
qù bǎo hù
  • deprotection
  1. 基于去保护机理的新型H2O2荧光探针的制备及应用

    Synthesis and Application of Novel H_2O_2 Fluorescent Probe Based on the Deprotection Mechanism

  2. 合成的3',6'-对戊酰硼荧光素是一种基于去保护机理的高灵敏H2O2荧光增强化合物,能灵敏地检测出样品中H2O2的含量。

    The compound , 3 ' , 6 ' - bis ( tetramethylethylenedioxyboryl ) fluorane , synthesized in this experiment is a kind of H2O2 fluorescence-strengthened reagent , which depends on deprotection mechanism and can examine the H2O2 concentration sensitively .

  3. 如果这个方法奏效的话,它能给博茨瓦纳以及其他地区的农民提供一种低成本、可持续的手段去保护牲畜,同时也能避免狮子被杀戮。

    " If the method works , it could provide farmers in Botswana — and elsewhere — with a low-cost , sustainable tool to protect their livestock , and a way to keep lions safe from being killed . "

  4. 如果你想改变这一切去保护消费者,当然,这是个高尚的事情,但是我们OCC没有得到这样的指令。

    You want us to go out and protect consumers , well of course that 's a nice mission , but that 's not our mandate .

  5. 利用谷氨酸的γ羧基与4甲基二苯甲基胺(MBHA)树脂的氨基偶联固相,合成经HF切割去保护基后形成C端是谷氨酰胺的人胰岛素原C肽。

    Human proinsulin C-peptide with C-terminal glutamine amide could be prepared through solid phase method by combining the γ - carboxyl group of glutamic acid with the amino group of MBHA resin . The protecting groups were cleaved by HF .

  6. 政府应该采取一定的措施去保护自然资源。

    The government should take steps to preserve the natural resource .

  7. 骑士们冲向宫殿去保护国王。

    The knights rushed into the palace to protect their king .

  8. 德国人:9景,你应当去保护未来。

    German Man : 9 , you shall protect the future .

  9. 它让人们意识到有必要去保护地球。

    It makes people recognize the need to save the Earth .

  10. 我只能尽全力去保护他们

    I did what I had to do to protect them .

  11. 她看上去很脆弱,他就主动去保护她。

    He volunteered to protect her as she looked so vulnerable .

  12. 既然你给她机会去保护他

    And since you gave her the chance to protect him ,

  13. 他才是想去保护这些买卖的人。

    He 's the one that wanted to protect the business .

  14. 我愿意做任何事去保护我的家园。

    I will do anything to protect my hearth and home .

  15. 地方官员已采取了新的措施去保护北京的环境.

    Governors have taken new measures to protect Beijing 's environment .

  16. 如果你有爱,你就会行动起来去保护你所爱。

    And if you love , you act to defend your beloved .

  17. 可能因为是孤儿,我很小就懂得应该怎样去保护自己。

    Being an orphan , I always had to fend for myself .

  18. 那给我更多的理由去保护你。

    All the more reason for me to be protective .

  19. 听说刘吉也去保护王子了。

    I heard that lmseonju moved to protect the prince .

  20. 我明白他不需要才别人去保护她。

    I realized she doesn 't need an army to protect her .

  21. 它能彻底清洁你的皮肤,又不会去保护表皮的天然的油分。

    It cleans thoroughly without striping your natural protective oil .

  22. 一个男的要去保护自己的女人,不管是精神上还是身体上。

    A man needs to protect his woman , mentally and physically .

  23. 她听见王后说:乔佛里,快去保护她。

    She heard the queen say , Joffrey , go to her .

  24. 我建议我们应当派些人去保护其他的发电机。

    I suggest we send some men to guard the remaining generators .

  25. 你有什么让个人去保护环境的建议吗?

    Do you have any suggestion for individuals to protect the environment ?

  26. 为什么有2艘母舰被派去保护它?

    Why would two basestars be tasked to protect it ?

  27. 觉得有需要去保护数码暴发户?

    You find some altruistic need to protect these digital plantation owners ?

  28. 法律应该从保护银行转而去保护一般人。

    Laws should stop protecting banks and protect people instead .

  29. 那时我无力去保护她。

    I was too weak to protect her then .

  30. 士兵被派去保护平民。

    The soldiers were sent to protect the civilians .