
bō sī wān
  • the Persian Gulf;gulf
波斯湾 [bō sī wān]
  • [Persian Gulf] 阿拉伯语称阿拉伯湾,印度洋的一个边缘海,位于伊朗高原与阿拉伯半岛之间

波斯湾[bō sī wān]
  1. 阿提哈德航空每周有24个航班往返于阿布扎比和澳大利亚。阿布扎比位于波斯湾(PersianGulf)。

    Etihad operates 24 flights a week between Abu Dhabi in the Persian Gulf and Australia .

  2. 你知道是谁把velcro引到波斯湾的吗?

    Who do you think introduced Velcro to the Persian gulf ?

  3. 一位美国飞行员被迫将喷气式飞机紧急迫降在波斯湾上。

    One American pilot was forced to ditch his jet in the Gulf

  4. 这次原油泄漏可能会使波斯湾的海龟灭绝。

    The spill could wipe out the Gulf 's turtle population

  5. 他们通过了对参加过波斯湾战争的老兵增发共计11亿美元的一揽子提案。

    They approved a $ 1.1 billion package of pay increases for the veterans of the Persian Gulf War .

  6. 同时,五角大楼表示,美国航空母舰乔治·H·W·布什号已经前往波斯湾。

    Meanwhile the Pentagon says the US aircraft carrier George HW Bush has moving into the Persian Gulf .

  7. Box说此处正是海洋航路的中心,是连接波斯湾与世界各地的纽带。

    Box said this area is right in the middle of the main shipping lanes that connect the Persian Gulf and the rest of the world .

  8. 对于C公司而言,面临的根本问题是如何在竞争激烈的航运市场,最佳地经营中国/波斯湾航线,以获得最大利润。

    Therefore , how to optimize the China / Persian Gulf service to maximize the bottom line under current gloomy market situation has always been an important issue for C Container Lines company .

  9. 美国在哈瓦那驻有使团,美国的摔跤手也曾到德黑兰去参加波斯湾杯(persiangulfcup)的比赛。

    The US has a mission in Havana and American wrestlers have travelled to Tehran to compete in the Persian Gulf Cup .

  10. 中国/波斯湾航线是全球一条非常重要的次干航线,也是C公司的一条传统集装箱班轮航线,C公司一直非常重视中国/波斯湾航线的经营。

    China / Persian Gulf service is one of the important trade lanes for all global carriers and is also supposed to be one of the long-established service loops for C Container Lines Company .

  11. 一只FLAGTelecom派出的维修队是光缆被割断处附近发现了这个船锚。电缆是于二月一日在杜拜以北35英里、阿联酋和阿曼之间的波斯湾被割断。

    FLAG Telecom repair crew discovered the anchor near where the fiber-optic cable was severed Feb.1 in the Persian Gulf , 35 miles north of Dubai , between the Emirates and Oman .

  12. 波斯湾,霍尔木兹海峡(StraitofHormuz)和阿曼海(SeaofOman)的其余海岸线上分布着小的、不连续的平原。

    Smaller , discontinuous plains are found along the remaining coast of the Persian Gulf , the Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman .

  13. 本文正是在这种情况下,试图对C公司的中国/波斯湾航线进行系统的探讨和研究,以得出最优航线方案,进而为集装箱班轮航线优化问题提供普遍的思路和优化方法。

    This paper tries to make a systematic study and research to obtain the optimization scheme for the China / Persian Gulf service of C Container Lines Company , and this study can also provide a general method of the issue of international container trade lane optimization .

  14. 从设在迪拜塔顶部名为“AttheTop”(巅峰之上)的观景台望去,你可以隐约看到地处波斯湾另一端的伊朗。

    Burj Dubai , the World 's Tallest Skyscraper , Provides a View ' At the Top ' From ' At the Top , ' the name given to the observatory on the Burj Dubai , you can see the faint outline of the Middle East 's pariah-state Iran on the other side of the Persian Gulf .

  15. 唯一一个大平原位于里海海岸(CaspianSea)和波斯湾(PersianGulf)最北部,阿万河(Arvandriver)(Shattal-Arab)的入口处的那里伊朗边界。

    The only large plains are found along the coast of the Caspian Sea and at the northern end of the Persian Gulf , where Iran borders on the mouth of the Arvand river ( Shatt al-Arab ) .

  16. 如果停火计划流产,一种可能的情况是,土耳其将与阿拉伯波斯湾国家以及叙利亚总统阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)的西方敌对势力一道采取更强硬立场,出手干涉。

    One scenario if the cease fire plan collapses is that Turkey , along with Arab Persian gulf states and western foes of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad , will take a more assertive stance and intervene in Syria .

  17. 埃及著名的小说家和政治社会学家阿马尔•阿里•哈桑(AmmarAliHassan)觉得,这种态度是因为许多相对富裕的埃及人正在回国。他们曾在沙特阿拉伯和波斯湾其他国家打工。

    Ammar Ali Hassan , a prominent Egyptian novelist and political sociologist , attributes such attitudes to the return of many relatively affluent Egyptians who were guest workers in Saudi Arabia and other countries on the Persian Gulf .

  18. 这个紧邻波斯湾的阿拉伯国家的夏季气温最高时可达摄氏50度,而那种被称做“dishdasha”的轻便棉袍则可以使穿着者即使在如此天气下也能感到一丝凉意。

    The light cotton " dishdasha " is designed to keep the wearer cool in a Gulf Arab country where summer temperatures can hit50 degrees Celsius .

  19. 贾妲嗯还写高灯塔尖塔在波斯湾,这是确认一个世纪以后的东阿里Masudi和Al-Muqaddasi。

    JiaDan also wrote about tall lighthouse minarets in the Persian Gulf , which were confirmed a century later by Ali al-Masudi and al-Muqaddasi .

  20. 在这段时期,美伊的外交战略集中于中东、中亚地区,尤其是波斯湾的安全问题,关注的焦点主要体现在中东和平进程、恐怖主义和WMD(大规模杀伤性武器)三方面。

    During the period , the foreign strategies of America and Iran concentrated on the Middle East and the Middle Asia , especially on the Persian security and their emphases were embodied in the peace process of the Middle East , terrorism and the Weapons of Massive Destruction .

  21. 他们计划攫取波斯湾的全面控制权。

    They planned to seize complete control of the Persian gulf .

  22. 美国的屋顶可以比作是太阳能的波斯湾。

    American rooftops can be the Persian Gulf of solar energy .

  23. 波斯湾是从印度洋延伸出来的一个浅水湾。

    The Gulf is a shal-low offshoot of the Indian ocean .

  24. 他是个好小伙子志愿去波斯湾参战

    He 's a good kid . Persian Gulf , volunteered .

  25. 科威特首都,波斯湾的一个海港。

    A seaport on the Persian Gulf and capital of Kuwait .

  26. 我周日晚上就要出发去波斯湾了

    I 'm shipping out to the Persian Gulf Sunday night .

  27. 我们在波斯湾的航母已经进入待命。

    We have carriers on standby in the Persian gulf .

  28. 一天,一位商人从波斯湾的马斯喀特远道赶来。

    One day a rich businessman arrived from Muscat in the Gulf .

  29. 波斯湾的安全和稳定必须得到保证。

    The security and stability of the Persian Gulf must be assured .

  30. 库车前陆盆地与波斯湾盆地盐构造对比研究

    Comparison of Kuqa foreland basin with Persian Gulf Basin in salt tectonics