
  • Bordeaux;Bordeaux, France;BOD
  1. 用来指称波尔多葡萄酒的词claret可能源于法语单词clairet。

    The term ' claret ' , used to describe Bordeaux wines , may come from the French word ' clairet ' .

  2. 高铁拟从巴黎延伸至波尔多。

    The high-speed train service is planned to extend from Paris to Bordeaux

  3. 波尔多位于巴黎到马德里的铁路主干线上,来往列车频繁。

    Bordeaux is on the main Paris-Madrid line so there are frequent trains

  4. 美国领事馆是位于波尔多市中心的一座宏伟的大厦。

    The American consulate was a magnificent edifice in the centre of Bordeaux .

  5. 罗布·哈梅林在波尔多获得短跑冠军。

    Rob Harmeling won the sprint in Bordeaux .

  6. 从巴黎有快车前往波尔多,全程不到4个小时。

    There is an express service from Paris which completes the journey to Bordeaux in under 4 hours .

  7. 哪个年份的波尔多红葡萄酒(redbordeaux)有最高的性价比?

    Which vintage of red bordeaux is the best value ?

  8. 星期二晚上,波尔多队震惊欧洲足坛,它将强大的AC米兰队淘汰出欧联盟杯赛。

    Bordeaux produced the upset of the European season by sending mighty AC Milan crashing out of the UEFA Cup on Tuesday night .

  9. 在波尔多足球场外,一个欢闹的视频中摇摆的人群对着一名笑着的年轻女子大唱“Can’tTakeMyEyesOffYouandHeyBaby”。

    A hilarious video showed the swaying crowds singing Can 't Take My Eyes Off You and Hey Baby to the laughing young woman in Bordeaux .

  10. 梅乐主要生长在波尔多右岸(RightBank),是波美侯(Pomerol)的主要品种,通常与赤霞珠混酿。

    Mainly grown on the Right Bank of Bordeaux , it is the principal variety of Pomerol and is often blended with Cabernet .

  11. 沉淀物通常在具有特别多的色素和单宁的较老(10年以上)较深色的葡萄酒里出现,如赤霞珠葡萄酒,波尔多葡萄酒和砵酒Port。

    Sediment is most frequently found in older ( 10 + years ) darker red wines , which typically have more color pigments and tannins such as Cabernet Sauvignon , Bordeaux and Port .

  12. 产于波尔多的SaintEmilion城市的有形的红酒。

    Full-bodied red wine from around the town of Saint_Emilion in Bordeaux .

  13. 在那个时候,中国市场也在发现优质葡萄酒的好处,不过大家知道的大多都是波尔多(Bordeaux)等法国葡萄酒。

    China was also discovering fine wine at that time , but mostly French wine like Bordeaux .

  14. 一瓶法国红葡萄酒的瓶标上也许会在生产区的后面印着“Bordeaux(波尔多)”。

    French red wine might be labeled " Bordeaux " after the region where it was made .

  15. 这应归功于亚洲需求,主要是针对顶级波尔多红酒的需求,特级勃艮第葡萄酒(grandcruburgundy)也日益吃香。

    This is thanks to Asian demand , primarily for top red Bordeaux , but also a growing thirst for Grand Cru Burgundy .

  16. 大多数这类村庄都坐落于森林之中(如位于波尔多附近大西洋沿岸的LaJenny),与许多裸体主义者回归大自然的理念一致。

    Most , such as La Jenny , close to the Atlantic near Bordeaux , are located in forests , in keeping with many nudists ' back to nature ideals .

  17. 法国波尔多(Bordeaux),AOC,原装进口。公司老板与其法国朋友深入法国村庄,一路旅行,一路品鉴,觅得。

    Company bosses and their French friends in-depth French villages , all the way to travel all the way Tasting and find .

  18. 那么,为什么北方旅馆(HôtelduNord)活跃的年轻人们花五欧元就能在圣马丁运河(CanalSt.-Martin)边上喝一杯波尔多葡萄酒?

    So why does the lively young crowd at H ô tel du Nord pay just 5 euros to drink a glass of Bordeaux along the Canal St. - Martin ?

