
  • 网络Aleppo;aleppo governorate
  1. 13岁的迈哈迈德·阿萨德5个月前与家人从叙利亚的阿勒颇省一起来到这个难民营。

    Thirteen year-old Mahmoud Assad arrived five months ago from Aleppo with his family .

  2. 比起相邻的伊德利卜省和阿勒颇省,拉塔基亚地区的宗派紧张程度还算是低的了,在那些省份恶性攻击已经持续了数月之久。

    Sectarian tensions are still low compared with the neighbouring provinces of idleb and Aleppo , where vicious fighting has raged for months .

  3. 这个叙利亚境内大约35公里、位于阿勒颇省的陵墓所在之处,根据1921年签署的一项条约,属于土耳其领土。

    The tomb , which is about 35 kilometers into Syria in Aleppo Province , is on Turkish territory based on a treaty signed in 1921 .