
  • 网络pancreatic fistula;pancreatic fistula,PF
  1. 术前化疗、术后并发胰瘘或肺部感染的患者更易发生腹腔内感染(P0.01);

    Patients who received preoperative chemotherapy , complicated with pancreatic fistula or pulmonary infection were apt to intra-abdominal infection ( P0.01 ) .

  2. 胰瘘为Whipple术后最严重的并发症之一,直接影响了手术疗效。

    Postoperative pancreatic fistula is one of the most severe complications of Whipple 's operation .

  3. 根据作者的经验结合国内外文献,对PD术式的选择、术后胰瘘的最常见原因以及预防措施进行充分讨论。

    On the basis of author ′ s experience and domestic and foreign literature , choice of operative mode , the common cause and precautionary measure of pancreatic fistula were completely discussed .

  4. 并发症有腹腔脓肿、ARDS、MSOF、肠瘘、胰瘘、切口感染、应激性溃疡、假性囊肿,共20例次。

    The complications , including abdominal abscess , ARDS , MSOF , intestine fistula , pancreatic leak , incision infection , stress ulcer , pseudocyst add up to 20 cases .

  5. 十二指肠瘘、胰瘘为主要并发症。

    Duodenal fistula and pancreas fistula was the main complication .

  6. 创伤性胰瘘诊治体会

    Experience of diagnosis and treatment of traumatic fistula of pancreas

  7. 讨论了复杂型胰瘘的治疗。

    The treatment of 4 cases of complicated pancreatic fistulae was discussed .

  8. 发生胰瘘、肠瘘在内的各类并发症6例。

    There were 6 complications including fistula and peritoneal infections .

  9. 结果患者术后无胰瘘、胆瘘发生。

    Results Patients without pancreatic occurred and biliary fistula occurred .

  10. 胰腺部分和囊肿切除6例,并发胰瘘2例。

    By partial pancreatectomy with 2 pancreatic leakage postoperatively .

  11. 胰瘘者经保守治疗痊愈。

    The pancreatic fistula was cured by conservative treatment .

  12. 胃切除术后并发胰瘘的诊断和非手术治疗

    Clinical diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic fistula after gastrectomy

  13. 纯酒精灌注治疗胰腺假性囊肿外引流术后胰瘘

    Absolute ethyl alcohol perfusion for pancreatic fistulas caused by external drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts

  14. 全组术后并发胰瘘7例(18%)。

    Pancreatic fistulae were seen in 7 cases .

  15. 并发症有腹腔脓肿、胰瘘、胰腺假性囊肿等。

    Complications included fistula , abscess and pseudocyst .

  16. 结果胰瘘仍是胰十二指肠切除术后的主要并发症之一。

    Results Pancreatic fistula is still one of the main common complications of pancreaticoduodenectomy .

  17. 手术后胰瘘的发生率为28%。

    Postoperative pancreatic fistula occurred in 28 % .

  18. 实验组术后发生胰瘘3例,常规应用善宁治疗,无死亡病例。

    Pancreatic fistula occurred in 3 cases in sandostatin group , no death occurred .

  19. 术后胰瘘3例,经非手术治愈。

    The pancreas fistula after operation occured in 3 cases who were cured without operation .

  20. 结果本组胰瘘的发生率为11.4%(14/123)。

    Results The incidence of pancreatic fistula was 11.4 % ( 14 / 123 ) .

  21. 术后并发症2例,分别是胰瘘和胰周残余脓肿。

    Postoperative complications occurred in 2 cases .

  22. 预防胰瘘的新术式&翻袖式空肠浆膜(肌)层胰腺吻合术

    Pancreaticojejunostomy with a Jejunal Sero-Muscular Sleeve ── a New Technique to Prevent Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula

  23. 肿瘤摘除术后并发症发生率为33%,主要为胰瘘;胰腺切除术后并发症发生率为14%。

    The complication rate after enucleation was 33 % , and 14 % after pancreatectomy .

  24. 肠外与肠内营养联合奥曲肽对胰瘘分泌的影响

    Effects of parenteral or enteral nutrition combined Octreotide on pancreatic secretion of patients with pancreatic fistula

  25. 目的探讨胰腺假性囊肿外引流术后胰瘘的治疗方法。

    Objective To explore the therapy for pancreatic fistulas caused by external drainage for pancreatic pseudocysts .

  26. 发生胰瘘3例,假性胰腺囊肿1例。

    There were 3 example with pancreatic fistula , 1 example with pseudo pancreatic gland cyst .

  27. 出血的主要原因是合并胰瘘或腹腔感染。

    Pancreatic fistula and abdominal infection were the major causes attributed to bleeding of post-PD patients .

  28. 总胆管放置T型引流管59例,2例出现胰瘘。

    T type drainage tube in common bile duct in 59 patients , 2 pancreatic fistula happened .

  29. 术后胰瘘与术后引流液细菌培养结果不相关,而与术后临床腹腔感染相关。

    Pancreatic fistulae were not related with abdominal drainage fluid cultures , but with clinical abdominal infections .

  30. 生长抑制素在治疗胰瘘和预防胰腺手术后并发症中的作用

    Role of Somatostatin in the Treatment of Pancreatic Fistula and Prevention of Postoperative Complication following Pancreatic Resection