
yōng bào
  • hug;embrace;cuddle;enfold;hold in one's arms;throw one's arms around sb.,hold in one's arms
拥抱 [yōng bào]
  • [throw one's arms around sb.,hold in one's arms;hug;embrace] 搂抱,表示亲爱

拥抱[yōng bào]
  1. 他张开双臂拥抱她。

    He opened his arms wide to embrace her .

  2. 我打心眼里不想拥抱他。

    I couldn 't find it in me to embrace him .

  3. 他停下来接受追随者的拥抱亲吻。

    He stopped to receive hugs and kisses from the fans .

  4. 他拥抱着她,她则依偎在他的怀里。

    He hugged her and she nestled against his chest .

  5. 感受到他的拥抱使她得到安慰。

    It comforted her to feel his arms around her .

  6. 一对年轻人在门阶上亲吻拥抱。

    A couple of teenagers were kissing and cuddling on the doorstep .

  7. 他们伸出双臂彼此拥抱。

    They put their arms around each other and hugged .

  8. 他们互相拥抱,许诺将保持联系。

    They embraced and promised to keep in touch .

  9. 他热烈地拥抱着她。

    He held her in a warm embrace .

  10. 他们热烈地拥抱在一起。

    They were locked in a passionate embrace .

  11. 她热烈地拥抱了她的母亲。

    She gave her mother a big hug .

  12. 我们受到欢迎,又是拥抱,又是亲吻。

    We were greeted with hugs and kisses .

  13. 她热情地拥抱儿子。

    She embraced her son warmly .

  14. 去拥抱你妈妈!

    Cwtch up to your mam !

  15. 他紧紧地拥抱着她。

    He clasped her to him .

  16. 他们相互拥抱。

    They hugged each other .

  17. 他们彼此拥抱,在灯光下紧紧相依。

    They hugged each other , clinging together under the lights .

  18. 她伸出双臂搂住他的脖子,热情地拥抱他。

    She threw her arms round his neck and hugged him warmly

  19. 她满怀深情地久久拥抱了我。

    She gave me a very long and affectionate hug .

  20. 撒克走到他身后,伸开双臂拥抱他。

    Thack came up behind him , enfolding him in his arms .

  21. 他戴着眼镜,是个令人想拥抱一下的小个子男人。

    He is a small , cuddly man with spectacles .

  22. 起初人们几乎是喜极而泣,并互相拥抱。

    At first people were sort of crying for joy and embracing each other

  23. 她走上前拥抱他并轻抚他凌乱的白发。

    She walked forward and embraced him and stroked his tousled white hair .

  24. 她兴高采烈地拥抱了他,并邀请他第二天一起吃晚饭。

    She had hugged him exuberantly and invited him to dinner the next day

  25. 父母突然回家,撞见他俩拥抱在一起。

    They were caught in a clinch when their parents returned home unexpectedly .

  26. 哭泣着的一家人相互拥抱并彼此安慰。

    The weeping family hugged and comforted each other

  27. 我们到饭店的卫生间里偷偷地接吻拥抱。

    We went in for secret snogging sessions in the toilets at the restaurant .

  28. 珍妮弗高兴地尖叫起来,然后拥抱了我。

    Jennifer squealed with delight and hugged me

  29. 佩内洛普走上前拥抱了她妹妹。

    Penelope came forward and embraced her sister

  30. 海伦张开双臂拥抱他。

    Helen threw her arms about him