
dān yī zhì
  • Unitary system;unitary state system;unitary property system
  1. 而日本属于单一制国家政体,日本的地方公债,早在明治初年就已开始发行。

    Japan is a unitary state system of government . Local Treasury bonds have been issued as early as the beginning of the Meiji dynasty in Japan .

  2. 单一制下中央地方关系体制应作两类划分&我国中央集权式中央地方关系的动态平衡

    Central-local Relationship as Two Classifications under Unitary State System & On developing balance under China 's centralized central-local relationship

  3. 研究发现钒可与氧构成几十种氧化物,目前采用的单一制备技术较难获得严格化学配比VO2薄膜。

    However , vanadium can form dozens of vanadium oxides with oxygen . So preparation of VO2 thin films with one method is difficult .

  4. 中国市制是混合体性质的单一制市。

    Municipal system in China is singe with nature of mixture .

  5. 中国是一个单一制的多民族的社会主义国家。

    China is a socialist multi-national country under a unitary reign .

  6. 单一制的定价方法,使定价缺乏灵活性,或差价标准不合理。

    Single pricing way make the pricing way lacking flexible .

  7. 国家结构采取单一制。

    The state structure adopts the singularity mechanism .

  8. 寻找单一制下地方政府研究的新视角

    Looking for the New Investigative Angle of View to the Local Government of Unitarianism

  9. 国家结构形式主要可以分为单一制国家和复合制国家。

    The form of state 's structure is divided into single state and multiple state .

  10. 中央与地方的权限划分,在联邦制和单一制国家有不同的模式。

    Division of power and responsibility between central-local governments is one of important constitutional issues .

  11. 在中央政府和地方政府的关系方面,实行单一制;

    Practising a single system in relation between the central government and the local government ;

  12. 首先,介绍了单一制与联邦制的基本含义。

    Firstly , in introduction of a Unitary system and the basic meaning of federalism .

  13. 联邦制的恰当定位是介于完全分离的自治体与高度集权的单一制之间。

    The proper position of federalism is between the completely separated autonomy and highly centralized unitary system .

  14. 无论是联邦制国家还是单一制国家,大多通过建立社会保障预算制度,合理分配和管理社会保障资源。

    Federal nations and monopoly countries distribute and manage social security resource fairly by social security budget .

  15. 香港特别行政区的设立使我国单一制国家结构形式有了新的充实。

    The founding of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region marks a new expansion of our single state structure .

  16. 任何国家都存在集权或分权的两种力的作用,中国便是一个带有联邦制因素的单一制国家。

    Both Concentration and decentralization exist in every state , and China is the solidarity state with federalist characteristics .

  17. 同时对单一制下中央与地方权力的划分形式进行了单独论述。

    Meanwhile , alone discuss the form of division of powers of the central government and the local under unitary .

  18. 然后,一步一步了解了单一制国家和联邦制国家具体的解释。

    Secondly , step by step to understand the interpretation of the unitary state and federalism explain to the country .

  19. 继承与超越&论俄罗斯联邦民法典中的单一制企业经营权与业务管理权

    The Succession and the Jumping & New Russian Civil Law on rights of management and business control under historical comparison

  20. 这是一种在单一制条件下解决国家统一问题的新创造。

    This policy is a creation , which could solve the unification of China under the circumstance of unitary system .

  21. 当代中国是混合了单一制和联邦制因素而形成的一种独特的国家结构形式。

    A special model of state structure has been formed in contemporary China which combines features of unitary system and federalism .

  22. 中国是实行单一制的国家,在单一制的前提下又实行民族区域自治制度与特别行政区制度。

    China is a country with single system , but there are still regional national autonomy system and special administrative region system .

  23. 另外电力价格结构不合理,种类多而且复杂,单一制定价方式使定价缺乏灵活。

    On the other hand , the power price structure is unreasonable , the single way of price making lacks the flexibility .

  24. 与此相适应,制宪权主体构成在体制上可分单一制和复合制两种,在具体形态上则更为复杂多样。

    Accordingly , its main body can be divided into the single and the compound and its concrete form are more complex .

  25. 因此,英国被认为是一个权力下放的单一制国家。这与联邦制国家是不同的。

    One of their main arguments is that MPs ( and thus voters ) from different parts of the UK have inconsistent powers .

  26. 在经济全球化的视阈下,对称性的联邦制国家中央权力逐渐加强,联邦政治体制向单一制方向发展;

    In the visual threshold of Globalization , center power of symmetrical Federalism state is gradually strengthened and Federalism System develops towards singularity ;

  27. 它采取多样性地方政府模式使单一制完成了联邦制的使命,维护了一个大国的统一和稳定。

    It has finished the missions of federalism using the unitary system with diverse local government modes and maintained the national unification and stability .

  28. 日本是单一制国家,财政分配实行中央向地方转移支付。

    Japan , a country of unitary fiscal system , carries out a transfer payment from central government to local governments in fiscal distribution .

  29. 在法院体系方面,基本上可以划分为两种类型:单一制国家法院体系与联邦制国家法院体系。

    In the court system , it can be divided into two types , namely , unitary state court system and federal state court system .

  30. 我国是单一制国家,实行中央统一领导、地方分级管理的体制。

    China is a unitary state , which practices the system of unified central leadership , with specific responsibilities distributed across different levels of local government .