
  • 网络Persian culture
  1. 波斯文化受两河流域文化影响,使用楔形文字。

    Persian culture by the cultural impact of Mesopotamia , the use of cuneiform .

  2. 后来,波斯文化传到了欧洲。

    Eventually , Persian culture spread to Europe .

  3. 精神的这一方面在东方诸文化(包括波斯文化)的核心与本质中是非常明显的。

    This aspect of the spirit is quite evident in the very core and essence of the Oriental cultures , including Persia .

  4. 你了解古埃及、巴比伦和波斯的文化吗?

    Do you know the civilizations of ancient Egypt , Babylon and Persia ?

  5. 而对这一古代中国与波斯地区文化交流的重要产物,在以往学界研究中未被深刻认识。

    It is one of the brilliants achievement between China and Persia cultural exchanges .

  6. 宗教在中国与波斯的文化交流中占有举足轻重的地位。

    Religion holds a vital role in the cultural exchange between China and Persia .