
  • 网络Cam mechanism
  1. 凸轮机构逆向CAD模型的构建

    A design for reverse engineering of CAD model of cam mechanism

  2. 基于CAD动态图解法的平行分度凸轮机构设计

    A CAD graphical method for designing parallel index cam mechanism

  3. 盘形凸轮机构CAD系统的设计与实现

    The Design & Realization of CAD System of Plate-Cam Mechanisms

  4. 内啮合弧面凸轮机构及其CAD

    The Inner Engagement Globoidal Cams Mechanism and its CAD

  5. 用MATLAB实现平动从动件凸轮机构的设计和运动仿真

    Using MATLAB to Design and Simulate the Cam Mechanism with Follower in Planar Motion

  6. 凸轮机构CAD与运动模拟

    Cam Mechanism CAD and Motion Imitating

  7. 基于ANSYS的凸轮机构振动模态分析

    Anlysis of Sympathetic Vibration and Model State for Cam set Based on ANSYS

  8. VISUALLISP在凸轮机构参数化设计中的应用

    Application of Visual Lisp on parameterize design for cam mechanism

  9. 基于SolidWorks下的凸轮机构CAD系统二次开发

    Secondary Development for Cam Mechanism Design of the CAD System Based on SolidWorks

  10. 基于MATLAB与VRML的凸轮机构虚拟设计研究及实现

    Research on Virtual Designing System of Cam Mechanisms Based on MATLAB and VRML

  11. 基于ADS开发平台的凸轮机构计算机辅助设计系统

    A cam mechanism design system based on ads Development Tool

  12. 凸轮机构的CAI牙形刺色变指标与镜质体反射率关系探讨

    Cam Cai the correlation between conodont color alteration index ( CAI ) and vitrinite reflectance

  13. 基于VB的凸轮机构的参数化设计及其动画仿真

    The parameter design of the cam mechanism On the basis of VB and cartoon emulation

  14. 基于OpenGL的空间分度凸轮机构的运动仿真

    Base on the OpenGL technology the simulation of the spatial indexing cam mechanism athletics

  15. 基于VBA软件的凸轮机构二维参数化设计研究

    Study on Two Dimension Parametric Design of Cam Machine Based on VBA

  16. EB样条曲面在弧面分度凸轮机构上的应用

    EB-spline Application on Globoidal Indexing Cam Profile

  17. 采用VB开发共轭凸轮机构的计算机辅助设计系统,进行共轭凸轮参数化设计,并通过算例验证。

    The CAD system for conjugating cams mechanism was developed with VB , the parameters of the conjugating cams mechanism was designed and verified .

  18. 利用Visualc++和OpenGL编程相结合,开发出一个能够对空间凸轮机构进行虚拟设计的系统。

    The technology of spatial cam and virtual design are investigated , and a virtual design system of spatial cam based on Visual C + + and OpenGL is developed .

  19. 1kW直叶片摆线式水轮机凸轮机构的设计与研究

    Design and Research of Convex-Wheel Mechanism for lkW Cycloidal Turbine with Vertical-Blade

  20. 本文以包络原理为基础,在从动件运动规律给定的情况下,通过matlab编程来对凸轮机构进行分析与研究,并通过实例绘制出其理论廓线和实际廓线。

    Based on the theory of envelop and given the kinetic rule of the follower , this thesis analyses and studies the cam mechanism with the matlab compiling techniques , and draws its theoretic and realistic outline curves by way of an example .

  21. 采用Matlab和VC++6.0联合编程的方法,在VC++6.0环境下,调用Matlab的C++函数库,开发凸轮机构运动规律参数化设计软件模块系统。

    We presents a software module for parametric design of cam kinematic law . It is developed by combining MATLAB with VC + + , that is , the functions of Matlab are used when the programs of VC + + 6.0 are performing .

  22. 基于设计的要求,用VB编程工具来设计最常用的几种凸轮机构CAD,并利用其强大的计算和作图功能,实现凸轮基本参数的优化和凸轮轮廓形的精确绘制。

    Based on the requirements of design , VB is used to design several kinds of cam mechanism CAD which are usually used , and its powerful calculation and drawing functions are utilized to optimize basic parameters of cam and precisely plot outline of cam .

  23. FD.60型旋盖机平面槽凸轮机构的应用与设计

    Application and design of plane groove cam mechanism of cap screwer fd.60

  24. 应用Visualc++6.0为开发工具并结合SolidWork三维实体造型软件,开发出了平面盘型凸轮机构设计CAD系统,实现了凸轮机构设计的自动化、三维实体造型与运动仿真。

    With Visual C + + 6.0 and the software of SolidWork , the planar disc cam mechanism CAD system has been developed , which can realized the automatization of cam mechanism design and three-dimension entity sculpt and movement simulation .

  25. 以生成加速度、跃度连续的运动曲线为目的,研究了应用一段HERMITE插值曲线构造凸轮机构从动件运动曲线中的位移曲线。

    To take aim at generating the motion curve of the acceleration and jump to be successive , in this paper a section of HERMITE interpolation curve is used for constructing the displacement curve of motion curve of followers in earn mechanism .

  26. 用解析法给出了摆动推杆盘形凸轮机构最大压力角αmax与基本尺寸之间的关系,可以作为选配最适宜基本尺寸的理论依据。

    The change law of the most pressure angle α max and basic dimensions for disk cam mechanism with oscillating follower is given out by analytic method in this paper . And the most suitable basic dimensions of cam mechanism can be chosen in the light of this one .

  27. 采用D-H方法建立了弧面分度凸轮机构的坐标系,利用齐次坐标变换推导了弧面分度凸轮的曲面方程。

    The theory of D-H is used to build the coordinate system of the globoidal indexing cam mechanism in this paper , the surface equation of the globoidal indexing cam is attained through coordinate transformation and verified based on the MATLAB software .

  28. 弧面分度凸轮机构动力学仿真

    The study on dynamic simulation of the roller gear indexing cam

  29. 具有响应与强度约束的凸轮机构动态设计

    Dynamic design of cam mechanism with constraints of response and strength

  30. 确定平面凸轮机构基本尺寸的极值法

    Extreme method of determining the fundamental dimensions of planar can mechanisms