
jūn duì
  • army;military;troops;armed forces;host;array
军队 [jūn duì]
  • (1) [army]∶为政治目的服务的武装组织

  • (2) [array]∶一群士兵

  • 规章定下了,在外国的战争应由封地的军队进行

军队[jūn duì]
  1. 政府在必要时可以动用军队。

    The government , when necessary , has recourse to the armed forces .

  2. 人们指责他在军队内部搞分裂。

    He had been accused of promoting disunity within the armed forces .

  3. 总统被迫把权力让给军队。

    The President was obliged to concede power to the army .

  4. 他们正从战区撤出军队。

    They are pulling their troops out of the war zone .

  5. 英国军队被派遣协助维持和平。

    British forces have been assigned to help with peacekeeping .

  6. 将军把军队都集中起来准备发动最后的进攻。

    The general massed his troops for a final attack .

  7. 军队被派去平息叛乱。

    The army was sent in to crush the rebellion .

  8. 军队在每一座城镇都遭遇到了顽强的抵抗。

    The army met with fierce opposition in every town .

  9. 联合国军队在该地区强制执行停火命令。

    United Nations troops enforced a ceasefire in the area .

  10. 军队在夜间发起攻击,把叛乱者打了个措手不及。

    The army attacked at night to surprise the rebels .

  11. 军队在南方不断取得胜利。

    The army continued to score successes in the south .

  12. 今天他们登场与郡冠军队埃塞克斯队比赛。

    Today they take the field against county champions Essex .

  13. 谎称为保护平民而派驻了军队。

    Troops were sent in , ostensibly to protect the civilian population .

  14. 总统决定派驻军队。

    The president decided to send in the troops .

  15. 军队被调来镇压反叛者。

    Troops were called in to subdue the rebels .

  16. 他们召集士兵对抗入侵的军队。

    They gathered soldiers to fight the invading army .

  17. 军队已关闭了两国边界。

    Troops have sealed the borders between the countries .

  18. 军队重新发动对首都的攻击。

    The army renewed its assault on the capital .

  19. 军队对这座城市实行了宵禁。

    The army clamped a curfew on the city .

  20. 军队处于备战状态。

    The troops are in a state of preparedness .

  21. 已调来军队平息暴乱。

    The military was / were called in to deal with the riot .

  22. 这儿的东西足以养活一支军队。

    There 's enough here to feed an army .

  23. 军队在拂晓时向这座城镇发动攻击。

    At dawn the army attacked the town .

  24. 军队被叛乱者完全击败了。

    The army was overwhelmed by the rebels .

  25. 军队日夜在边境地区巡逻。

    Troops patrolled the border day and night .

  26. 军队很快镇压了叛乱。

    The army quickly crushed the revolt .

  27. 军队镇压了叛乱。

    The army put down the rebellion .

  28. 军队向首都挺进。

    The army pushed towards the capital .

  29. 军队强制实行黄昏至黎明的宵禁。

    The army imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew .

  30. 政府的军队很快夺回了这个岛。

    Government troops soon recaptured the island .