  19. 英国批发供应商newgenerationwines董事总经理詹姆斯布斯(jamesbooth)表示,波尔多葡萄酒重返家乡之际,个人以及餐厅等大宗买家正转向较为廉价的葡萄酒。

    James booth , managing director of new generation wines , a UK wholesale supplier , said the shift back to Bordeaux comes as individuals as well as bulk buyers , such as restaurants , switch to cheaper wines .

  20. 然而,新闻报道中经常提到的出口至中国内地和香港的波尔多(Bordeaux)葡萄酒中,有四分之一来自几乎不可能被视为小作坊的大型葡萄庄园。

    Yet the one-quarter of exported Bordeaux that headlines its wine sales to China and Hong Kong comes from big-production vineyards that can hardly be deemed artisanal .

  21. 来自里斯本、莱比锡、维也纳、巴伦西亚、波尔多和博洛尼亚的无数年轻男女到这里来交友、恋爱,成了彼此的Facebook上永远的朋友。

    Hundreds of thousands of young men and women come from Lisbon , Leipzig , Vienna , Valencia , Bordeaux and Bologna to make friends , fall in love and pledge eternal Facebook friendship to each other .

  22. 圣皮尔还请求其法国客户精选一些其它的波尔多葡萄酒,作为对bollinger的补充。

    Mr St Pierre SR also asked his French client to hand-pick a dozen other Bordeaux wines to complement Bollinger .

  23. 原产于波尔多和卢瓦尔河(Loire)流域的它现在种植广泛,可以酿造出干爽清淡型葡萄酒。

    Now widely planted , it was originally grown in Bordeaux and the Loire , where it produces a crisp , dry style .

  24. 来自亚洲、俄罗斯以及拉美的兴趣给传统大牌葡萄酒、一级波尔多葡萄酒以及最受追捧的GrandCru勃艮第葡萄酒的价格带来了极大的压力。拉美的兴趣正日益增长。

    New interest from Asia , Russia and , increasingly , Latin America has put extraordinary pressure on prices of the traditional trophy wines , the Bordeaux first growths and most sought-after Grand Cru burgundies .

  25. 她把她那风景如画的家乡DeirMimas称为橄榄油的波尔多。

    She calls Deir Mimas , her picturesque home town , the Bordeaux of olive oil .

  26. 就在几年之前,亚洲的葡萄酒收藏家还是该市场上最活跃的买家,但他们现在对波尔多(Bordeaux)葡萄酒的兴趣已下降,但仍会对顶级的勃艮第(Burgundy)葡萄酒一掷千金。

    Asian wine collectors , the most active buyers in the market just a few years ago , have turned less enthusiastic on fine Bordeaux but are still splurging on top-flight Burgundy .

  27. 此外还有很多人不愿承认的一点,那就是多数顶级波尔多葡萄酒的价格往往取决于少数专家的评判,甚至有人会说,它们取决于一个人即葡萄酒评论家罗伯特帕克(robertparker)的说法。

    And although many are loath to admit it , the prices of the most prized Bordeaux are entangled with the pronouncements of a handful of experts , indeed , some would say just one : wine critic Robert Parker .

  28. 柏联集团上周收购法国波尔多地区的大河酒庄(ChateaudelaRiviere)意味着公司发生转变,标志着其首次进军海外。

    The purchase of the Chateau de la Rivi è re vineyard in France 's Bordeaux region last week signaled a shift for the company , marking Brilliant Group 's first foray outside of China .

  29. 总部位于伦敦的葡萄酒批发交易商BordeauxIndex副主管奥利弗夏普(OliverSharp)表示:英国现在拥有大量库存,人们希望购买我们仍在向波尔多地区返销大量葡萄酒。

    Oliver Sharp , associate director at Bordeaux Index , the London-based wholesale wine trader , said : There 's a considerable amount of stock in the UK that people have sought to buy ... we 're still selling a fair amount back to Bordeaux .

  30. 如果这个弹丸之地真心想吸引波尔多(Bordeaux)和勃艮第(Burgundy)最著名的葡萄酒品牌,那么购买这些名酒的藏家们就需要找地方贮藏它们。

    If this small city-state was serious about attracting some of the greatest names from Bordeaux and Burgundy , then the collectors who bought these wines were going to need somewhere to store them .