
  • 网络Text Symbol;symbol;literal
  1. 在中华民族历史上,从来就不乏对文字符号载体的更新、演变的推动与贡献。

    In Chinese history , has never been no lack of update of the text symbol vectors , the evolution of the promotion and contribution .

  2. 高速阅读是指从以文字符号为信息载体的读物中迅速提取有价值信息的阅读方法。

    High-speed reading is a text symbol from the information carrier of books quickly extract valuable information and efficient reading method .

  3. 文章系统分析了工程图纸识别与理解的研究现状,回顾了图纸处理技术的研究层次,其中包括图纸图像的预处理矢量化、基本图元和文字符号的识别以及2D图形理解和3D图形重建。

    The research status of engineering drawings recognition and interpretation is analyzed systematically . The research contents are reviewed which include drawing image pretreatment and vectorization , basic graphics unit and character recognition , two-dimensional graphics interpretation and three-dimensional graphics reconstruction .

  4. GB/T7159-1987电气技术中的文字符号制订通则

    General rules for the formulation of letter symbols in electrotechnology

  5. 他们用的是两个文字符号,第一个指的是“危险”;

    They use two symbols , the first of which-by itself-means danger .

  6. 这主要是由于文字符号的多功能性造成的。

    It is mainly caused by the multiple functions of script symbols .

  7. 工业企业通信工程设计图形及文字符号标准

    Standards for graphical and lettered symbols of communication engineering design in industrial enterprises

  8. 文字符号与现代设计的意象观

    Literal Symbol and the Theory of Modern Designing Imago

  9. 石油化工企业电气图图形和文字符号

    Graphical and letter symbols to be used in electrical diagrams for petrochemical enterprises

  10. 工程图纸中文字符号的识别与提取

    Extraction and Recognition of Characters in Engineering Drawings

  11. GB/T17008-1997绝缘栅双极型晶体管的词汇及文字符号

    Terminology and letter symbols for insulated-gate bipolar transistor

  12. 地图上文字符号性质辨析

    The Nature Discrimination of Character Symbol on Map

  13. 岩画中有文字符号,有类似文字的符号,它们与文字相互影响。

    There are the writing marks and similar writing marks in the rock painting .

  14. 本文提出了一种文字符号显示通信装置。它利用矩阵型平板显示技术的特点,设计了一种新的保密系统。

    According to matrix character display communication technology , we suggested a new cryptosystem .

  15. 阅读通常定义为理解和解释文字符号。

    Reading has been generally described as the comprehension and interpretation of the graphic symbols .

  16. 古文字符号的抽象审美意识

    Abstract Aesthetic Consciousness of Ancient Literal Symbols

  17. 文字符号的极限熵是在充分考虑上下文信息条件下,字符所包含平均信息量的大小。

    Ultimate entropy is the average information per character , taking the sufficient context into consideration .

  18. GB/T1418-1995电信设备通用文字符号

    Letter symbols for telecommunication equipment

  19. 它以文字符号的审美意蕴彰显着中国文化的精神魅力,既是我们传统文化的基石和精华,也是我们本土艺术形式和设计形式的母体。

    They reflect spiritual charms of the Chinese culture with aesthetic implication in the form of symbols .

  20. 语言文字符号的基本功能是传递语义信息。

    The basic function of the symbols of spoken and written languages is to transmit semantic information .

  21. 语音识别是利用计算机对人类的语音进行处理,将语音信号转化为文字符号的一种技术。

    Speech recognition is a technology that can extract character symbols from the speech signal through computer processing .

  22. 翻译不仅仅是文字符号的转换,它还是文化信息的转换。

    Translation is not only the conversion of text symbols , it is the conversion of cultural information .

  23. 数字借助语言文字符号作媒介,其本身也是一种文化现象。

    Numerals function as media with the help of written linguistic symbols whereas they are also a cultural phenomenon .

  24. 虚拟思维方式的形成经历了三个阶段:行为阶段的虚拟思维方式、语言文字符号的虚拟思维方式和数字化的虚拟思维方式。

    The forming of virtual thinking mode undergoes three stages : behavioral stage , linguistic stage and digital stage .

  25. 从符号本身来说,中国思维方式和文字符号的特点是其发展的内在诱因。

    From the semiotics ' perspective the Chinese thinking way and the characteristics of word symbols is the internal reason .

  26. 广告通过各种具有吸引力的图像和文字符号的运用,达到操纵消费者的目的。

    Through the application of various attractive image symbols and verbal signs , advertising achieves its goal of manipulating consumers .

  27. 英汉语言语义差异之原因在于文字符号、哲学理念、思维模式和人文地理环境等方面的差异。

    The reasons of semantic differences lie in writing symbol , philosophical ideas , thought patterns and human geography environments .

  28. 与文字符号相比,视觉符号的直观性、易读性、生动性等特点使它更具视觉冲击力。

    Compared with verbal symbols , visual ones possess more wallop upon the eyes with their straightforwardness , legibility and vitality .

  29. 阅读是一种摄取信息的过程,是通过文字符号来理解和获得信息、吸收知识的重要形式。

    Reading is a process of assimilating information . It is an important form to gain information and absorb knowledge by words .

  30. 反过来,象征符号的意义一旦被澄清,相关的文字符号即可获得触类旁通的理解。

    In reverse order , once the significance of rite emblems are clarified , relative script symbols will be comprehended by analogy .