
  • 网络sum-of-the-parts;Method
  1. 本文首先阐述了贴现现金流(DCF)估价法、经济增加值(EVA)估价法、实物期权估价法三种价值评估理论的详细内容,并分析了其优缺点及其适用范围。

    Firstly , discounted cash flow valuation method , economic value added valuation method and real option valuation method will be expatiated , and the advantage and disadvantage of which will be analyzed .

  2. 成本估价法应用中的若干问题探讨

    Amount Exploratory Problems of Cost Appraisal Method In Using

  3. 流程与营销策划试论EVA估价法

    Process and Marketing Planning On EVA Valuation Approach

  4. 试论EVA估价法

    On EVA Valuation Approach

  5. 针对上面存在问题提出了相关的对策建议,包括五个部分:通过现金流折现法与期权估价法思想的有机结合,并适当引入市场竞争来解决MBO的定价问题;

    Aimed at the problems above , some countermeasures are put forward , which covers five parts as follows : combining Discounted Cash Flow with Option Pricing will solve the pricing problem of MBO ;

  6. 第四部分,对B-S模型估价法进行了改进,使其更加适合于高新技术企业价值的评估。

    On the fourth part , the " Black-scholes Model " is further improved , so that it can be more suitable to high-tech companies .

  7. EVA估价法与现行的企业自由现金流量折现法相比较,具有与企业价值相关联又便于对价值实效进行计算考核的双重优点。

    Compared with discounted free cash flow method that enterprises use currently , EVA valuation approach has double advantages , that is , it is not only relevant to enterprise value but also useful in calculating and checking the actual value effect .

  8. 二是新开发土地下成本估价法应注意的问题;

    Second , The problems needing attention for newly develope land ;

  9. 相对估价法评估高科技上市公司价值的研究

    On the Application of Multiples in Evaluating the High-tech Listed Firms

  10. 现金流估价法模型及其应用

    Model and Application of Cash Flow Evaluation Method

  11. 相对估价法是以贴现现金流量法为内在基础的有多种变化形式的定价方法;

    Ratio pricing is a method based on DCF and has many variant forms .

  12. 采用什么标准评价?非标设备估价法

    Non - Standard Equipment Assessment

  13. 具体分三种情况进行了阐述:一是新建房地产下成本估价法应注意的问题;

    Specificly expound these problems frome following three respect : First , The problems needing attention for newly develope real estate ;

  14. 本论文希望通过理论结合实际,尝试把贴现现金流估价法运用到我国股票市场的并购评估中。

    By combining theory with practice , the article attempts to use DCF valuation method in M & A valuation in our stock market .

  15. 在对股权价格进行确定时,分别使用现金流贴现模型、相对估价法和资本资产定价模型对股权的价格进行计算,结果不完全相同,甚至差别很大。

    Use the cash flow model , relative evaluate and CAPM to calculate the price of equity . The results are different , some even heavy .

  16. 在当前房地产评估工作中间,普遍采用成本估价法、收益还原法和市场比较法这三种方法,三种方法之中,市场比较法的地位最为突出。

    In the course of estimation for real estate , cost approach income approach and market comparison approach are widely used , among which market comparison approach is very prominent .

  17. 收益还原法、市场比较法、成本估价法是国内外房地产估价常用的三大基本方法,各有自己的理论依据和适用范围。

    Income approach , market comparison approach and cost approach are usual three basic methods for appraisal of real estate internal and abroad , having own theory foundation and use range .

  18. 综合评估法是一种,将贴现现金流估价法、经济增加值估价法和实物期权估价法三者结合在一起的评估方法。扩张期风险企业实物期权估价方法研究

    Integrated valuation method is a combination valuation method of DCF valuation method , EVA valuation method and real option valuation method . Evaluation of ventures during profitable expansion period : a real option approach

  19. 本文主要采用工时技术参数法,此法能够体现模具设计及制造的过程,再配合依据自制模架估价法来开发系统。

    The paper mainly adopt the man-hour technical parameters method , this method can reflect the mold design and manufacturing process , coupled with method based on self-made mold-base quotation to develop valuation system .

  20. 在期权估价法和现金流折现法的比较基础上,引出实物期权方法及其在企业并购中价值评估的应用框架,并据此对初创高科技企业并购案例进行分析。

    At the option valuation method and discounted cash flow method on the basis of comparison , extraction methods and real options in corporate mergers and acquisitions in the application of value assessment framework , and accordingly high-tech mergers and acquisitions of start-up cases for analysis .

  21. 房地产估价成本法重构

    Reestablishment of Cost Approach in Real Estate Appraisal

  22. 在此基础之上,探讨了基准地价更新的基本思路:重新估价变更法、重新定级变更法和级别界限逼近法。

    Just based on these principles , some basic methods on fiducial land - value are discussed , as reassessment variation method , regarding variation method and classification limit approach method .

  23. 在对房地产估价成本法的房地产价格构成、成本法参数确定原则进行分析之后,提出了成本法参数确定的方法,增强了成本法在房地产估价中的可操作性和实用性。

    Based on analysis of cost compositions of real estate productions and principle of parameter determination for cost approach in real estate appraisal , a method suitable for parameter determination is introduced .

  24. 首先阐述了公允价值的概念,分析了公允价值计量的理论基础;其次,对公允价值的确定方法进行了阐述,主要是市价法、类似项目法和估价技术法。

    First , analyzes the theoretical basis of fair value measurement ; Secondly , the determination of the fair value method mainly at market , similar item method and valuation techniques law .

  25. 接下来对企业价值评估的基本方法进行了描述,包括企业自由现金流量贴现法、经济增加值评估法、相对估价评估法、实物期权评估法。

    Then it draws the description about fundamental methods in evaluation such as discounted free cash flow of enterprise , EVA ( economic value-added ) evaluation , relative value evaluation and material option evaluation .

  26. 网络层次分析法(ANP)在土地估价市场比较法中的应用研究

    Application Research of Analytic Network Process on Market Comparison Approach in Land Appraisal

  27. 房地产估价收益还原法中的折旧费探讨

    Analysis of Depreciation in the Real Estate Appraisal Using Income Capitalization Approach

  28. 矿业权估价的收益现值法及其相关问题研究

    Research on DCF of Mineral property Valuation and its Relative Problems

  29. 房地产估价的收益还原法计算公式修正研究&以股市地产指数及房地产景气指数为例

    Application of Tenement And Real Estate Index in Income Approach

  30. 对土地估价的收益还原法和假设开发法的理论分析

    Capitalization of Earnings and Assumed Development Methods of Land Evaluation