
bō lì ní xī yà
  • Polynesia
波利尼西亚[bō lì ní xī yà]
  1. 如今,纹身在波利尼西亚仍然很重要。

    Tattoos in Polynesia are still important today .

  2. 在16和17世纪,欧洲水手到达了波利尼西亚群岛。

    In the 16th and 17th century , European sailors arrived on the islands of Polynesia .

  3. 库克岛人是毛利人(Maoris)和波利尼西亚血统的分支。

    The Cook Islanders are Maoris , a branch of the Polynesian race .

  4. 过了不久,我来到了塔希提岛的一个海滩上,在这里我造了一艘长40英尺的双层船身波利尼西亚船,命名为LikiTiki。

    A short time later , I was living on a beach in Tahiti building a40-foot Polynesian double-hull boat named Liki Tiki .

  5. 波利尼西亚的一种露兜树属植物。

    Type genus of the Pandanaceae ( as screw pines ) .

  6. 波利尼西亚人相互见面时总是相互问候阿洛哈。

    The Polynesian people greet each other Aloha when they meet .

  7. 我们被波利尼西亚舞蹈演员精彩的表演所吸引。

    We were attracted by the amazing performance of the Polynesian dancers .

  8. 效忠首领是波利尼西亚人最基本的文化。

    Allegiance to chiefs was a fundamental of Polynesian culture .

  9. 法国波利尼西亚海的领地的首都,位于塔希提岛西北海岸。

    The capital of French Polynesia on the northwestern coast of Tahiti .

  10. 可我对波利尼西亚研究专业没多大兴趣

    Yeah , but I 'm not really interested in Polynesian Studies ,

  11. 一种由妇女进行的波利尼西亚人的求雨舞蹈。

    A Polynesian rain dance performed by a woman .

  12. 在一个波利尼西亚岛上,蝴蝶用蓝白色眼状斑点装饰它天鹅绒般的黑色翅膀。

    Blue-and-white eyespots adorn the velvety black wings of butterfly on Polynesian island .

  13. 马来-波利尼西亚语是由台湾岛内的当地人经常使用。

    The Malyo-Polynesian languages are spoken by the natives on the Taiwan Island .

  14. 另外达沃仁有个波利尼西亚研究专业

    Plus Davoren has a Polynesian Studies major .

  15. 夏威夷土人波利尼西亚人血统的夏威夷人我们鄙夷势利小人。

    A Hawaiian of Polynesian descent . We disdain a man for his snobbishness .

  16. 专家说波利尼西亚人最早在两千年前到达这个岛。

    Experts say Polynesian people first sailed to Hawaii about two thousand years ago .

  17. 今晚六点起在十一楼有一场波利尼西亚奇幻表演。

    And we have a fantastic Polynesian show on the eleventh floor from six o'clock .

  18. 由于其大的可食根在大洋洲和波利尼西亚生长。

    Grown in Australasia and Polynesia for its large root with fine edible white flesh .

  19. 波利尼西亚人载着猪、山药及大约30种其他植物在岛屿间航行。

    Polynesians sailed from island to island with pigs , yams and around 30 different plants .

  20. 如果你是一个波利尼西亚度假感觉,是你想要熔岩岩石。

    If you are going for a Polynesian resort feel , lava rock is what you want .

  21. 来自曼格雷哇岛的波利尼西亚乐队。

    Polynesian band from Mangareva .

  22. 很多移民生活在夏威夷,超过三分之二的夏威夷居民自称为亚洲人和波利尼西亚人的后裔。

    Many live in Hawaii , more than two-thirds of whose people boast on Asian or Polynesian heritage .

  23. 语言:官方语言为法语,通用波利尼西亚语。

    Language : the offcial language is french , and Polynesian languages are spoken by the indigenous population .

  24. 即在今日,澳大利亚人和许多波利尼西亚人还是处在蒙昧时代的这个中级阶段上。

    The Australian aborigines and many of the Polynesians are still in this middle stage of savagery today .

  25. 民族:主要是纽埃人(属波利尼西亚人种),还有欧洲人。

    Ethnic composition : most of all people are niueans belonging , to poliynesian and others are european .

  26. 波利尼西亚古代文化

    Ancient Cultures in Polynesia

  27. 长有多孢子和羽状叶片的水生或沼泽生植物;广泛分布于除波利尼西亚以外的广大地区。

    Any of several spore-bearing aquatic or marsh plants having short rhizomes and quill-like leaves ; worldwide except Polynesia .

  28. 人类学家过去不清楚如今生活在太平洋诸岛上的波利尼西亚人的祖先来自何方。

    Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from .

  29. 我们的教授正在研究波利尼西亚航海者如何发现并定居在太平洋几乎每一位可以居住的岛上。

    My professor was researching how Polynesian seafarers discovered and settled nearly every inhabitable island in the Pacific Ocean .

  30. 从东印度到波利尼西亚和澳大利亚的多年生草本植物,巨大的食用根可出产食用淀粉。

    Perennial herb of East India to Polynesia and Australia cultivated for its large edible root yielding otaheite arrowroot starch .