
  • 网络lower edge;bottom;bottom edge
  1. 以Fe-Mn-Si合金距梁下边缘距离和相同面积下梁的截面高度为设计变量,以梁的抗弯刚度为目标函数,利用遗传优化算法求得最优点及最优解。

    Taking the bottom edge distance of Fe-Mn-Si alloy beam and cross-section height of beam with the same area as design variables , using the flexural rigidity of the beam as objective function , The optimal point and the optimal solution can be obtained by adopting genetic optimization algorithm .

  2. 上下边缘都是前面提过的“应用程序条”。

    Both the top and bottom edge contain the aforementioned application bar .

  3. HL-1M装置高气压分子束注入下边缘等离子体结构

    HL-1M edge plasma structure during a high gas pressure supersonic molecular beam injection

  4. 最后,基于MATLAB和Visualc++平台,利用数字图像处理技术,设计实现滑板图像的检测原理及相关算法,检测和定位滑板的上下边缘。

    Finally , based on the MATLAB and Visual C + + platform , the image processing technology that included the detection theory and related algorithms was used to detected and located the edge of pantograph .

  5. 介绍了HL-1M在不同放电条件下边缘等离子体流和径向电场的测量。

    In the paper , we describe measurements of boundary plasma flow and radial electric field in different discharge conditions on the HL-1M Tokamak .

  6. 结果:已修复牙的局部龈沟液中IL-6和TNF-α较修复前都有显著增高,TNF-α的浓度龈下边缘组比平龈组增加更为明显,而IL-6在两组间没有明显差别。

    RESULTS : After inserting crowns , both TNF - α and IL-6 concentrations increased , and the TNF - α level of subgingival group was higher than that of gingival crest group , while the level of IL-6 was of no significant difference .

  7. 实验结果表明边缘信号能量能很好地反映MTF的变化,并针对某一特定地物建立实验室条件下边缘信号能量与MTF的数学关系模型。

    The result of experiment shows edge signal energy can reflect the change of MTF very well and a data relation model between edge signal energy and MTF is set up for a special target in the laboratory .

  8. 文中考虑了局部线性分布荷载的4种可能分布形式,给出了简支圆板在Tresca屈服条件下边缘弯矩和线性荷载所满足的关系式。

    The four possible distribution form on local linear varying load have been considered . The relation of edge moments and linear load for simply supported circular plates under Tresca yield condition have been given out .

  9. 铝毒条件下边缘细胞PME活性的提高,使细胞壁的果胶去甲基化,增加了Al3+的结合位点,从而避免铝更多地进入细胞内,造成对植物的毒害。

    Simultaneously , the increase of PME activity under aluminum treatment condition caused demethylation of pectin in cucumber cell wall and increased Al ~ 3 + union position spots in the cell wall , thus prevented much more aluminum from entering the cell and harming plant .

  10. 将下边缘向上折叠。

    Fold the bottom edge up to the top .

  11. 前上颌骨短宽,下边缘为软骨;

    The premaxillary bearing cartilaginous border short and broad ;

  12. 前言:目的:介绍一种通过内眦下边缘离断矫正内眦赘皮方法。

    Objective : To introduce a way of epicanthus correction by inferior edge abscission .

  13. 模糊框架下边缘检测方法的研究

    Study on Edge Detection Method Based-on Fuzzy Theory

  14. 行内容与行的下边缘对。

    The contents of the row are aligned with the bottom of the row .

  15. 这就使得后殖民语境下边缘人的文化身份呈现模糊性及不确定性。

    So the cultural identity of the margins in the post-colonial context is ambiguous , uncertain .

  16. 基于上下边缘点匹配的连通域搜索算法

    An algorithm for searching connective regions based on matching between the points of up-contour and down-contour

  17. 5.折叠下边缘

    Step 5 Fold bottom edge

  18. 首先进行第一次连通体检测,选择用于字符群上下边缘线拟合的连通体。

    Connected components are detected the first time to be chosen for fitting upper and lower edge lines .

  19. 采用上下边缘包络线模型来模拟森林火灾发生的整体变化范围;

    The auther combined the time-vary , self regression model with stimulus function to analogue the occurence of forest fire ;

  20. 分模面应经过零件中心,而不要靠近上下边缘。

    The parting surface should be through the center of the part , not near the upper or lower edges .

  21. 顾比复合移动平均线长期组下边缘是一个更加有用的度量趋势强度和潜在反弹点的方法。

    The lower edge of the long term GMMA is a more useful measure of trend strength and potential rebound points .

  22. 在图片下边缘处加入一些树和草,我使用的是图形笔刷绘制的。

    Insert the grass and several trees along the lower edge . I used two kinds of ready brushes for this .

  23. 铸坯中心附近处显微夹杂最多,下边缘部位显微夹杂最少。

    The micro-inclusions near the centre of the casting blocks are much more than any other areas and the least in the down edge .

  24. 方法:采用乳晕下边缘小切口先行胸部吸脂而后切除乳腺腺体的手术方法。

    Methods Through the incision along the inferior margin of the areolar , treatment with liposuction of chest and excision of parenchyma of breast was used .

  25. 将密封圈安装在真空泵的正确位置,以便密封圈与转子倒棱的下边缘平齐。

    Fit the sealing ring at the correct position in the vacuum pump so that it is flush with the lower edge of the chamfer in the rotor .

  26. 在条带的上下边缘通过不同的化学基团修饰可以使得一个自旋通道变成金属性而另一个自旋通道保持半导体从而使得整个体系转变成半金属。

    When decorated by different chemical group on each edge , one spin channel would be metallic while the other keeps the same and the whole system becomes spin selective .

  27. 都市背景下边缘化的个体生命在90年代都市边缘人小说中,现代化都市呈现出不尽相同的样态:(1)物化之城;

    Chapter 2 Marginal individual life under the metropolis background In these novels , modernise cities emerged many kinds of style : ( 1 ) The city of passing away .

  28. 图二:桶盖已盖好,桶盖下边缘与桶身第一条加强筋无间隙(要用木锤或橡皮锤敲下去)。

    The second picture : the lid was covered well , there isn 't a gap between the edge of the lid and the first strong strip of the pail .

  29. 再次对折,这次将枕头套的中心提起,让下边缘滑到底下,这样,开口的一端仍然在最外层。

    Fold the resulting rectangle in half again , this time lifting at the center and sliding the bottom edge underneath , so the open end remains as the topmost layer .

  30. 如果报表项放在表、矩阵或列表的下边缘之下,或放在矩阵的右边缘之右,就会出现这种情况。

    This occurs if a report item is placed below the bottom edge of a table , matrix , or list , or to the right of the right edge of a matrix .