
  • 网络Aleutian Islands;Aleutian;the Aleutians;Aleutian chain
  1. 西尼尔长官一直游到了阿留申群岛。

    Senior chief made the swim to the Aleutian islands .

  2. 对百令海和阿留申群岛进行安全评估;

    A risk assessment for the South Bering Sea and the Aleutian islands ;

  3. 阿留申群岛是北太平洋上一长串呈弧形排列的小岛。

    The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific .

  4. 在阿留申群岛潜水之旅中受的伤。

    Caught in a diving trip in the aleutians .

  5. 18米的巨浪袭击阿留申群岛

    An enormous 60foot rogue wave struck the Aleutian ...

  6. 细萱的北翼联军佯攻阿留申群岛。

    The northern force , under hosogaya , strikes the Aleutians as a diversion .

  7. 在过去的三个星期里,我们一直呆在阿留申群岛上一个俄国人的贸易站里。

    For the past three weeks we have been in a Russian trading post on the Aleutian islands .

  8. 可是,最长的鲸鱼,像常常出役于阿留申群岛的久阑马克岛和翁居里克岛附近海面的那些鲸鱼,

    Now then , the biggest whales , those rorqual whales that frequent the waterways of the Aleutian Islands ,

  9. 小罐产生了高达6.9级的内震波,但它并没有在地震活跃的阿留申群岛诱发地震。

    Cannikin had a body wave magnitude of6.9 and it did not trigger any earthquakes in the seismically active Aleutian Islands .

  10. 生活在阿留申群岛和阿拉斯加州的民族的人。近50年阿留申低压地区凝结加热的变化

    A member of the people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and W Alaska . Variation of the Condensation Heating in the Region of the Aleutian Low during the Last 50 Years

  11. 当由阿留申群岛地震引起的波浪到达夏威夷群岛时,这些波浪在几处地方形成了最高可达6米高的快速移动的水墙冲上海岸。

    As the waves from the Aleutian earthquake hit the Hawaiian Islands , they were driven ashore in a few places as a rapidly moving wall of water up to6 meters high .

  12. 5月7日的阿留申群岛地震可能是1986年中最大或次大的地震,其震级略低于1985年的墨西哥地震。

    The Aleutian Is . earthquake of May 7 may be the largest or the second largest earth - quake in 1986 , its magnitude is slightly lower than that of the 1985 Mexico earthquake .