
dān xíng
  • monotype;monotypic
单型[dān xíng]
  1. 栌菊木是菊科的单型属。

    Nouelia Franchet is a monotype genus of Compositae .

  2. 江西有6个单型属,分别占世界和全国35.3%和50%。

    There are 6 monotype genera ( up to 50 % of corresponding taxa in China ) .

  3. 单型离心铸造机双联制动系统的配置及PLC控制

    Disposition and PLC Control of Dual-brake System in Single Mould Centrifugal Casting Machine

  4. 一种特殊的GCH1单型,这组遗传获得的基因变异在椎间盘术后一年内神经源性疼痛发生较少的患者身上较为普遍。

    One specific GCH1 haplotype-a set of variations in the gene that are inherited together-was more common in study participants who reported less neuropathic pain in the year after their surgery .

  5. 六盘山白垩纪盆地是六盘山内陆叠合盆地的一个单型盆地。

    Liupanshan Cretaceous basin is a mono-basin of Liupanshan inland overlapping basin .

  6. 单型属就是指那些只包括一个种的属。

    Monotypic genera are those which contain only one species .

  7. 热带或次热带水域大型活跃鱼类的单型科;梭鱼。

    Monotypic family of large active fishes of tropical and subtropical waters : barracuda .

  8. 叶型以单型叶为主,为83.3%;

    Simple leaf is 83 3 % ;

  9. 粒、单型人白血病细胞系的建立及其细胞生物学性质的研究

    Establishment of myeloid , monocytic leukemic cell lines and studies of their cell biological properties

  10. 亲属活体肾移植人类白细胞抗原基因和单型分析36例

    Analysis of human leucocyte antigen allele and haplotype in 36 cases receiving living-related donor kidney transplantation

  11. 墨西哥蜥蜴的单型科。

    Monotypic family of Mexican lizards .

  12. 真菌的单型科,在成熟期或多或少产孢组织被强有力的喷射出来。

    Monotypic family of fungi in which the more or less spherical gleba is forcibly ejected at maturity .

  13. 从现代教育信息论的角度来看,教学中的互动方式有单型、双向型等。

    Modern education information theory from the perspective , the interactive teaching method has totally , two-way type , etc.

  14. 因此似乎有理由把金钱松从该亚科分出并建立一个单型的金钱松新亚科。

    So it seems reasonable to separate Pseudolarix from Laricoideae and to establish a new monotypic subfamily Pseudolaricoideae Li .

  15. 单型盆地的原型可以划分为克拉通盆地、拉张盆地和挤压盆地。

    The prototypes of the monotype basins can further be divided into craton basins , extensional basins and compressional basins .

  16. 根据盆地形成演化历史及结构特征,将中国沉积盆地划分为单型与叠合型两大类。

    According to basin 's evolutional history and structural features , the sedimentary basins in China can be divided into monotype and superimposed type basins .

  17. 果实和形态学特征支持五齿萼和马松蒿作为单型属处理,并提示松蒿可能为松蒿属中的异质成员。

    On the whole , fruit and seed data supported Xizangia and Pseudobartsia as a genus rank and Phtheirospermum japonicum was a heterogeneous member in Phtheirospermum .

  18. 采用结构代表胞元模型数值模拟了在不同相对密度范围的单型铝蜂窝结构在单向压缩过程中的变形、失稳和破坏现象。

    The model of representative unit cell ( RUC ) is used to numerically simulate the deformation , instability and collapse of single-mode aluminum honeycombs under uniaxial compression .

  19. 室内用分类塑料垃圾桶盖注塑模具为单型腔模具结构,采用一个点浇口且设在塑料件背面的中心部位;

    The injection mould for cover of the classifying garbage bin is a kind of mould with single cavity structure , a single injection orifice is set in the center of the part .

  20. 据调查8个样地共5600m~2群落种类组成的统计,共含维管束植物52科,94届,145种,其中单型属占74.5%、比例很高;

    Investigation on the composition of the population of 5600m ~ 2 in 8 sample sites showed that there were 52 families , 94 genera , 145 species of bundle plant , among which 74.5 % of monomorphic genera .

  21. 同轴单开端型Ge(Li)探测器的研制

    The fabrication of a single-ended coaxial Ge ( Li ) detector

  22. 无直流电容单PWM型功率变换器整流桥换流控制

    Rectifier Control Strategy of Single-PWM Converter Without DC Capacitor

  23. 本文就腹板纵向中间V型加劲薄壁卷边槽钢柱单波型和多波型相关屈曲性能进行了理论分析和试验研究。

    The single-wave & multiple-wave interactive buckling theory and tests in thin-walledlipped-channel beam-columns with web 's intermediate V-stiffeners are presented .

  24. 单灶型CI的面积与血清胆固醇水平相关(P<0.01)。

    The infarction volumes of unifocal CI patients was associated with the serum cholesterol level ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. 结果:囊型肝包虫在CT上因病程和病理的不同,表现为单囊型、子囊型、钙化、合并感染、破裂等;

    Results : Cystic hydatidosis , because of the different cause and anthology , displayed as non enhancement single cyst , daughter cyst , calcification , merging infection and rupture ;

  26. 使用FLUENT软件中的多相流欧拉分析方法,结合雷诺应力湍流模型,实现单锥型旋流器内油水分离过程的三维数值模拟并预测其分离效率。

    A three-dimensional oil-water 2-phase turbulent flow and separation process in a single-cone hydrocyclone is numerically simulated using FLUENT software .

  27. 介绍了两种不同类型的醇醚单酯型表面活性剂的合成方法,并用IR对产品结构进行了认证。

    The synthesis methods about the surfactant of different monoester of alcohol ether were introduced . The structure of product was confirmed by Infra-red absorption spectrum .

  28. 就收到马力而言,单尾鳍型在满载时最低,压载时仅次于V型剖面。

    As for delivered horsepower , the single skeg stern in the full load condition is the lowest and only inferior to the V shaped section in ballast condition .

  29. 结论CT对各种类型肝包虫囊肿具有较高诊断价值,而且对于单囊型包虫囊肿CT引导下介入治疗效果肯定,可达到手术切除的效果。

    Conclusion CT is of high value for the diagnosis of hepatic hydatid cyst , it is an effective method for unilocular simple cyst by CT-guided interventional therapy , which similar to surgical resection .

  30. 双掺杂单结型p-n结空间电荷区静态特性理论及其实用

    The Static Theory of p-n Junction Space-Charge Region with Double Doping-Single Junction Type and Its Practicality