
  • 网络Wave optics;Wave motion optics
  1. 用波动光学研究X射线激光传播与放大过程

    Wave Optics Simulation of Propagation and Amplification of X Ray Lasers

  2. 采用几何光学与波动光学相结合的方法,利用CCD图像测量技术实现了透明液体折射率的自动化测量。

    Automatic measurement of the refractive index of transparent liquid is realized using line CCD sensor . The method adopts the principles of geometric optics and wave optics .

  3. 本文采用波动光学的方法研究自聚焦光纤,导出了TE。

    This paper studies self-focusing optical fiber by wave motion optical method .

  4. 最后,从射线光学上和波动光学上分别推导了Bragg光栅对PMD的补偿原理,给出了光栅参数的设计。

    In the last , theory of the Bragg Grating compensating PMD , based on the radial - and wave-optics in sorts is concluded , while devising the parameter of Bragg Grating .

  5. 几何光学就是零质量光子的质点力学,而波动光学则对应非零质量粒子的波动力学(非相对论的Schr¨odinger方程)。

    The geometric optics is particle mechanics of massless photon , and the wave optics corresponds to wave mechanics of non-zero mass particle ( non-relativistic Schrodinger equation ) .

  6. 用数理统计方法,推导出波动光学MTF数值计算的误差估计式,它适用于对不同的数值计算方法进行自相关积分所求得的MTF值进行误差估计。

    The error estimation formula for numerical calculation of wave optics MTF has been derived with mathematical statistics method . It is suitable for error estimation of MTF values obtained from different numerical computational methods , which are used for the self-correlation integrating .

  7. 小孔眼镜的波动光学原理

    The principles of wave optics for the small aperture glasses

  8. 液晶显示器件动态调制函数的测量与计算波动光学调制传递函数

    Measurement and Calculation of LCDs ' Dynamic Modulation Transfer Function wave-optical MTF

  9. 光在类锥形梯度折射率纤维中的传播&波动光学研究

    Light beam propagation in a taper-like gradient index fiber & wave optics approach

  10. 对几何光学是波动光学的极限的分析

    The Ana lysis of Geometrical Optic 's Being the Limit of Wave Optics

  11. 波动光学应用于成像光学系统装配公差的确定

    Determination of Assembling Tolerances for Optical Imaging Systems by the Use of Wave Optics

  12. 光在抛物型梯度折射率介质中传播特性的波动光学分析

    Wave Optics Analysis on Characteristics of Light Propagation in a Parabolic Gradient Index Rod

  13. 几何光学与波动光学的过渡

    The transition between geometrical optics and wave optics

  14. 波动光学教学中的几个问题

    Several Problems in the Wave Light Teaching

  15. 本文分别从几何光学和波动光学两个角度进行理论分析。

    In this paper theoretical study has been done from geometric optics and wave optics .

  16. 关于波动光学共轭波概念的商榷

    Discussion on the Conjugation Wave of Optics

  17. 1514光传导系统?平行面光导,模(辐射与波动光学)。

    Transmission Systems - Parallel-plate optical waveguide , modes ( ray and wave-optics methods ) .

  18. 用波动光学理论研究正交双棱镜的干涉规律公式。

    The formula of interference law of orthogonal biprism by the principle of wave optics is also studied .

  19. 通过衍射反比关系和几何光学的量子化,讨论了几何光学和波动光学的过渡问题。

    Through diffraction inverse ratio relation and quantization of geometrical optics , the transition between geometrical optics and wave optics was discussed .

  20. 文章根据波动光学理论建立了自适应激光谐振腔模型。

    According to the theory of wave optics . a model of automatic adapting laser resonance cavity is built . in this article .

  21. 根据波动光学的理论,对菲涅耳近场衍射公式误差相位的影响进行了分析。

    Brsed on the wave theory of optics , the affect caused by the phase error in Fresnel near-field diffraction equation is analysed .

  22. 光学微纳结构的研究随着波动光学和纳米技术的发展,已经取得了长足的进步,成为了当今光子学领域研究的主流方向。

    Following the developments of wave-optics and nanotechnology , research on micro-and nano-photonic structures has made significant progress and become one of the main topics in photonics .

  23. 从三维黎曼流形的曲率出发,构造了一个复空间。它的流线能兼容几何光学与波动光学的信息。

    Starting from the curvature of3-dimensional Riemannian manifold , a new complex space which can contain the information of both geometrical optics and wave optics is built .

  24. 基于波动光学、多普勒分析以及傅立叶光学的方法推导了二维光栅平面微位移测量的基本原理;

    Based on the physical optics , Doppler principle and Fourier optics , the principle of plane micro-displacement by single 2-D diffraction grating and single light source was deduced ;

  25. 依据波动光学的原理,分析了表面波波长随条纹间距变化的解析关系式,并据此对表面波波长和波矢进行了测定。

    Based on the principle of wave optics , the analytical formula of the surface with fringe spacing was analyzed . Then the wavelength and the wave vector were determined .

  26. 在理论研究方面,对新型器件的设计、计算和模拟以及基于固体物理学和波动光学的基础理论研究是目前研究热点;

    The theoretical study focuses on the design and simulation of new type integrated devices , as well as on the new concept investigation based on solidstate physics and wave optics ;

  27. 选修2-3是波动光学、几何光学和原子物理的基础知识,对于从事农林、医学方面学习的学生可选择这一模块进行学习。

    Ph2-3 cover with knowledge of waves optics , geometry optics , atomic physics , students want to engage in farming and forest and medical study , they can choose this module .

  28. 本文以工科物理中波动光学的基本内容&干涉和衍射为基础,较为通俗地介绍了全息照相的物理思想。

    In this article , based on the interference and diffraction , which is the basic content of wave optics in engineering physics , we introduced more popularly the physical conception of hologram .

  29. 选修1-1讲述了电磁学的基本概念和规律,选修1-2讲述了热学的基本概念和原理,而对于机械振动、机械波、波动光学的基本知识没有涉及到。

    Elective course ph1-1 tell of the basic concept and principle of electromagnetism . Elective course ph1-2 tell of knowledge of calorifics , not relate to knowledge of mechanism vibration , waves , optics .

  30. 从波动光学的角度,用惠更斯原理解释了光的折射现象,根据惠更斯原理所作的折射光线进行简化,得出较为简单的作图方法。

    From the angle of wave motion optics , on the principle of Huyghens , explaining the light of refraction . Simplifying the picture of the light of refraction and then getting a simple drawing method .