
gū zhí
  • valuation;appraisement;value of assessment
估值[gū zhí]
  1. 竞争优势持续期是企业投资收益率超过资本成本的可持续时间,这一概念有效联结了股票估值理论与企业竞争优势评价理论。

    The Competitive Advantage Period ( CAP ) is the sustainable time during which the business investment income exceeds the capital cost . This concept joints together effectively the theory of stock value of assessment and the theory of business competitive advantage appraisal .

  2. 他认为自己的房子估值太低。

    He believes his house has been undervalued .

  3. 这些估值反映了1991年4月1日的价格水平。

    The valuations reflect prices at 1 April 1991

  4. 这些财产的估值是多少?

    What 's the property 's assessed value ?

  5. 普华永道会计师事务所已经查明损失源于贷方对按揭财产估值过高。

    Price Waterhouse have traced the losses to lenders ' inflated assessments of mortgaged property .

  6. 关于收敛P级数的一般估值不等式

    General estimation inequalities on the convergent p - series

  7. ΔFeature状态估值算法也可以与其它优化博弈树搜索的方法一同使用,达到更好的效果。

    Δ Feature evaluation can also co-operates with other game tree searching enhancements to reach an even better performance .

  8. 本原布尔矩阵的严格Hall指数的估值

    Estimation of the Strict Hall Exponents of Primitive Boolean Matrices

  9. AR噪声参数估值误差对自适应检测器性能的影响

    Effects of the AR parameter estimation errors on the detection performance

  10. FFT解调的短波跳频系统自适应实时信道估值

    Adaptive real-time channel estimation based on FFT demodulation in SW frequency-hopping system

  11. 非线性模型参数估值的Excel方法

    Excel method for parameter estimation of nonlinear model

  12. 在进行启发式估值的图扩展过程中增加对两元互斥关系的判断,以避免大部分deadend状态。

    In the expanding planning graph phase , CEFF introduces the judgment of exclusive relation , and avoids the great mass of dead-end states .

  13. 如果按照这个比率,Facebook明年一月份的估值有可能达到1650亿美元。

    At that velocity , Facebook actually would be valued at $ 165 billion next January .

  14. 估值平均误差J是判断诊断精度的有效判据。

    The averaged error of estimation J is an effective criterion for determining the diagnosis accuracy .

  15. 农田土壤微量元素的空间变异及Kriging估值

    The Reach on Spatial Variability of Soil Microelement and Kriging Method

  16. 两传感器最优观测融合解耦Wiener状态估值器

    Two-sensor optimal measurement fusion decoupled Wiener state estimators

  17. 根据已发行股本,可以折算出Facebook总估值约750亿美元。

    Based on the number of shares outstanding , that works out to a valuation of approximately $ 75 billion .

  18. 但就在人们等待Twitter首席执行官迪克•考斯特罗扳动IPO发令枪之际,Twitter估值仍然存在很大的猜测和投机空间。

    But it makes for good speculation as we wait for CEO Dick Costolo to pull the inevitable trigger .

  19. 广义系统ARMA最优递推状态估值器

    ARMA optimal recursive state estimators for descriptor systems

  20. 广义系统降阶Wiener状态估值器

    Reduced-order Wiener state estimators for descriptor system

  21. 本文主要研究基于小波的图像编码算法及快速DCT算法和钻石运动估值算法。

    This thesis analyzes the image-coding algorithm based on wavelet , rapid DCT algorithm and diamond compensation algorithm .

  22. 不过现在Zynga仍然面临着一个大问题&承销商和投资者会为它IPO给出一个怎样的估值。

    The big remaining question for Zynga is how underwriters and investors value its IPO .

  23. CBInsights发布的一份新报告称,字节跳动是全球估值首位的独角兽公司。

    A new report by CB Insights says ByteDance is the world 's largest unicorn company by valuation .

  24. 同时,基于稳态Kalman滤波器给出了统一的渐近稳定的Wiener状态估值器。

    Furthermore , the unified asymptotically stable Wiener state estimators are obtained based on the steady - state Kalman filter .

  25. 引信安全系统失效率FTA估值的局部性及其证明

    On Efficiency The Limitation of Fuze Safety System Failure Rate Estimators Estimated by FTA and its Proof

  26. 不过没过多久,三人帮又试图退出协议,他们宣称Facebook在股票估值上欺骗了自己。

    But the trio later tried to pull out of the deal , alleging that Facebook had misrepresented the value of its stock .

  27. 此外,通过Kriging估值计算的储量与用传统方法计算的储量很接近。

    Besides , the reserves calculated using Kriging are comparable with that of using traditional method .

  28. 如果Facebook的估值最终达到1040亿美元,则其交易价值将是2011年营业收入的28倍,而市盈率达到104倍。

    If Facebook ends up valued at $ 104 billion , it would trade at 28 times its 2011 revenue and 104 times earnings .

  29. 一类非线性Cantor集维数的计算机估值

    Estimate of the nonlinear Cantor set dimension

  30. 通过对基于块匹配法的全匹配算法的具体分析和对一般C/C++语言实现方法的改进,给出了在运动估值中可以普遍采用的最优程序技术。

    Based on the detailed analysis of the block based exhaustive searching algorithm and making full use of the programming language C / C + + , a best program technique suitable for motion estimation is given .