
  • 网络JIT;Just in time;Just-in-time
  1. 基于准时制的时间成本双目标作业调度优化

    Intelligent scheduling optimization of bi-objective job-shop based JIT production

  2. 准时制生产是大约50年前由丰田汽车公司开发出来。

    The JIT production system was developed by the Toyota Motor Company about 50 years ago .

  3. 基于准时制的零等待混合FlowShop调度问题

    No Wait Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling Problem Based on Just In Time

  4. 准时制生产JIT(JustinTime)正是为应对这一挑战而提出的。

    Just in Time production is putted forward to cope with this challenge .

  5. 准时制生产方式(JIT)是一种先进生产管理技术。

    JIT ( Just in Time ) is one of the advanced management technology .

  6. 在市场竞争日益激烈的形势下,高效的采购-供应模式已经成为支撑准时制生产(JIT),满足精益生产要求的重要保证。

    Effective and efficient Procurement and Supply Model is the key to support JIT .

  7. 一种基于准时制的BOM设计模型

    A JIT-based Model for BOM Designing

  8. 库存控制方法主要有ABC分类控制法、经济订货批量、定量定货、定期定货、准时制和零库存等。

    Inventory control method has ABC , economic order batch , quantitative order , time order and zero stock , etc.

  9. 准时制由以下三部分元素构成,“节拍时间(Takttime)”、“连续流通”和“拉动式系统”。

    Just-In-Time is composed of three elements ," Takt time "," Continuous flow ", and " Pull system " .

  10. 二是它体现了零库存和JIT准时制的策略思想。

    The other is that it embodies the ideas of zero-inventory technology and Just-In-Time ( JIT ) .

  11. 准时制(JIT)、业务流程重组(BPR)、基于活动的成本分析(ABC)将为医院物流合理化提供有力工具。

    Such tools as JIT , Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ), Activity-Based Costing ( ABC ), would greatly facilitate the rationalization of hospital logistics .

  12. 北京某家生产制造企业最近在产品分销中通过引入准时制(JIT)系统,减少了库存,提高了利润率。

    A manufacturing company in Beijing has recently improved profitability by introducing a Just in Time ( J IT ) system of distribution for its products which allows them to reduce inventory .

  13. 准时制管理(JIT)的原理是根据需求拉动生产和供应,降低库存积压,是实现快速反应物流系统正常运行的重要策略。

    According demands to pull production and supplication and to reduce stock sweeping , Just In Time ( JIT ) management will be an important strategy for quick response logistics system .

  14. 在3月份日本那场毁灭性地震和海啸导致全球供应链陷入瘫痪后,人们不由得发出呼吁:重新思考全球准时制(JIT)供应链系统。

    After the paralysis of the global supply chain caused by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March , there have been the inevitable calls for a rethink of global , just-in-time supply systems .

  15. 在钢铁CIMS下对于安排炼钢&连铸调度中的机器冲突问题建立了基于准时制调度思想的数学模型,经过变换转化为线性规划模型。

    In this paper JIT ( Just in Time ) idea based mathematical model for solving machine conflict in steelmaking and continuous casting production scheduling by CIMS is presented . This model can be transformed into linear programming model .

  16. 激光切割机制造商通快(trumpf)采用“准时制”(just-in-time)生产原则,避免未使用的零件和未售出的成品库存积压。

    TRUMPF , a maker of laser cutting machines , also uses just-in-time manufacturing principles to avoid building up inventories of unused parts and unsold finished products .

  17. 基于准时制思想的炼钢&连铸生产动态调度算法

    A Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm Based on Just-In-Time Principle for Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Process

  18. 分布式供应链中基于准时制的原油采购计划方法

    A JIT Planning Approach for Crude Oil Procurements in Distributed Supply Chain

  19. 准时制生产物流在中国汽车行业的应用

    Application of Just-In-Time Material Handling to Auto Industry in China

  20. 基于准时制的轧钢厂生产计划模型及算法

    Production Planning Model and Algorithm of Rolling Plant Based JIT

  21. 什么是准时制的主要目的?

    What is the main objective of a just-in-time system ?

  22. 所以公路运输足够灵活,完成准时制服务。

    So it can be flexible enough to perform " just-in-time " delivery .

  23. 准时制采购的目的是零库存。一下下同恩!

    The goal of just-in-time purchasing is zero inventory .

  24. 供应商配额是准时制制造企业管理多个供应商的主要策略。

    Vendor Ratio is one of the main strategies for the JIT manufacturing .

  25. 应用于准时制的MPS/MRP模型

    JIT Based MPS / MRP Model and Its Applications

  26. 混流装配线生产系统是一个多种小批量的准时制柔性生产系统。

    Automobile mixed-model assembly line is a more-variety and less-bath JIT flexible production system .

  27. 准时制生产方式及小型制造业企业的对策

    Just-In-Time Production and Strategy for Small Manufacturing Firms

  28. 第二章,介绍了准时制生产方式的体系;

    The thesis content of Just-in-Time Production System is introduced in the second chapter ;

  29. 建立了基于准时制的热轧生产日计划优化模型和算法。

    The day production planning model and algorithm of hot rolling based on Just-In-Time are built .

  30. 准时制下非核心企业最佳生产数学模型研究

    The Research on the Optimal Production Math ′ s Model of Satellite Factory Based on JIT