
  • 网络Royal Family;British Royal family;Buckingham Palace
  1. 奥巴马获英国王室最高规格接待。

    Obama received the highest standards by the British royal family .

  2. 他声称自己与英国王室是远亲。

    He claims to be distantly related to the British royal family .

  3. 英国王室拒绝发表评论。

    Buckingham Palace refused to comment .

  4. 就像现代英国王室会用列队马车来增加盛大活动的排场一样,一世纪庞贝古城的富裕的市民们也不例外。

    And much like royals in the modern United Kingdom augment1 grand events with processional carriages , well-to-do citizens of first century Pompeii were no different .

  5. 英国王室宫殿因疫情而对游客关闭,皇家收藏网上商店是出售纪念品的唯一途径——尽管那些想要购买廉价小饰品的人可能会因高昂的价格望而却步。

    With Royal palaces closed to visitors because of the pandemic , the Royal Collection ’ s online shop is the only way it can sell souvenirs – although those looking for cheap trinkets are likely to baulk at the eye-watering prices .

  6. 预计英国王室也会“出镜”,开幕式上会播放在白金汉宫(BuckinghamPalace)提前录好的一些片段。

    Even the royal family gets a look-in with an expected prerecorded segment inside Buckingham Palace .

  7. 2007年,Youtube视频分享网站上开通了“英国王室频道”,并有一个专门的“皇家主页”。

    In 2007 a Royal YouTube channel was launched , along with a new royal website .

  8. 这部有关英国王室生活的Netflix出品的电视剧将会迎来新的角色。

    The Netflix drama about the lives of the British royal family will move forward with new characters .

  9. 在Flickr上开帐户是英国王室利用社交媒介的又一新尝试。

    Flickr is the latest in a line of social media to be harnessed by Buckingham Palace .

  10. 英国王室的Flickr帐户中上传了最新的王室婚礼照片和王室珍藏的一些老照片。

    The British Monarchy Website Flickr account streams both images of royal engagements and archive photographs from the royal collection .

  11. 据英国王室通讯记者KatieNicholl说,她一直在向嫂嫂寻求帮助。

    According to royal correspondent Katie Nicholl she has been turning to her sister-in-law for support .

  12. 而为英国王室建造了极尽奢华的厕所的克拉普(ThomasCrapper)则在19世纪晚期帮助推广和完善了室内给排水设施。

    Thomas Crapper , who built ornate toilets for British royals , helped popularize and perfect indoor plumbing in the late1800s .

  13. 英国王室对刊登照片的行为进行了谴责,表示正考虑对《Chi》杂志进行所有适当的回应,但还没有决定对《Chi》和爱尔兰《每日星报》采取法律行动。

    The palace condemned publication of the images and said it was considering all proportionate responses against Chi , though no decision has been made on legal action against it or the Irish Daily Star .

  14. 英国王室对刊登照片的行为进行了谴责,表示正考虑对《Chi》杂志进行“所有适当的回应”,但还没有决定对《Chi》和爱尔兰《每日星报》采取法律行动。

    The palace condemned publication of the images and said it was considering " all proportionate responses " against Chi , though no decision has been made on legal action against it or the Irish Daily Star .

  15. 英国王室对今年的榜单也有一定影响力,梅根和哈里亲自挑选的、在其婚礼上伴奏的大提琴手谢库·坎内·梅森以及在Ins上展露头角的万人迷、玛格丽特公主的孙子亚瑟·查托也上榜了。

    The royals have also had an influence on this year 's list , which features SHEKU KANNEH MASON , the cellist hand-selected by Meghan and Harry to play at their wedding as well as Arthur Chatto , the grandson of Princess Margaret and an up-and-coming Instagram heartthrob .

  16. 其他的卡利南钻石则散布在英国王室的珠宝收藏之中。

    The remaining stones are scattered throughout the royal collection .

  17. 当代英国王室婚姻价值观的变迁

    The Changes of the British Royal Values on Marriage

  18. 蒙特利尔是这对英国王室夫妇探访加拿大之行的一部分。

    The British royal couple are in Montreal as part of theirCanadian tour .

  19. 想过英国王室会在圣诞贺卡上写些什么祝福语吗?

    Ever wonder what Britain 's royal family write on their Christmas cards ?

  20. 她是最早成为英国王室法律顾问的妇女之一。

    She was one of the first women to be made a qc .

  21. 作为英国王室的第二顺位继承人,威廉做的这份烤面包可带有“王者味道”哦!

    Appropriately for the second-in-line to the throne , the bread was Kingsmill .

  22. 英国王室家庭的私人服务员。

    A personal attendant of the British royal family .

  23. 目前英国王室成员的众议院温莎。

    The current British Royal Family are members of the House of Windsor .

  24. 支持慈善工作是英国王室成员的关键任务。

    Supporting charities is a key role for members of the British monarchy .

  25. 黛安娜帮助提升了民众对英国王室的信心。

    Diana also helped improve the British public 's faith in their royalty .

  26. 英国王室姓什么?

    What Is the Royal Familys Surname ?

  27. 英国王室宝宝出生倒计时已经开启,整个世界都期待着小宝宝的诞生。

    The royal baby countdown is on .

  28. 改变英国王室复杂的规矩着实有些困难。

    Juggling the complicated protocol of the royal family is always going to be difficult .

  29. 作为英国王室成员,圣诞假日期间准备礼物一定很棘手。

    Being a member of the royal family must get a little tricky around the holidays .

  30. 英国王室被称为“公司”,就连王室成员自己也这么说。

    The royal family is known , even by its own members , as the firm .