
  • 网络Valuer;Appraiser;estimator;Quantity Surveyor
  1. 建筑估价师钱德勒先生和他的经济师妻子三年前提前退休。

    Mr chandler , a quantity surveyor , and his economist wife , took early retirement about three years ago .

  2. 重点检查专职注册房地产估价师。

    Focus full-time registered real estate valuer inspection .

  3. 房地产业落实CEPA内地与香港互认估价师资格

    The Real Estate Industry is carried out CEPA

  4. 因此,不完美信息可能导致评估价格的不合理:估价师公平的立场受到了威胁。

    So imperfect information may give rise to unreasonable evaluation price .

  5. 试论估价师在房地产投资决策中的作用

    The Discussion of the Function of the Appraiser in Real Estate Investment

  6. 关于房地产估价师责任风险的思考

    On the Responsibility Risk Of Real Estate Appraisers

  7. 我想跟您约个时间,我们的估价师会到您的住所去。

    I wanted to schedule a time for our appraiser to come out to your loft .

  8. 注册房地产估价师管理办法

    Registered Real Estate Appraiser Management Method

  9. 2007年1月,上海市房地产估价师协会也迎来了十周年华诞。

    , The Shanghai Real Estate Appraisers Association also celebrated her 10th anniversary in January 2007 .

  10. 这些估价师解释问题是如何发生的:银行要求估价师弄虚作假夸大估值。

    And the appraisers explained how it was occurring , that banks were demanding that appraisers inflate the appraisal ,

  11. 阐述了风险的概念及房地产估价师的执业风险。

    This paper introduces the concept of risk and the risk that real estate appraisers should take in their practice .

  12. 专业评核试〔物业估价测量师〕估价师在估价物业时所考虑的要素,如竞争、供求量等。

    Elements to be considered by an appraiser in appraising the value of a property , such as competition , supply and demand .

  13. 为规范我国房地产估价工作,我国在房地产领域开展了全国房地产估价师注册考试制度。

    In order to formalize China 's real estate appraisal , an examination and registration system for real estate appraisers has been put into practice .

  14. 第二,我们要彻底改革当前的高管人员薪酬制度,这也是他们用来胁迫估价师的工具和手段。

    Second thing we need to do is completely reform modern executive and professional compensation , which is what they use to suborn the appraisers .

  15. 探索城市地价动态监测工作中土地估价师的组织与管理&以上海市为例

    The exploration of the management and administration of real estate valuer in the dynamic monitoring system of urban land price & taking Shanghai as an example

  16. 中国房地产估价师学会为此专门组织编写了系列教材,有关部门还颁布了房地产估价规范。

    China Institute of Real Estate Appraisers has edited a series of textbooks for this purpose and the standard rules and specifications for real estate appraisal are available .

  17. 公司拥有一支深谙土地政策、法规、企业上市改制和资产重组以及土地开发等方面专业知识及技能的土地估价师和房地产估价师队伍;

    The Company has a team of land and real estate valuers rich in expertise and knowhow regarding land policies , regulations , corporate listing transformation and land development ;

  18. 在信里应清楚地向估价师说明,他的估价报告同银行所作的决定之间有着重大的关系。

    It must be explicitly stated in the letter to the valuer that the report of the valuer will have a significant bearing on the decision of the bank .

  19. 并指出现实市场是一个信息不完美的市场,由于信息收集要付出成本,估价师获得完美信息要付出很大代价。

    The paper point out the fact that the real market is one with imperfect information , since col-lection of information will take energy , time , and money .

  20. 估价报告应当由知名的估价师出具。对作为出资的非货币财产应当评估作价,核实财产,不得高估或者低估作价。

    Valuation report should be obtained from a reputed valuer . The value of the non-monetary properties as capital contributions shall be assessed and verified , which shall not be over-valued or under-valued .

  21. 在2000年,也就是安然破产一年多前,有节操的估价师聚在一起,起草了一份正式的请愿书。要求联邦政府采取措施,

    In 2000 , the year 2000 , that is over a year before Enron fails , by the way , the honest appraisers got together a formal petition begging the federal government to act .

  22. 2007年,有份针对估价师的调查,9成受访的估价师表示,他们受到借方的胁迫,要求他们对估值进行灌水(夸大价值)。

    By 2007 , when a survey of appraisers was done , 90 percent of appraisers reported that they had been subject to coercion from the lenders trying to get them to inflate an appraisal .

  23. 新世纪以来,上海市的房地产估价行业取得了巨大的成绩,市场规模、估价师数量、估价机构竞争力都有大幅度的提高。

    Since the turn of the century , Shanghai has made great achievements in the real estate appraisal industry , when the size of the market enlarged , the number of valuers increased , and the competitiveness improved greatly .

  24. 买了房子再卖掉所需的费用——包括房产中介费、过户费、买卖手续费、验房师和估价师的费用一一加在一起大概是房价的10%,或者大致相当于一年半的房租。

    The costs for buying and then selling a home-which can include a real-estate agent 's fee , a transfer fee , closing costs , and inspector and surveyor fees-could add up to about 10 % of the sale price , or roughly1.5 years worth of rent .