
jūn hào
  • bugle
军号 [jūn hào]
  • [bugle] 军队中用来吹奏各种信号的铜号

军号[jūn hào]
  1. 军号一响,突袭便开始了。

    The bugle sounded and the assault jumped off .

  2. 他一听到军号声就抓起枪冲了出去。

    When he heard the bugle call , he caught up his gun and dashed out .

  3. 人们的耳朵被军号声和战声以及呆在这的演说家们的漂亮言辞塞得太满了

    Their ears are too full of bugles and drums and the fine words from stay-at-home orators .

  4. 那不是军号,只是喇叭。

    It 's not a bugle , it 's a trumpet .

  5. 你能把我的军号还给我吗

    l was wondering if you could give me my bugle back

  6. 军号声传来,要我们排队集合。

    A bugle call came round for us to fall in .

  7. 军号、喇叭、哨子等吹出的声音。

    Blow a blast on a bugle , trumpet , whistle , etc.

  8. 互联网的春天已经来临,网络大战的军号已经吹响!

    Spring is coming , the Internet network of bugles has sounded !

  9. 大伙猜猜谁今天要吹军号

    Guys ! Guess who 's gonna play the bugle for the class ?

  10. 退却我们的战士迫使敌人后退。退军号,收兵号

    retreat Our soldiers force the enemy to retreat .

  11. 他吹军号让邻居非常害怕。

    He 's scaring the neighbors with that bugle .

  12. 介绍了定时播送模拟军号的单片机系统。

    This paper gives a brief introduction to the time simulated - bugle broadcaster .

  13. 远处响起了军号声。

    The bugle blasted forth in the distance .

  14. 向军人发出回到各自住处的军号声。

    A drumbeat of bugle call that signals the military to return to their quarters .

  15. 就在那时,军号响了。

    Just then the bugle sounded .

  16. 带着你的军号和鼓。

    With ur bugle ur drum .

  17. 军号吹响上马的命令。

    The trumpets sounded to horse .

  18. 我们不敲报险的警钟而吹响向法兰西的敌人冲锋的军号。

    The tocsin we shall sound is not the alarm signal of danger , it orders the charge on the enemies of France .

  19. 盛唐的边塞诗意境高远,格调悲壮,像雄浑的军号,一声声吹得历史都热血沸腾。

    Tang Frontier mood lofty , tragic style , like the strains of the bugle , I heard the sound of blowing history blooded .

  20. 军号声传来,要我们排队集合。指挥员在观察所里指挥军队,发号施令。

    A bugle call came round for us to fall in . The commander is directing the army forces and giving them orders from the observation post .

  21. 我尽力但徒然地倾听,渴望听到军号吹奏起床那微弱而迷人的旋律,以及远处战鼓急促敲击的动人节奏。

    I listen vainly , but with thirsty ears , for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille , of far drums beating the long roll .

  22. 上午11点整,全国各地的城镇都会在当地的战争纪念馆举行纪念仪式。在此仪式上,由一个军号手演奏《最后的号音》,然后人们向烈士默哀一分钟。

    Services are held at11am at war memorials in suburbs and towns across the country , at which the " Last Post " is played by a bugler and a one-minute silence is observed .

  23. 轰隆的炮声、军人大规模的阵式,尖锐的军号和白刃战的场面,已吸引了战争研究者们一个世纪。

    The roar of gunfire , the massed movements of uniformed men , the shrill o f bugles , and the drama of hand to hand combat have facinated students of warfare for a century .

  24. 该系统以8031单片机为核心,依靠软件、D/A转换等实现计时、显时、合成15首军号号音信号和广播自动化功能.系统运行稳定,有良好的性能价格比。

    With 8031 monolithic computer as its centric processor , the system succeeds in realizing the function of timing , time - telling , the composition of 15 pieces of army bugle call and the function of automatical broadcast , supported by software and D / A conversion .