
  • 网络pol pot
  1. 一个月过去他逐渐消瘦萎靡,吃的不过是稀粥,他只想速死。但这时有人要他去画领袖像:红色高棉的领袖波尔布特(PolPot)。

    But after withering away for a month , fed so sparely on rice gruel that he felt an urge to consume the flesh of the dead , he was asked to paint portraits of the regime 's leader , Pol Pot .

  2. 他的一句至理名言是“tukminchamnen,dakchenhka,minkat—“多你一个不多,差你一个也不少”。1979年波尔布特逃亡恐慌终结前,有数千名艺术家身亡。又过了十年,文化生活才得以复苏。

    One of his favourite sayings was , tuk min chamnen , dak chenh ka , min kat - " to keep you is no gain , to kill you no loss . " Thousands died before Pol Pot fled in 1979 and the terror ended . It took another decade for cultural life to recover .

  3. 这些都在1975年波尔布特到来的时候发生了改变。

    All that changed with the arrival of Pol Pot in 1975 .

  4. 你读了斯大林,波尔布特,萨德侯爵?

    You got stalin , pol pot , and the Marquis de sade ?

  5. 1979年波尔布特逃亡恐慌终结前,有数千名艺术家身亡。

    Thousands died before Pol Pot fled in 1979 and the terror ended .

  6. 波尔布特?是你吗?

    Pol Pot ? Is that you ?

  7. 波尔布特认为艺术家们是多余的。

    He regarded artists as superfluous .

  8. 证明了他们的意识形态、支持波尔布特只是一个工具来证明攫取权力。

    Proof that their ideology , adopted by Pol Pot , was just a tool to justify grabbing power .

  9. 此外,除了一张黑白照片可供描摹,他不知道波尔布特是什么模样。

    Besides , he had no idea what Pol Pot looked like , and only a black-and-white photograph to copy .

  10. 在波尔布特的那些年里,乔恩•庞德驻扎在马德望西北部的一个城市,他在那目睹了每天爆发的恐怖暴力事件。

    During the Pol Pot years Mr Chorn-Pond was stationed in the north-western city of Battambang where he witnessed horrific violence every day .

  11. 因为自己那幅曲意逢迎,赋予波尔布特少女般玫瑰面庞的画作,凡纳的名字在监狱名单上被归类为“留着用”。

    For his flattering portraits , giving Pol Pot a fresh-faced girl 's rosy cheeks , Mr Vann Nath 's name in the prison ledger was tagged " Keep for use " .