
tuō dú
  • eliminate the toxin from a plant/ animal;detoxify
  1. 蒙脱石对黄曲霉毒素B1的脱毒研究

    Detoxification of Aflatoxin B_1 Contamination with Montmorillonite

  2. 对照组脱毒前、后抑郁症状改变差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);

    No significant changes in the common depression symptoms were found after detoxification in the control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  3. MS培养基中不同浓度有机物对草莓脱毒苗繁殖系数的影响

    Effects of different concentrations of organic compound in MS substrate on propagation coefficients of strawberry virus-free plantlet

  4. PP(333)、B9和CCC对脱毒马铃薯试管繁殖的影响

    Effects of PP_ ( 333 ), B_9 and CCC on in vitro Propagation of Virus-free Potato

  5. NAA和2,4-D对脱毒马铃薯扦插苗生长及产量的影响

    The influence of NAA and 2,4-D on the growth and yield of Virus-free Potato cutting

  6. 在MS为基本培养基的脱毒马铃薯快繁中,探讨其有机成分(除蔗糖外)及光照对马铃薯快繁的影响。

    The effect of organic compositions ( except sugar ) and illumination hours on the rapid propagation of toxin-free potatoes with MS as the basic medium was studied .

  7. 方法··:采用稽延性戒断症状评定表及焦虑自评量表(SAS)对115例女性脱毒成功者进行测评。

    Method : Protracted Withdrawal Symptom Rating Scale and Self-Rating Anxiety Scale were used to measure 115 female detoxified heroin addicts .

  8. 清热解毒与养阴增液法对内毒素脱毒相关分子HDL和ALP影响的研究

    Effects of strategies of heat-clearing and detoxifying , and Yin-invigorating and fluid-supplementing on HDL and ALP molecules associated with endotoxin-degrading

  9. 以河北省两个名优地方品种安国大蒜和永年大蒜为试材,用Ms,B5作基本培养基,研究了大蒜茎尖繁殖脱毒快繁技术。

    The virus-eliminating technology with shoot-tip culture and rapid propagation of two local famous elite garlic varieties in Hebei province were studied .

  10. 结果表明,接种后,脱毒马铃薯抗病自交系F1的PAL活性曲线呈现2个峰,而感病自交系F的PAL活性曲线呈现1个峰;

    After inoculation , the activities of the PAL of F 1 showed two peaks , while that of F showed only one peak .

  11. 不同处理方法对番茄和甜椒种子中TMV的脱毒效果

    Effect of Different Treatments on the Disinfection of the Seed-borne Virus ( TMV ) in Tomato and Pepper

  12. 研究了不同浓度水杨酸(SA)对马铃薯脱毒试管苗生长、分化及试管微薯诱导和发育的影响。

    Ffects of Salicylic Acid ( SA ) on growth and differentiation of potato shoot land on induction and development of potato tuber were studied under different concentrations of SA .

  13. 饲喂脱毒蓖麻粕对种羊精液品质有影响,添加10%、15%脱毒蓖麻粕组精子活率、精子密度、精子畸形率与对照组相比差异显著(P0.01)。

    10 % , 15 % DCBM when were supplemented , sperm motility , density and abnormal sperm rate were significant than that in control group ( PO . Ol ) .

  14. 目的评价中药参附脱毒胶囊(Shenfutuoducapsule)治疗阿片类物质依赖急性戒断综合征的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To assess the effectiveness and safety of Shenfutuodu capsule in the treatment of opioid withdrawal syndrome .

  15. 这个体系的建立,对于马铃薯脱毒苗的检测与PVY病毒的调查及病理研究都具有一定的应用价值。

    The two methods were very powerful for detecting virus-free seed potatoes , investigating PVY and studying its pathology .

  16. 诱导茎尖成苗的培养基为MS+6-BA0.5mg/L。繁殖脱毒苗所用的MS培养基为1/4大量元素+1/2微量元素,并用1/2食用白砂糖代替蔗糖,可使快繁成本降低48.7%。

    The MS media for seedlings virus-free culture are 1 / 4 macro-elements + 1 / 2 micro-elements and using edible sugar instead of sucrose , so the cost of media could be decreased to 48.7 % .

