
  • 网络wave character;waveform character;waveform characteristic
  1. 方法以图形翻转VEP作为研究工具研究18例正常人30°以外的上方、下方、鼻侧、颞侧4个方向周边区与中央区在Oz导程对比的图形VEP的波形特征。

    Methods We use pattern reversal VEP to study wave character of comparing center with periphery in 18 normal adult of outside 30 ° in above 、 below 、 nose and temporal visual field .

  2. 波形特征参数提取的仿真程序

    Simulative Program of Abstracting Wave Character Parameters

  3. 基于对电流互感器(CT)电磁感应过程的分析,提出一种采用电压波形特征的CT饱和检测新方法。该方法将饱和的发生和结束视为具有一定持续时间的过程;

    Based on the analysis of electromagnetic induction process in CT , a new CT saturation detection method utilizing character of secondary voltage waveform feature is proposed .

  4. 设计了心电波形特征点定位算法,对波形的特征点进行了标定,并测定ST段电平偏移,从而实现了ST段的实时分析。

    The design of electrocardiogram analysis algorithm is to mark for the feature point of waveform , and measure ST segment level offset .

  5. 这种能量分布相当于一种瞬时频谱,反映了EEG信号在局部时间范围里的波形特征。

    We define the spectral components at any time instant in the time-frequency distribution of a signal as the signal 's instantaneous spectrum .

  6. PIV测量得到流场速度矢量图及流线图,扰动波幅与波形特征说明,Re数一定时流动稳定性随H值增大而提高。

    Diagrams of velocity vectors and streamlines display waveform and amplitude properties , showing the effect of fibres on enhancing the flow stability .

  7. ·定量分析了VSR、CSR的PWM换相过程及波形特征;

    · A quantitative analysis of the PWM VSR & CSR 's commutation and the characteristics of the waveforms .

  8. 为形象显示不同模式的波形特征和展示识别效果搭建了一个简易的GUI演示平台。

    A simple GUI demo platform is built to show the waveform features and the effect of the identification for different patterns . 5 .

  9. QRS复合波群的形态变化是心律失常临床诊断的重要参考标准,因而准确地提取QRS复合波群的波形特征是心律失常自动化诊断中面临的关键问题。

    As the variation of QRS complex wave is the primary reference criteria on clinical diagnosis of arrhythmia , exact extraction of the features of QRS complex wave is the key problem .

  10. 采用AVO岩性反演、波形特征分类和人工神经网络模式识别方法进行了储层特征的综合评价,提出了下一步的勘探目标。

    And AVO lithologic inverse modelling , wave characteristic classification and ANN ( artificial neural network ) pattern recognition are adopted to the synergistic reservoir evaluation and the prospect is given .

  11. PE/PE复合材料的拉伸破坏过程AE信号复杂,材料损伤破坏机制对声发射信号特征有显著的影响,不同破坏的信号在波形特征、频谱特征方面存在不同。

    AE signals are complicated during the tension of PE / PE laminates and characteristic of acoustic emission signals are significantly influenced by damage mechanism . Damage signals were different in the character of waveform and spectrum .

  12. 分析表明Wigner-Ville谱很好地反映了频率特征和路面波形特征。

    Finally , the Wigner-Ville spectrum is applied to the analysis of instantaneous power spectrum of road random inputs , which well reflects the wave shape feature of road surface and frequency feature .

  13. 本文结合工程实践介绍低应变动测法检测发现PHC管桩的缺陷波形特征,并结合静载荷试验情况分析缺陷对竖向承载力的影响。

    Combined with engineering practice , the paper introduced the method of low-strain dynamical Detecting to find the waveform feature of pipe-peg bug and combined with static load experiment to analyze the effect of the bug on vertical load force .

  14. 对信号响应的波形特征进行分析和讨论,实验得出LIV信号半峰全宽与数据采集卡临界采样率成反比例关系。

    The results show that there are inverse proportional relationship between full wavelength at half maximum ( FWHM ) of the LIV signal and critical sample rate of data acquisition card .

  15. 本文从波纹度对轴承振动影响的角度,提出了一个能够用来评定波纹度波形特征的新参数:波形系数Sc,并对其含义和计算方法作了详尽的讨论。

    In this paper a new parameter , the coefficient of waviness contour , is proposed to assess the specificity of the contour of waviness in the light of the effect of waviness on the vibration of bearing in operation . The implication and the calculation method are also discussed .

  16. 目的探讨正常人脑干三叉神经诱发电位(BTEP)的波形特征及三叉神经系统病变时BTEP的变化。

    Objective To explore the response characteristics and clinical correlations of the brainstem trigeminal evoked potentials ( BTEPs ) in healthy subjects and in the patients with lesions of the trigeminal system .

  17. 当薄层厚度小于0.1m时,两级反射波逐渐重叠变为一组反射波,反射波能量也逐渐减弱,并与井外存在裂缝时的波形特征相似。

    When a thin interbed is thinner than 0 . 1m , two groups of reflection waves merge into one , reflection energy weakens , and their waveforms are similar to those which appear in the case of fractures existing outside a borehole .

  18. 首先分析纸币宽度测量误差产生原因并给出纠错算法,其次在剖析安全线磁性波形特征的基础上提出了使用MCU的检测方法。该方法已成功应用于JWD-200型点钞机的研制。

    After analysing the causes of width error detecting and offering an algorithm to correct the error , it shows the peculiarity of magnetic safety lines and proposes a method of detecting the magnetism by MCU , which has been successfully applied in model JWD-200 banknotes dynamic discriminating device .

  19. 不同类型地震序列波形特征的讨论

    A discussion on characteristic waveforms of earthquake sequences of different types

  20. 软地层中声波测井的波形特征

    STRATUM Characteristics of Wave Form of Sonic Logging in Soft Formation

  21. 油中典型局部放电模型放电波形特征参数的提取

    Pulse current parameter evaluation of typical partial discharge models in oil

  22. 用反卷积法获得雷达目标回波波形特征

    Obtaining the Signature of Radar Target Echo Wave forms by Deconvolution

  23. 循环式燃油系统压力波形特征的自动识别

    Automatic Identification of Pressure Waveform Characteristics of Circulating Fuel Injection System

  24. 相控线阵声波测井波形特征研究

    Study of waveform characteristics of the Phased Array in Acoustic Well-Logging

  25. 基于波形特征提取的管道腐蚀缺陷量化研究

    Quantitative Study of Pipeline Erosion Defects Based on Signal Feature Extraction

  26. 人工触发闪电电流波形特征参数分析

    Analysis on the parameters of the current waveforms of triggered lightning

  27. 太原台763地震记录波形特征

    Characteristics of Seismic Waveform of 763 Seismograph of Taiyuan Seismological Observatory

  28. 柴油发动机燃油压力波形特征提取方法

    A method of abstracting diesel engine fuel pressure waveshape feature

  29. 玛曲地区地震活动特征及记录波形特征

    The characteristics of seismicity and recorded waveform in Maqu region

  30. 基于小波变换的动态心电图波形特征聚类研究

    Study of Dynamic Electrocardiogram Waveform Features Clustering by Wavelet Transform