所趋。

    Government is the biggest owner , producer , user and conveyer of social information resource , knowledge resource . Construct E-Government system based on KM has been the trend of the times already .

  29. 在这里的范例中,选择CONTRIBUTORUSERID区域,这样您就可以只获得与特定拥有者相关的工作项。

    In this case , select the CONTRIBUTOR_USERID field so that you can retrieve only the work items that are associated with a certain owner .

  30. 职工持股计划(ESOP,EmployeeStockOwnershipPlan)是一种使职工成为本企业股票拥有者的职工受益机制,20世纪70年代兴起于美国并获得了较快的发展。

    An Employee Stock Ownership Plan ( ESOP ) is an employee benefit plan which makes the employees of a company owners of stock in that company . It originated in the United States in 1970s and developed rapidly .