
  • 网络Market assessment
  1. 利用精准客观的市场评估,为客户量身打造物业服务方案。

    The use of accurate and objective market assessment , customer service programs tailored to the property .

  2. 在环境代价评估方法的选择上,基于市场评估的方法应首先考虑,但方法的选择还受评估信息的可获得性、经费、时间等条件的约束。

    For means of environmental cost assessment , market assessment is first , at the same time , obtaining assessment information , capital and time are main factor .

  3. 硅片回收的市场评估包含了半导体设备及IC半导体市场的应用评估。

    Market estimates for reclaim wafers include semiconductor applications including equipment and IC manufacturing markets .

  4. 发电市场评估与交易优化算法

    Evaluation of Power Supply Market and Algorithm for Optimization of Exchanges

  5. 所有城镇拆迁均采取市场评估确定补偿价格。

    Determination of compensation price for removal of towns employs the method of market evaluation .

  6. 本研究采用非市场评估方法对黄土高原地区退耕还林工程的生态效益进行评估。

    The Non-market value approach was employed to estimate the ecological benefit of CCFGP in the Losses Plateau in the study .

  7. 补偿及安置:城市居民房屋的拆迁补偿标准按照市场评估的方式确定,并补偿。

    Compensation and resettlement : compensations standards for houses of urban residents will be determined and compensated according to marketing evaluations .

  8. 属于陈述偏好法的意愿调查评估法是应用广泛、影响最大,也是富有争议的一种非市场评估技术,被广泛地应用于环境与资源价值评估。

    Contingent valuation method ( CVM ), which belongs to the stated preference approach , is a widely-applied and controversial non-market valuation technique .

  9. 同时,迅捷的信息反馈在诸多方面又为影视剧目创作提供了准确高效的市场评估和预测。

    At the same time , the quick information feedback provides precise and high-efficient market evaluation and forecast for the creation of film and television works .

  10. 最大效用地利用移动数字电视的受众及广告资源的途径有:建立合理的移动数字电视市场评估体系,开发合适的内容资源和提高技术手段。

    The most effective approaches to the employment of the resources of audiences and advertising are : setting up a reasonable evaluating system of the market of mobile digital TV and developing appropriate content resources and improving techniques .

  11. 我把所有的初创企业派到那里,进行市场评估工作,因为那里的网络服务和数据库内容非常丰富,他表示,在向读者免费提供这些资料方面,大英图书馆在全球是独一无二的。

    I send all my start-ups there to do their market assessment work because of the extraordinary range of online services and databases , he says . The Library is unique in the world in providing free access to these materials .

  12. 基于VaR的投资业务市场风险评估

    Risk Assessment of Investment Market Based on VaR

  13. NBA球队市场价值评估及影响因素研究

    The Study on Market Value Assessment and Affective Factors of NBA Teams

  14. 基于CVM的耕地非市场价值评估研究

    Study on Non-market Value of Cultivated Land by the Method of CVM

  15. 进一步利用SPSS对统计数据进行因子分析得到了影响各个出版社销售情况的主要因素,从而对整个市场进行评估和预测。

    Further , the main factors of influencing each publishing company 's selling were fetched by SPSS software to predict the market .

  16. 首先,运用假设市场价值评估法(CVM)分析了通过意愿调查而得出民族文化价值的全过程。

    First of all , I studied the whole process of national cultural values using Contingent Valuation Method ( CVM ) .

  17. 媒体传播机构实力媒体(zenithoptimedia)对整个市场的评估显示,需求预测方面全球当之无愧的领导者谷歌(google)去年吸走了48.5%的全球在线广告业务。

    Google , the unchallenged leader in this kind of divination , sucked up about 48.5 per cent of all global online advertising last year , based on an estimate of the total market by media buying agency ZenithOptimedia .

  18. 相反,FMG将致力于在3月之前以年均11500万吨的速度进行生产,然后根据市场状况评估增长计划。

    Instead it will aim to produce at a rate of 115 million tons by March , and then assess its growth plans based on market conditions .

  19. 同样,经营家庭共享服务的Airbnb公司以系统的思维和简洁的用户界面而广受好评,获得了价值100亿美元的市场价值评估(该公司两位创始人均毕业于罗德岛设计学院)。而智能设计是其成功的内在原因。

    Similarly , the home-sharing firm Airbnb 's systematic thinking and simple user interface have made it immensely popular - and earned it a $ 10 billion valuation . ( Two of its founders are RISD graduates . ) Smart design is intrinsic to its success .

  20. 武汉市农地非市场价值评估

    The assessment of non-market value of agricultural land resource in Wuhan

  21. 我国企业债券市场风险评估与管理

    Estimation and Management on the Market Risk of Corporate Bond in China

  22. 因此,在我国使用市场法评估企业价值是可行的。

    So , using market approach to evaluate enterprise value is feasible .

  23. 几种发电商市场力评估指标的对比分析

    Comparison and analysis of several market power assessment indices for power generation company

  24. 研究就业市场,评估自己。

    Study yourself as well as the job market .

  25. 问:小米正在对非洲市场进行评估。

    Q. Xiaomi is evaluating the market in Africa .

  26. 接着,分析技术创新细分市场的评估与选择策略。

    Then , analyze the assessment and selection of technological innovation target market .

  27. 基于电力不足概率的市场力评估

    A new approach to assess market power based on loss of load probability

  28. 风险价值法在期货市场风险评估中的应用

    Application of VaR in futures market risk evaluation

  29. 对细分市场进行评估。

    To segment the market for the evaluation .

  30. 中国的医用缝线市场份额评估

    Share Evaluation in China Medical Suture Market