
  • 网络main pancreatic duct;Wirsung;Wirsung duct
  1. 指出主胰管宽径有随年龄增长而增宽的趋势,并在男、女性别间有一定差异性。

    The diameter of the main pancreatic duct is increased with the age . There is a significant difference .

  2. 结果:正常情况下,胆总管与主胰管在十二指肠壁内汇合。

    Results : In normal condition , the common bile duct joined with the main pancreatic duct in the wall of duodenum .

  3. 主胰管型MRI表现为主胰管节段性或弥漫性扩张,可伴有胰腺实质的萎缩;

    Typical MRI findings of MPD type were segmental or diffuse dilation of main pancreatic ducts associated with the atrophy of pancreatic parenchyma .

  4. 较细小结构如肝内4~5级胆管、主胰管、副胰管及胰管侧支2DMRCP的显示优于3DMRCP。

    Small ducts , such as 4 ~ 5th grade hepatic duct , pancreatic duct and accessory pancreatic duct , were shown more clearly in 2D MRCP than in 3D MRCP .

  5. 结果42例MRCP检查均一次成功,肝内外胆管显示率100%,主胰管显示率80.58%。

    On MRCP , the visual rate of intrinsic and extrinsic hepatic bile duct was 100 % and that of common pancreas duct was 80.58 % .

  6. 经犬主胰管逆行加压注射犬自体胆汁(0.5ml/kg)制成AHP动物模型;

    Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis ( AHP ) was produced by retrograde forced injection of antogenous bile ( 0.5ml / kg ) into the main pancreatic duct .

  7. 幽门腺、十二指肠腺以及主胰管腺虽与DBA呈强阳性反应,但对PNA反应则不同。

    On the contrary , the pyloric glands , duodenum glands as well as main pancreatic duct glands are heavily stained with DBA , but various between the mucous glands stained with PNA .

  8. 若观察到胆总管与主胰管在十二指肠壁外汇合,则诊断AJPBD。

    When the CBD and the MPD are found to join each other out of the duodenal wall , it indicates the diagnosis of AJPBD .

  9. 胰腺闭合性损伤合并主胰管断裂23例诊治分析

    23 cases of pancreatic trauma with injury of the pancreatic duct

  10. 闭合性主胰管断裂伤的诊断与处理

    Diagnosis and treatment of the closed main pancreas pipe break

  11. 结果:主胰管的管径变异比较大。

    Results : Differences extist in the sizes of the pancreatic duct .

  12. 与主胰管相通的胰腺假性囊肿的逆行胰胆管造影特征及内镜治疗

    Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts communicating main pancreatic duct

  13. 目的探讨胰腺闭合性主胰管断裂伤的诊断和手术处理的方法。

    Objective To study on the diagnosis and operation of the closed main pancreas pipe break .

  14. B超诊断主胰管扩张在胰腺疾病中的价值

    Diagnostic Value of the Sign of Main Pancreatic Duct Dilatation Detected by B-Model Ultrasound in Pancreas Diseases

  15. S型支架治疗慢性胰腺炎患者主胰管狭窄的效果

    Efficacy of s-type stents for the treatment of the main pancreatic duct stricture in patients with chronic pancreatitis

  16. 胰体中段主胰管的内径为1.40±0.43mm。

    And the inner diameter of the middle section of the main pancreatic duct was 1.40 ± 0.43 mm .

  17. 围手术期死亡1例。全组主胰管型17例、分支胰管型14例、混合型11例;

    Seventeen cases were of the main-duct type , 14 of the branch-duct type and 11 of the mixed type .

  18. 3例患者置管后3个月内因伴主胰管多发、巨大结石或胰腺癌而接受手术治疗。

    Of 18 patients accepted operative treatment because of the presence of multiple , large ductal stones and pancreatic carcinoma .

  19. 开腹后顺十二指肠找到主胰管,近肠端结扎胆总管及其分支。

    Laparotomy and find out the main pancreatic duct from the duodenum . Ligate the choledoch and its branches from the intestinal side .

  20. 结论胰腺增大,钩突变形及密度不均为胰腺癌的直接征象,当发现胆总管及主胰管扩张,应高度怀疑胰腺癌存在的可能;

    Conclusion Enlargement of pancreas and their inhomogeneous density and irregular contour of the uncinate process are the direct clinical signs of pancreatic carcinoma .

  21. 对胰头段胰管各部,包括胰头段主胰管、副胰管及钩突支进行观察和讨论。

    All head segments of the pancreatic duct including the major and accessory ducts and branches of the uncinate process were investigated and discussed .

  22. 在近端胰腺,尤其是靠近主胰管和胆管的肿瘤,行保守切除常导致胰胆管损伤,术后可能发生严重瘘等并发症,一向认为比较危险。

    It is considered to be dangerous to do conservative resection for the proximal pancreatic tumor , especially for tumors near to main pancreatic duct and bile duct .

  23. 通过主胰管逆行注入不同剂量的胆汁和胰蛋白酶混合液,在22只猫诱发了程度不同的急性胰腺炎。

    Acute pancreatitis ( AP ) was induced on 22 cats , by injecting the mixture of bile and trypsin at different doses into the main pancreatic duct ( MPD ) .

  24. 在无明确主胰管损伤、临床情况稳定时,胰腺外伤可先行非手术治疗,依损伤后的局部并发症情况决定延期手术方案。

    In the absence of major pancreatic ductal injury or clinical deterioration , pancreatic injuries can be treated with nonoperative management initially and delayed operation can be performed for the pancreas specific complication .

  25. 结论胰头癌患者胰腺外分泌功能明显减低,减低的程度与胰管直径、胰头肿块大小成负相关。其中主胰管直径对胰腺外分泌功能的影响最大,其次为胰头肿块大小。

    [ Conclusion ] The pancreatic exocrine function of pancreatic cancer lowers obviously and the extent has the linear relationship with the diameter of the pancreatic duct , the size of tumor in turn .

  26. 本文重点分析了胰管系统的正常X线解剖,测量了100例主胰管的长度、宽径、与脊柱的位置关系。

    Normal anatomy of pancreatic system is analyzed from 100 cases of pancreatogram . Measurements of the length , diameter of the main pancreatic duct were made as well as its relation to the position of the spine .