
  • 网络market fundamentalism
  1. 这种意识形态上的自大,助长了市场原教旨主义,后者则招致了2008年金融危机的报复。

    Such ideological hubris contributed to the market fundamentalism that led to financial nemesis in 2008 .

  2. 我把这种说法称作“市场原教旨主义”,并且我认为这种论断是建立在错误的论据基础上的。

    I call that belief market fundamentalism and I contend that it is based on a false argument .

  3. 在日本最近选举的准备阶段,后来胜选的首相候选人鸠山由纪夫(YukioHatoyama)便对“无节制的市场原教旨主义”开了炮。

    In the run-up to Japan 's recent election , Yukio Hatoyama , the victorious candidate for prime minister , campaigned against " unrestrained market fundamentalism " .

  4. 鸠山在文中表示,全球经济已损害了传统经济活动,而市场原教旨主义已经摧毁了当地社区。文中提到自民党前首相小泉纯一郎(JunichiroKoizumi)私有化日本邮局的决定。

    In his essay , Mr Hatoyama said the global economy had damaged traditional economic activities while market fundamentalism had destroyed local communities , citing the decision by Junichiro Koizumi , former LDP prime minister , to privatise Japan 's post office .

  5. 有些时候,市场原教旨主义这种妖魔化理论的崩溃,证明了以邻为壑的经济政策的合理性。

    Beggar-my-neighbour policies are sometimes justified by the collapse of a bogey called market fundamentalism .

  6. 第一种观点的错误在于市场原教旨主义。

    The first error is market fundamentalism .

  7. 市场原教旨主义已经失宠,社会主义的失败记忆犹新。

    Market fundamentalism is out of favour , the failings of socialism are still not forgotten .

  8. 注七:市场原教旨主义的经济学人,必然蜕变为经济人!

    Seven Notes : market fundamentalism of the Economist , Economic Man is bound to change !

  9. 没有任何一个恢复的希望对无人管理掠食的市场原教旨主义的过去的好时光。

    There is no hope of a recovery to the good old days of unregulated predatory market fundamentalism .

  10. 这些措施所造成的破坏,至少不会比他们希望取代的自由市场原教旨主义要小。

    These could be at least as damaging as the free market fundamentalism that they would seek to replace .

  11. 因此,作为—种市场原教旨主义运动,全球化是非常成功的,各个国家均难以抵制其影响。

    So as a market fundamentalist project , globalization was highly successful ; individual countries found it difficult to resist it .

  12. 这项任务不能丢给投资者,不能再继续奉行直到最近还占上风的市场原教旨主义教条。

    That task cannot be left to investors , contrary to the diktats of the market fundamentalist dogma that prevailed until recently .

  13. 尽管市场原教旨主义源于错误的前提,但是它却符合财务资本所有者和管理者的利益。

    Although market fundamentalism is based on false premises , it has served the interests of the owners and managers of financial capital very well .

  14. 自由市场原教旨主义者希望,即将涌现的政府干预大潮能迅速退却,让市场再次享受轻度监管的自由。

    Free-market fundamentalists hope that the incoming tide of government interventionism will rapidly ebb , leaving markets once again to enjoy the freedoms of light tough regulation .

  15. 当市场原教旨主义的实践失败后,我们有必要就市场经济的本质展开辩论。卡列茨基这本书是对这场辩论的一大贡献。

    His book is a major contribution to the debate on the nature of the market economy that needs to follow the practical failures of market fundamentalism .

  16. 上世纪80年代,市场原教旨主义逐渐得势;在社会主义政权的实践失败面前,支持社会主义的论据轰然倒塌。

    In the 1980s , market fundamentalism had gained the ascendancy ; the case for socialism had collapsed in the face of the practical failures of socialist regimes .

  17. 再说,不只是自由市场原教旨主义者才会相信:如果消费者认为出租车提供的服务更安全,他们会花钱购买更安全的服务。

    Nor does it take a free-market fundamentalist to believe that if consumers think that taxicabs provide a safer service , they will pay for that safer service .

  18. 根据市场原教旨主义模式,理想的公司即所有股票都每日换手将被与之对立的家族企业淘汰出局。

    According to the market fundamentalist model , the ideal company one whose shares all changed hands each day would be outcompeted by its antithesis , the family owned firm .

  19. 不过,市场原教旨主义上世纪80年代开始成为占据主宰地位的思维方式,当时金融市场刚开始全球化,美国则开始出现经常账户赤字。

    Nevertheless , market fundamentalism emerged as the dominant ideology in the 1980s , when financial markets started to become globalised and the US started to run a current account deficit .

  20. 我认为,对于资本主义的运行原理、以及市场原教旨主义为何会对政策产生危险的误导作用,卡列茨基的分析都绝对精辟。

    In my view Kaletsky is absolutely spot on in this analysis of why capitalism works , and in his explanation of why market fundamentalism has proved such a dangerously misleading guide to policy .

  21. 第四、对于第三世界来说,经过此次危机,华盛顿共识及其背后的市场原教旨主义的基本意识形态已经丧失了迷人的魅力,发展中国家最有可能会找寻适合自己的发展模式和道路。

    Fourthly , the Washing Consensus and the market liberalism approach lost charm after the crisis , the developing countries are likely to look for the develop model and road which are fit for the states .

  22. 这种学说大体上同意市场原教旨主义的论断贪婪是支配一切的人性动机、私有企业通常比公共部门更有效、市场(包括金融市场)通常是高效率的。

    This doctrine largely accepts the claims of market fundamentalism greed is a dominant human motivation , private companies are usually more effective than the public sector , markets ( including financial markets ) are generally efficient .

  23. 失灵的市场范围远比市场原教旨主义者界定的有限领域更为广泛。

    The range of market failures was a good deal wider than the limited list defined by market fundamentalists would allow .

  24. 20世纪80年代以来形成的金融市场全球化是一次由美国和英国发起的市场原教旨主义运动。

    The globalization of financial markets that took place since the 1980s was a market fundamentalist project spearheaded by the United States and the United Kingdom .