
  1. 对我国会计师事务所发展的几点思考会计师事务所脱钩改制后存在的问题及对策

    My thoughts on the development of accounting firms Problems of Chinese Accounting Firms after Reorganization and Some Countermeasures

  2. 随着国家投资体制改革和工程咨询企业与相关管理机构的脱钩改制,工程咨询企业面临着不同程度的机遇与挑战。

    With the reformation of investment system and the separation from related administration section , project consultant firm is confronted with varying level opportunity and challenge .

  3. 随着中介机构脱钩改制的完成和信息技术的驱动,我国房地产评估业进入了一个全新的市场化、数字化评估时代。

    Driving with information technology and the agency organization ' reform in China , real estate appraisal work has been entered into a new market and numeral appraisal ages .

  4. 最初的土地评估机构,全部是隶属于土地管理部门的事业单位。从2000年底开始,土地评估机构陆续完成脱钩改制,完全走向市场,成为真正意义上的社会中介组织。

    The all initial real estate evaluation institution belonged to the land management department of the goverment . From the end of 2000 , real estate evaluation institutions were completed entirely to the market and become a real social intermediary organizations .

  5. 从脱钩改制后工程造价咨询单位普遍存在着三小的现象根源的探讨,使人们充分认识到要改变目前存在的现象,必须走专业化、规模化发展之路,提高市场竞争力。

    After exploring into the causes of " three small " phenomena of unhooked system-reformation in project construction cost consulting agencies , people realize that it is a must to specialize the craftsmanship and enlarge the entity to improve the competing ability .

  6. 我国的注册会计师行业自恢复注册会计师制度的短短20多年,虽然经历了脱钩改制、规模扩张、外资所进入等阶段,但是在规模、执业质量方面都有了很大的提高。

    In our country , CPA profession has been re-established for more than 20 years , it has been experienced disaffiliation period , expand period , the big four firms into domestic market period , but its scale and practicing quality has improved a lot .

  7. 随着会计师事务所脱钩改制的完成,我国对会计师事务所的监管也越来越规范,审计服务越来越走向市场化,相关监管部门为应对审计收费做出了市场指导的定价标准。

    With the completion of the Reorganization of Certified Public Accountants , regulation of accounting firms are increasingly standardized . Audit services went to a growing market , the relevant regulatory authorities in response to the audit fee to make a market standard pricing guide .

  8. 上海方圆房地产估价有限公司是原房地产管理局下属的房地产估价所经过脱钩、改制、组建而成的有限责任公司。

    Shanghai Fangyuan Real Estate Evaluation Limited Corporation was founded by Institution of Real Estate Evaluation that was a part of original Real Estate Conservancy .

  9. 2001年按照建设部的有关文件精神,工程造价咨询机构完成了与政府部门的脱钩与改制工作,造价咨询业的发展步入了一个新的阶段。

    In accordance with the document of Construction Department in 2001 , the engineering cost advisory agency has been separated from the government and has stepped into a new stage .