
  • 网络monogastric;Monogastric animal;mono-gastric animal
  1. 单胃动物体外消化模拟技术研究进展

    Recent advances in in vitro methods for simulating monogastric animal digestion

  2. 三分域模型在研究单胃动物内源氨基酸排泄中的应用

    The use of three compartments chain model in the study of endogenous amino acids excretion of monogastric animal

  3. 大豆种子中的磷(P)60%~80%以植酸的形式存在,而植酸对于人和单胃动物是一种抗营养因子。

    In soybean seed , about 60 % - 80 % phosphorous ( P ) is stored as phytic acid , which is believed as an important anti-nutrition factor to human being and non-ruminant livestock .

  4. 由隐性o2基因控制的优质蛋白玉米(QPM)的籽粒中赖氨酸和色氨酸两种单胃动物必需氨基酸的含量较普通玉米高出一倍左右。

    The contents of lysine and tryptophan in the kernel of QPM increased double of the common maize .

  5. 本研究设计了两个子试验,研究同一NSP复合酶在不同品种的单胃动物中的应用效果。

    Two trials were conducted to investigate the effects of the same NSP enzymes on two different monogastric animals .

  6. 另一方面为CCK在动物生产中的应用研究现状,包括CCK与动物的采食量的关系、CCK与单胃动物的关系、CCK抗体与家禽生长性能的关系。

    On the other hand , it discusses the application research of CCK in animal production including the relationships between CCK and animal food intake , CCK and simple stomach animal , and CCK antibody and animal growth .

  7. 植酸盐(phytate,myo-inositolhexophosphate)是植物种子中肌醇的主要来源和磷的主要储存形式,同时也是单胃动物中的一种抗营养因子,是动物粪便中磷污染物的重要来源。

    Phytate ( myo-inositol hexophosphate ), the major source of inositol and the main storage form of phosphorus in plant seeds , serves as an antinutritional factor in monogastric animals as well as a significant source of phosphorus pollutants in animal manures .

  8. 单胃动物饲料消化能评定方法剖析

    Analysis of evaluation methords of digestible energy in mono-gastric animal feedstuffs

  9. 纤维对单胃动物矿物元素利用的影响&Ⅳ机理

    Effect of fiber on mineral element utilization in monogastric animals

  10. 寡聚糖在单胃动物消化道内的消化和体内代谢;

    The digest of oligosaccharides in the intestinal tract ;

  11. 单侧唇腭裂的牙槽突裂植骨修复术植酸对单胃动物的抗营养作用

    Shopping list Implantation and Repair with Bone for Alveolar Process Cleft with Single Chilopalatognathus

  12. 日粮纤维素的营养价值也受单胃动物所处的环境温度的影响。

    The nutriment value of dietary fiber is also influenced by enviornmental temperature that single-stomache animal grows .

  13. 单胃动物不能有效利用饲料中的植酸磷,所以单胃动物的高磷粪便就成为了农业磷污染的主要来源。

    Therefore , high-phosphorus faeces from monogastric animals has become a major source of pollution in livestock production .

  14. 本文综述了日粮纤维的代谢及对幼龄单胃动物消化功能的影响。

    The metabolism of dietary fiber and its effect on gut health in young monogastric animals were reviewed in the paper .

  15. 本文就尼龙袋技术在单胃动物饲料的营养价值评定及影响测定结果的因素方面的研究进展作一综述。

    This article summarizes Nylon Bag Technique to evaluate monogastric animal feed nutritional value and the influence determination result factor aspect research progress .

  16. 随着转基因技术的发展,通过单胃动物内源性生物反应器产生植酸酶成为解决这一问题有效方法。

    With the development of transgenic technology , it will be an effective way to solve this problem though producting phytase by monogastric animals endogenous bioreactor .

  17. 培育通过唾液腺来自行产生植酸酶的转基因猪将成为解决单胃动物高磷粪便污染的一种新的研究策略和手段。

    Cultivation the transgenic pigs that can self-produce phytase by salivary glands will be a new research strategy to solve the phosphorus contamination problem in swine production .

  18. 因而,作为主要粮食和饲料作物的玉米,对单胃动物和人而言其蛋白质营养品质较差。

    Thus , maize , a staple crop for food and feed in the world , is of inferior of nutrient quality for monogastric animals and man .

  19. 植酸酶可以有效的解决单胃动物高磷粪便污染的问题,然而在饲料加工过程中却容易失活,添加效果不能令人满意。

    The application of phytase can effectively solve the problem of high phosphorus pollution in monogastric animals fecal . However , it is easier inactivation in feed processing .

  20. 植物性食物中的植酸不能被单胃动物吸收,但是植酸酶能够水解植酸最终释放出肌醇和无机磷,供单胃动物吸收利用。

    Phytic acid in plant foods can 't be digested by single stomach animal , but can be hydrolyzed by phytase to liberate inositol and free inorganic phosphorus that can then be absorbed .

  21. 单胃动物中,兔对大豆凝集素吸收能力最强,表明其小肠黏膜对大豆凝集素的通透性最大,更易于引起因吸收大豆凝集素而造成的抗营养作用。

    Permeability of the intestinal mucosa of rabbit is the highest in the mono-stomach animals because of its strongest absorption , so it is easy to arise the antinutritional effects caused by absorbing SBA .

  22. 本文对小肽在单胃动物和反刍动物中的吸收代谢机制的不同,探讨了影响小肽释放、吸收和利用的因素。

    From the differences of small peptide 's absorption and metabolic mechanism between monogastric animal and ruminant , factors affecting the release , absorption and utilization of small peptide were discussed in the paper .

  23. 由于单胃动物胃肠道缺乏纤维素酶,使得纤维素利用率较低,造成了严重的饲料浪费和环境污染。

    For the lack of cellulose in gastrointestinal Tract of Monogastric animals , Feed nutrients can not make fully use by animals , which results in a waste of feed source and serious environmental pollution .

  24. 解决单胃动物高磷粪便污染最佳的途径是在饲喂的饲料中添加植酸酶,但是在饲料加工过程中造成植酸酶的部分活性丧失使得这一方法难以获得令人满意的效果。

    The best way to solve the feed phosphorus pollution is to add phytase in animal feed . But the loss of phytase activity in the feed processing that makes this method difficult to obtain satisfactory results .

  25. 本文就芽孢杆菌制剂对单胃动物的生产性能、血清相关指标、产品品质、胃肠道发育及营养物质表观消化率展开了试验研究,主要分为蛋鸡试验和仔猪试验两部分。

    In this research , monogastric animals was used as animal modles to study the effects of bacillus preparation on performance , serum-related indicators , product quality , the development of gastrointestinal tract , apparent digestibility of nutrients .

  26. 本文在分析三分域链状系统模型及单胃动物内源氨基酸排泄特点的基础上,讨论了如何将三分域链状模型用于单胃动物内源氨基酸排泄模式的确定。

    Based on the analyses of the characteristics of Three Compartments Model and endogenous amino acids excretion of monogastric animal , the paper discussed how to use the Three Compartments Model theory in the study of monogastric animal 's endogenous amino acids excretion .

  27. 大豆种子中的磷主要以植酸的形式存在,它对人和单胃动物来说是一种抗营养因子;

    Most of the P in soybean seed is stored in the form of phytic acid ( myo-inositol 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6-hexaphosphate ), and phytic acid is anti-nutritional factor to human being and non ruminant livestock .