
  • 网络electromagnetic field energy
  1. 中性导体在磁场中旋转时电磁场能量及角动量守恒研究

    Study on the conservation of electromagnetic field energy and angular momentum when neutral conductor spins in the even magnetic field

  2. 磁电复合材料可以实现磁能与电能之间的相互转换,能够应用于磁场检测、微波泄漏监测、电磁场能量转换等领域。

    Magnetoelectric composites can interconvert energies between magnetic field and electric field , and can be applied in magnetic field detection , microwave leak monitoring and electromagnetic field energy conversion .

  3. 从麦克斯韦(Maxwell)方程组和物质电磁性质方程出发,得到了可应用于线性网络和非线性网络的电荷守恒定律和电磁场能量转换与守恒定律。

    Based on Maxwell 's equations and material electromagnetic property equations , the electric charge conservation law and electromagnetic field energy transduction and conservation law can be obtained , which can be applied to linear network and nonlinear network .

  4. 对Melvin磁宇宙中球对称质量外部区域的电磁场能量动量张量进行了研究,给出电磁场能量的分布规律;

    Electromagnetic ( EM ) energy-momentum tensor in external region of spherical symmetric mass in Melvin 's magnetic universe is discussed , and distributional disciplinarian of electromagnetic energy is obtained .

  5. 荷磁矩中子星外部的电磁场能量动量张量

    Energy-momentum Tensor of Electromagnetic Field Outside Neutron Star With Magnetic Moment

  6. 讨论了具有对偶对称性的电磁场能量动量密度张量以及它们的特性;

    Then the energy-momentum tensor and its properties of sources are discussed .

  7. 矿井隧道中电磁场能量的损耗

    Loss of Electromagnetic Energy in M in e Tunnel

  8. 关于电磁场能量形态的讨论

    A Discussion about the Energy Form of Electromagnetic Field

  9. 电磁场能量动量张量的双矢势对偶理论

    Two potential dual theory of EM field energy-momentum tensor

  10. 电磁场能量流矢量的分析

    An Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Energy Flow

  11. 激励信号的时间宽度决定了电磁场能量的衰减快慢。

    The finite during period of radiated electromagnetic field is decided by the time width of exciting pulse .

  12. 本文从电磁场能量的角度出发,分析了交叉换位对变压器绕组交流电阻和漏感等参数的影响。

    From the viewpoint of electromagnetic energy in and between the windings , the effect of interleaving on the windings ' AC.

  13. 并从电磁场能量和导体系统能量两个角度来表示互作用能公式。

    But use viewpoint of the energy of the electromagnetic field and viewpoint of the energy of the system of conductors expresses interaction energy formulas respectively .

  14. 腔体内放置物质块对共振增强效应影响很小,腔体内耦合的电磁场能量主要由共振增强作用决定。

    The internal block in the cavity has little influence on the resonant effect , all the energy in the cavity is determined by the resonant effect .

  15. 我们发现,电磁场能量在银层中呈线性衰减,其衰减程度与电磁场分布有关,银层中的电磁场相对较弱时,能量衰减较小。

    We found that the attenuation of the energy-flux density exhibits the linearity behavior in the silver layer . The attenuation degree is relative to the distribution of the electromagnetic field . The lower the field intensity is , the weaker the dissipation of the electromagnetic is .

  16. 建立基于电磁场能量理论的爬壁机器人履带吸盘模型吸力方程及其磁路的设计原则,对今后爬壁机器人吸盘的进一步改进具有相当大的理论指导意义。

    The establishment of suction equation of sucker model for the caterpillar of wall climbing robot and designing principle of its magnetic circuit based on energy theory of electromagnetic field has fairly big theoretical guiding sense to further improvement of sucker of wall climbing robot from now on .

  17. 运动带电粒子的电磁场及其能量动量守恒

    Motion of Charged Particle Electromagnetic Field and Conservation of Energy and Momentum

  18. 荷电球对称质量外部区域的电磁场总能量

    Electromagnetic Field Energy Momentum Tensor in External Region of Charged Spherical Symmetric Mass

  19. 电磁场的能量和动量

    The energy and momentum in electromagnetic fields

  20. 同步螺旋谐振腔电磁场作能量补偿的自由电子激光

    The FEL with a Synchronous Spiral Resonant Cavity Electro-Magnetic Field for Energy Compensation of Electrons

  21. 最后,证明了有磁源存在情况下电磁场的能量和动量守恒定律。

    Finally , in the presence of sources , the law of conservation of the electromagnetic field energy and momentum are discussed .

  22. 然后,装置可以把来自电磁场的能量重新转换成可以使用的电能,从而用来为电池充电。

    Then , the device will translate the energy from the electromagnetic field into electrical energy , which can be used to charge the battery .

  23. 由于我们经常关注辐射的吸收和发射,所以电磁场的能量就显得十分重要。

    The energy of the electromagnetic field will be important to us because we shall often be concerned with the absorption and emission of radiation .

  24. 在考虑到运动的带电粒子的机械动量的同时,也考虑到电磁场的能量和动量,从而证明了,在运动的带电粒子和电磁场组成的系统中动量仍然是守恒的。

    This paper has proved that the system consisting of the moving charge particles is still complied with the law of conservation of momentum , if , in addition , the momentum of the electromagnetic field is considered .

  25. 对偶电磁场理论的能量动量张量

    Energy-momentum tensor of duality electromagnetic theory

  26. 在本论文中,作者首先推导出分段填充不同介质的波导中的电磁场分布、能量、传输功率以及反射系数和传输系数的表达式。

    In this paper , first , 1 made a study of the distribution of electromagnetic field , energy , power , reflection coefficient and transmission coefficient in waveguide with piecewise different dielectric constants .

  27. 本文阐述了求解场能量及其等效参数的双界能量原理,推导了交变电磁场的双能量表达式。

    Ln this paper , the principle of dual energy method used for calculating the energy and parameter of electromagnetic field is expounded . The dual energy expressions of alternating current electromagnetic field are deduced .

  28. 保守治疗亦称非手术疗法。包括包括卧床、牵引、固定、限制负重、脉冲电磁场、高能量震波、高压氧及中药等治疗。

    Conservative treatment , also known as non-surgical therapy , including bed rest , traction , fixed limit load , pulsed electromagnetic fields , high-energy shock waves , hyperbaric oxygen and traditional Chinese medicine treatment .

  29. 微波加热技术是利用电磁波、电磁场等物理微弱能量对食品、农产品加工、贮藏进行处理的高效节能技术。

    The microwave is an efficient processing technique that use of the weak energy such as electromagnetic wave , electromagnetism field etc in processing and storage of food and agricultural products .

  30. 拉曼散射的表面增强被归因于纳米球腔阵列的协同表面等离子体共振与光的耦合导致的电磁场增强以及纳米球腔结构对电磁场的聚焦效应而使球腔内电磁场能量密度的增大。

    The surface enhancement of Raman scattering is ascribed to the enhancements of the electric field in the cavity by the coupling of the surface plasmon resonance and light and electromagnetic energy density due to the focusing effect of the cavity structure .