
zhǔn bèi
  • preparation;prepare;plan;provision;get ready;intend;mount;shape;formulate;run-up;work up;forearm;see about
准备 [zhǔn bèi]
  • (1) [prepare;get ready]∶事先计划、筹备

  • 准备讲演稿

  • (2) [intend;plan]∶预备;设想

  • 他准备明天出发

准备[zhǔn bèi]
  1. 你会发现准备这样的饭既快又省事。

    You 'll find these meals quick and convenient to prepare .

  2. 我给你十分钟时间准备回答。

    I 'll give you ten minutes to prepare your answer .

  3. 要按时做好准备确非易事。

    It was a real struggle to be ready on time .

  4. 我正准备告诉你,你突然把话打断了。

    I was just going to tell you when you interrupted .

  5. 全班都在努力用功准备考试。

    The whole class is working hard preparing for the exams .

  6. 我们的代表随时准备帮助你。

    Our representatives are ready to help you at all times .

  7. 警察正在准备防范示威时可能出现的骚乱。

    The police are preparing themselves for trouble at the demonstration .

  8. 我要完全准备就绪后才走。

    I won 't go until I 'm good and ready .

  9. 丛书的第三册现在正准备出版。

    The third book in the series is currently in preparation .

  10. 他正忙于准备已经承诺的下个月拍电影的事。

    He 's busy for the next month with filming commitments .

  11. 我得回家为孩子们准备茶点。

    I must go home and get the kids their tea .

  12. 你能不能帮我把这次聚会准备妥当?

    Can you help me get everything ready for the party ?

  13. 你能看得出他确实做好了充分准备。

    You could tell that he had really done his homework .

  14. 我得回家为孩子们准备茶点。

    I must go home and get tea for the kids .

  15. 他们不准备在减税方面让步。

    They are not prepared to give ground on tax cuts .

  16. 自三月份起这个国家就准备要打仗。

    The country has been on a war footing since March .

  17. 猫儿蹲踞在草丛中,准备跳跃。

    The cat crouched in the grass , poised to jump .

  18. 不要打扰简,她正在温习功课,准备考试呢。

    Don 't disturb Jane , she 's studying for her exams .

  19. 直升机已加好油,准备起飞。

    The helicopter was already fuelled and ready to go .

  20. 要做了准备活动以后再做这些较难的伸展运动。

    Only do these more difficult stretches when you are warmed up .

  21. 这些乐队已联合起来,准备办一场慈善音乐会。

    The bands have linked up for a charity concert .

  22. 我正在让孩子们准备好去上学。

    I 'm just getting the kids ready for school .

  23. 政府准备对汽车工业实行贸易保护。

    The government is ready to introduce protection for the car industry .

  24. 那篇文章准备好了,可以发表,就等你批准了。

    The article is ready to publish , subject to your approval .

  25. 飞机已作好击落敌机的准备。

    The plane prepared to move in for the kill .

  26. 该党领袖敦促党员着手准备筹建政府。

    The party leader exhorted his members to start preparing for government .

  27. 他们准备了一份报告要提交给理事会。

    They prepared a report for submission to the council .

  28. 将军把军队都集中起来准备发动最后的进攻。

    The general massed his troops for a final attack .

  29. 现在这家公司已准备好在国外市场竞争。

    The company is now well positioned to compete in foreign markets .

  30. 地方戏剧社准备下月演出《哈姆雷特》。

    The local dramatic society is doing ' Hamlet ' next month .