  17. 通过蛋白质溶解度(PS)指标和体外透析管法测定了不同热处理对脱毒桐饼(粕)蛋白质品质的影响。

    The effects of different heat treatment on protein quality of detoxified Tung cake ( meal )( DTC ⅱ,ⅲ, DTM ⅰ) were studied by protein solubility index and dialysis tube method in vitro .

  18. 在海拔2000m左右的地区,脱毒薯的有效种植年限至多为3代;

    The virus freed potato shall be valid at most for 3rd generation where there is the areas with an elevation of 2000 m.

  19. 分析了茎尖培养获得的花叶病脱毒果蔗拔地拉叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率(Pn)及一些叶绿素荧光参数的变化。

    Chlorophyll content , net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ) and some chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Sugarcane mosaic virus - free chewing cane ( Badila ), which was obtained through apical meristem culture , were observed .

  20. 草甘膦N-乙酰转移酶(GAT)能通过N-乙酰化的作用使草甘膦脱毒,在抗除草剂转基因作物中具有潜在的应用价值。

    Glyphosate N-acetyltransferase ( GAT ) is capable of detoxifying glyphosate by N-acetylation , which could potentially be used in herbicide resistence transgenic crops .

  21. 试验研究了含3种植物生长调节剂(GA3、NAA、BAP)的5种培养基对5种马铃薯脱毒试管苗微繁的影响。

    Five media were adopted to study the effects of three plant growth regulators ( GA3 ? NAA ? BAP ) on the micropropagation of five Virus-free tube potato plantlets .

  22. 将澳大利亚DHP-降解细菌接种到我国内陆地区黄牛瘤胃内,可使黄牛取得对DHP的脱毒能力。

    However , the cattle could obtain ability to detoxify DHP when the Australian DHP-degrading bacteria were inoculated to the rumen of the cattle .

  23. 其中添加5%酵母菌曲种发酵脱毒蓖麻饼3d后,蓖麻碱去除率为93.05%,变应原未检出(≤0.01%);

    Among the treatment of yeast detoxified CBM , the addition of 5 % wheat bran which was incubated by yeast to CBM after fermenting 3 days , the detoxification rate of ricinine was 93.05 % , the allergen content of CBM was no more than 0.01 % .

  24. 柑桔传染性杂色花叶病(CVV)的茎尖嫁接脱毒

    Elimination of Citrus infectious variegation virus ( cvv ) by Shoot-tip Grafting in vitro

  25. 由此展开本项研究,以美国红树莓哈雷太兹(Heritage)和黑莓沙尼(Shawnee)为试材,研究了红树莓与黑莓茎尖脱毒快繁技术以及在此基础上进行工厂化育苗的具体方法。

    So we perform this study on Virus-free and Rapid-propagation of Red raspberry and Blackberry for Seedling Culture in Factory in order to provide large number and high quality seedlings in the near future .

  26. 脱毒桐粕Ⅰ的蛋白质消化率为75.15%,消化能为12.85MJ/kg;

    Protein digestibility and digestible energy of the DTM ⅰ were 75.15 % and 12.85MJ/kg .

  27. 0.5mm大小的茎尖成苗率与脱毒率相对较高,分别为71.4%、30.0%,较为适合培养;

    The attempt of using 0.5 mm length shoot tip was successed with 71.4 % plantlet rate and 30.0 % virus-free rate produced .

  28. 两年的小区对比试验表明,脱毒种芋在球茎数量和产量上分别比CK增加37.6%~62.6%和20.2%~40.0%,商品芋数增加44.1%~67.6%。

    Plot test showed that the amount and yield of cormels of virus-free taro were increased by 37.6 % ~ 62.6 % and 20.2 % ~ 40.0 % , respectively , and the amount of commodity cormels was increased by 44.1 % ~ 67.6 % .

  29. 剥离茎尖前对薯苗热疗(37±1℃)20d,可使脱毒率提高到62.2%。

    20-day heat treatment ( 37 ± 1 ℃) to sweet potato seeding before the meristem tip being cut down could improve the virus-free ratio , up to 62.2 % .

  30. 本文应用不同剂量盐酸丁丙诺啡递减疗法对海洛因依赖轻度、中度、重度患者分三组脱毒治疗,以10d为一疗程。

    A 10-day course of treatment was instituted with different doses of buprenorphine hydrochloride ( Bup ) by gradual reduction in 73 patients in three groups respectively with mild , moderate and severe heroin addiction .