
wén zì yóu xì
  • Word games;paronomasia;playing/juggling with words
  1. 而近年来我国的批评界主要聚焦于其文体结构、叙事技巧、讽刺戏拟、文字游戏等形式层面,强调纳博科夫无以伦比的技艺;

    In recent years , critics in China mainly focus on formalistic aspect of Lolita , such as style , structure , narrative skill , sarcasm , parody and paronomasia etc.

  2. 他一直在用双关语,一直玩文字游戏。

    He is constantly punning , constantly playing with language .

  3. 这张图有点文字游戏的感觉,因为在英国警察的全称是'thepoliceforce'。

    This picture is a play on words , because in the UK the full name for the police is ' the police force ' .

  4. Lavenderlanguage相当于一种同性恋密码,以使用缩略字、文字游戏以及双关语为特点,主要服务于同性恋人群内的沟通交流,所以称为“同性恋语言”。

    Lavender language functions as a kind of homosexual code , characterised by acronyms , plays on words and double meanings only intended to be understood by the gay community .

  5. 这一次,IBM让自己面对的挑战是解决“自然语言处理”的著名难题,即理解语言的含义,即使这种含义隐藏在双关语和文字游戏中。

    This time , IBM had set itself the challenge of cracking the notoriously difficult task of " natural language processing " - understanding the meaning of language , even when it is veiled in puns and word games .

  6. 最后,文字游戏脚本将帮助您解决Jumble游戏,创建简单的置换计算程序,并生成文字搜索图,同时让您的PHP数组处理技能更上一层楼。

    Finally , the word-game scripts will help you solve the Jumble game , create simple substitution cyphers , and generate word-search diagrams while taking your PHP array-handling skills one step further .

  7. 在某种程度上,这是一种无害的文字游戏,类似地缘经济版的拼字游戏(Scrabble),所有人都可以参与其中。

    At one level this is a fairly harmless word game that the whole family can enjoy , a geo-economic form of Scrabble .

  8. 人人都想跟林书豪扯上点关系。从“林疯狂”、“林不思议”,到“情林节”,新闻标题中变着花样地玩着文字游戏,来描述这位一夜成名的NBA新星。

    Everyone wants a piece of Jeremy Lin. From Linsanity to Lin-credible then Va-Lin-tine , news headlines have been trying to find wordplays to match the new sensation on the NBA court with his meteoric shoot to stardom .

  9. 澳大利亚人喜欢玩文字游戏,时不时地说些俚语。

    Australians love wordplay and have slang words for every occasion .

  10. 查理和我玩牵强的文字游戏。

    Charlie and I were given to farfetched word play .

  11. 我一直玩的一个文字游戏。

    It 's a word game I 've been playing .

  12. 运用一点小智慧,玩一点文字游戏,我喜欢。

    A little wit , a little wordplay . I like that .

  13. 这个文字游戏里没有规则条例。

    There is no book of rules for this game .

  14. 沉浸于无聊的文字游戏中;互相取的无聊小名。

    Indulged in silly word play ; silly pet names for each other .

  15. 然后所有参与者完成一项解决问题式的文字游戏。

    All participants then completed a problem-solving word game .

  16. 喜剧也通过文字游戏来达到搞笑的效果。

    Comedies also play on words to create fun .

  17. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中译本中文字游戏的翻译补偿

    On the Translation Compensation of Wordplay in Two Translations of Romeo and Juliet

  18. 今次的游戏是个简单的文字游戏。

    Today 's game is an easy word game .

  19. 你不要玩文字游戏,我不懂。

    Don 't play on words , I can 't catch the meaning .

  20. 我喜欢文字游戏还有字谜。

    And I like word games and puzzles .

  21. 你们还在这里玩文字游戏?

    And you all are playing word games ?

  22. 通过童谣中的文字游戏,孩子们学习了语言。

    By playing with the words in nursery rhymes , children learn about language .

  23. 如果她热衷于文字游戏呢?拼字游戏。

    What if she 's into word games ?

  24. 这些文字游戏被我们称为双关语。

    These word games we call puns .

  25. 一些习俗与、流行语和笑话通常都会包含这种文字游戏。

    Popular sayings and even customs , as well as jokes , rely on wordplay .

  26. 她写信非常棒,不过她擅长文字游戏。

    She writes wonderful letters , but then she 's always had a way with words .

  27. 他的句子跌宕起伏,充满了文字游戏,读起来就像歌词那样韵律有致。

    His sentences dive and soar , they vibrate with word play and hum with lyricism .

  28. 双关不同于谜语,前者是一种修辞方式,一种文字游戏;

    Pun , a commonly-used rhetorical devicc , a play on words , differs from riddle .

  29. 灯谜是中国特有的文字游戏,古时候称作“射虎”,最早出现在宋朝。

    Guessing riddles , coming into being first during the Song Dynasty , were called shoot tiger .

  30. 沉浸于无聊的文字游戏中

    Indulged in silly word play