
jūn xuē
  • Military boots;combat boots
  1. 士兵的军靴声在街上回荡。

    The soldiers ' boots resounded in the street

  2. 士兵的军靴踏在地面上的声音在大街上回响。

    The soldiers ' boots resounded in the street .

  3. 在与海地当选总统米歇尔·马尔泰利(MichelMartelly)召开的联合新闻发布会上,希拉里·克林顿表示,运送给利比亚叛军的物品来自美国的库存,包括医疗物资,制服,军靴,保护装置和无线电等物品。

    Speaking at a joint press event with Haiti 's President-elect Michel Martelly , Clinton said the items going to the Libyan rebels are being drawn from U.S. stockpiles and include such things as medical supplies , uniforms , boots , protective gear and radios .

  4. 把高跟鞋换掉,配一双军靴。

    Swap the high heels with a pair of military Boots .

  5. 最近我一直在穿这双军靴。军靴是秋冬的最佳选择。

    I thinks military boots are the best for fall and winter .

  6. 穿着军靴理着小平头带着珠宝出现在你的婚礼上。

    Shows up at your wedding in storm trooper boots and skinhead jewelry .

  7. 他是唯一穿德国军靴的人。

    He was the only one with German boots .

  8. 你干嘛穿德国军靴?

    What are you doing with those German boots ?

  9. 透气的,具有快速干燥性能的完美的(军靴),适合于水上作业或者热的天气穿着。

    Ventilated , quick drying capabilities make them ideal for waterborne operations or hot weather ops .

  10. 你可以用系带靴、军靴搭配打底裤或紧身牛仔裤,时髦立现。

    Any lace-up or combat-inspired boots paired with your leggings or skinny jeans will be trendy .

  11. 《官方保密法》被描述为一个内容庞杂的立法,涵盖了从核武器到军靴的一切东西。

    The official secrets act was described as a piece of portmanteau legislation , covering everything from nuclear weapons to army boots .

  12. 他的风格表达了不想引起注意的愿望——暗色、无牌的上衣、飞行员夹克、军靴。

    His style expresses nothing other than a desire to remain invisible - dark , anonymous tops , bomber jackets , military boots .

  13. 我不是嬉皮士,也不把花戴在头上,我来自一支朋克乐队,碰撞乐队穿的是军靴而不是舒适的勃肯鞋。

    I 'm not a hippy . I do not have flowers in my hair . I come from punk rock , alright ? The Clash wore army boots not Brikenstocks , alright ?

  14. 据俄罗斯历史研究所的米哈伊尔·萨福诺夫所说,“甲壳虫狂热冲垮了苏联社会的基础。甲壳虫给我们带来了民主思想。”受到这四人流行风格的启发,青少年用军靴和旧外衣模仿甲壳虫没有衣领的典型装束。

    According to Mikhail Safonov of the Institute of Russian History , " Beatlemania washed away the foundations of Soviet society . The Beatles brought us the idea of democracy . " Inspired by the Fab Four 's fashion sense , teens used army boots and hand-me-down coats to copy the Beatles ' signature collarless look .

  15. 实践证明,其手段、方法和结论可为我军军用鞋靴的设计、选材及定型提供重要参考意见。

    The methods and conclusions of the test and analysis were proved valuable for designing , material selecting and formatting of military shoes .