
qù hé
  • stone;denucleate;denucleation
去核[qù hé]
  1. 水稻淀粉胚乳程序性细胞死亡中的去核化

    The starchy endosperm denucleation by a process of programmed cell death during rice grain development

  2. 红细胞分化去核因子:哺乳类红细胞终末分化/肿瘤抑制的调节因子家族及其相关基因的克隆

    Erythroid Differentiation Denucleation Factor : a Family of Erythroid Regulators for Mammalian Erythroid Terminal Differentiation / Tumor Suppression and the Cloning of Their Related Genes

  3. 然后去核再将李子加工成糊状。

    Then stone the fruit and process the plums to a puree .

  4. 将胡萝卜、卷心菜切成细丝并给苹果去核。

    Finely shred the carrots , cabbage and cored apples .

  5. 将芒果削皮、去核、切丁。

    Peel , stone and dice the mango .

  6. 将梨削皮去核。

    Peel the pears and remove the cores .

  7. “牛油果手”指的是由于不恰当地使用刀具切牛油果、削片、或者去核导致的严重手部受伤。

    Avocado hand refers to a serious hand injury caused by improperly2 using a knife to cut , slice , or remove the pit of an avocado .

  8. 本试验探讨了以MⅡ期去核的家兔卵母细胞为受体,以波尔山羊体细胞为核供体,开展山羊一家兔种间核移植(Nucleartransfer,NT)研究的可行性。

    The present experiment was designed to study the possibility of inter-species nuclear transfer with goat somatic cell and rabbit oocyte .

  9. 水稻胚乳细胞PCD中的去核化及酶活性动态与稻米品质的关系

    Relationship of Rice Quality and Dynamics of Enzyme Activities during the Denucleation Development of Rice Endosperm Cell PCD

  10. 对采用6-DMAP调整去核操作时间的可行性进行了探讨。

    The possibility of adjusting enucleation time by 6-DMAP was explored .

  11. 采用直接去核法、透明带切割法、PMM法3种核移植方法进行小鼠卵母细胞去核的研究。

    Three procedures of nuclear transfer in mice were studied .

  12. DNA荧光染色显微观察和超微结构研究表明,在去核卵细胞中,外源LambdaDNA可诱发构建细胞核。

    The micro and ultrastructure , which were taken respectively from fluorescent staining by binding of DAPI dye to DNA and TEM , showed that exogenous lambda DNA induced nuclear reconstitution in the enucleated eggs .

  13. 本实验选用了盲吸法对MII期的猪卵母细胞进行去核,去核率为86.0±0.43%。

    Enucleate rate of porcine MII oocytes was 86.0 ± 0.43 % by the method of blinding aspiration . 5 .

  14. 用在角转头中垂直放置玻片的方法,对经过CB处理的HeLa、IB-RS-2、BHK&21和鸡胚成纤维细胞进行了离心去核。

    HeLa , IB-RS-2 and BHK-21 cells and chicken fibroblasts were treated with CB and collected by a method modified from Prescott .

  15. Demecolcine化学辅助去核技术在牛体细胞核移植中的初步研究

    The Application of Demecolcine Assisted Oocyte Enucleation on the Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

  16. 荧光检测发现,体细胞核与去核GV期卵母细胞质构成的重组卵无论是否发生GVBD,核内均没有JAK2的出现。

    The immunofluorescence results showed that JAK . 2 was not transfered to somatoblast nuclear whether the recombined oocyte occured GVBD or not .

  17. 目的探讨新的小鼠卵母细胞透明带膨胀(ZPD)辅助去核法的可靠性。

    Objective : To study the reliability of the new enucleation method for mouse oocyte : zona pellucida dilating ( ZPD ) assisted enucleation method .

  18. 以昆明白小鼠成纤维细胞和胚胎干(ES)细胞作为供核细胞,以昆明白小鼠和日本大耳白兔的MII期去核卵母细胞作为受体,采用核移植方法,构建了克隆胚胎。

    Cloned embryos were reconstructed by nuclear transfer technique with fibroblasts and embryonic stem ( ES ) cells of Kunming albino mouse taken as nuclear donor , enucleated MII oocytes of Kunming albino mouse and Japan big-eared white rabbits taken as recipient oocytes .

  19. 研究小鼠红细胞分化去核分化因子(MEDDF)在红细胞终末分化中的功能。

    Objective To investigate the roles of mouse erythroid differentiation and denucleation factor ( MEDDF ), newly cloned in our laboratory , in erythroid terminal differentiation .

  20. 结果表明,应用Piezo-driven操作系统去核,能有效减少去核对卵母细胞的机械挤压损伤,使卵母细胞去核后存活率达98%。

    Results indicate that the Piezo-driven system can reduce the mechanical damage to oocytes , and then improve the survival rate of oocytes after enucleation up to 98.0 % .

  21. 去核GV期卵子经PHA-P与未生长卵子进行粘合,在融合电压为180V、脉冲宽度为20μs和一次电脉冲下融合效率为62.80%。

    GV-stage enucleated oocytes were adhered with non-growing ones through PHA-E When parameter of pulse voltage 180V , pulse width 20 μ s and one repeat pulse is was used , fusion rate is 62.80 % .

  22. 结果表明,早龄卵母细胞(注射HCG后17~19h)更适合于做去核操作,平均去核率为75%,且所需移去的胞质少。

    Earlier oocytes derived from 17 ~ 19 hours after HCG injection were more suitable for enucleation manipulation and enucleated at a higher rater ( 75 . 0 % ) with little cytoplasm removed than the aged oocytes ( 45 . 2 % )( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  23. 探讨小鼠不同卵龄卵母细胞纺锤体位置与去核效率之间的关系。用Spindle-View观察小鼠不同卵龄卵母细胞纺锤体位置,然后对其进行去核操作。

    Spindle-View , a computer-aided optical apparatus specific for oocyte manual , was used to examine the different locations of spindle in mice oocytes at various ages to analyze the relationship between the spindle position and the enucleation efficiency of mice oocytes which were enucleated under the Spindle-View .

  24. (有核果实)去核的。

    ( of fruits having stones ) having the stone removed .

  25. 小鼠卵母细胞透明带膨胀辅助去核方法的研究

    Study of zona pellucida dilating assisted method for mouse oocyte enucleation

  26. 小鼠不同卵龄卵母胞细纺锤体位置及对去核效率的影响

    Effects of Mouse Oocyte Ages on Spindles Location and Enucleation Efficiency

  27. 猪传染性水泡病病毒在去核细胞内的复制

    The reproduction of infectious swine vesicular disease virus in enucleated cells

  28. 龙眼、板栗去皮去核;

    Peel off the skin of longans and remove the seeds ;

  29. 昆明白小鼠卵母细胞去核研究

    The study on enucleation of somatic cell nuclear transfer in Kunming mouse

  30. 方法:直接把小鼠体细胞(卵丘细胞)注射入未去核的卵母细胞胞浆内。

    Methods : Mouse cumulus cells were injected into metaphase II oocytes .