- continent

[Continent] 地球表面上某块大陆及其附近岛屿的总称。地球共分七大洲:亚洲、欧洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲、南极洲
The famine threatened to depopulate the continent .
The conversation ranged over the desirability of such restaurants , the shortcomings of men , and why it had only taken 15 minutes to cross a continent .
The bank 's scope is worldwide , in forty three countries on all the five continents .
Being stationed in Antarctica involves adapting to life on the planet 's driest , windiest and coldest continent , yet each nation manages to make itself at home .
The research stations on King George lsland offer a glimpse into the long game on this ice-blanketed continent as nations assert themselves , eroding the sway long held by countries like the United States , Britain . Australia and New Zealand .
Africa is the second largest continent in the world .
Asia is the biggest continent .
Now scientists have looked at languages across five continents and found that officially no one expresses gratitude more than the British .
To give you an idea of the size of the Earth , I will tell you that before the invention of electricity it was necessary to maintain , over the whole of the six continents , a veritable army of 462511 lamplighters for the street lamps .
Players leaving European clubs and heading to different continents is nothing new , look at Major League Soccer .
Pressure on News Corp over its phone hacking scandal is rising on three continents with fresh legal and political challenges .
The first woman to run a global automaker , Barra oversees more than 212,000 employees in 396 GM facilities on six continents .
The European Union , built to unite a continent destroyed by war , has lost its sense of mission partly because the war is being forgotten .
Peter Fonagy , a child psychoanalyst and chief executive of the Anna Freud Centre in London , has travelled extensively over several decades and many continents for his career .
I 'm glad that my Academy will visit each FIFA Confederation every year , should we win the right to host the World Cup .
The G20 has no clear criteria of membership , only that big countries from different continents , originally selected by the US in 1999 , should participate .
Instead , Asian countries should further enhance their cooperation with countries of other continents through such channels as APEC , ASEM and East Asia-Latin America Forum .
The latest annual survey by research firm Mercer measures the cost of living for expatriates in 143 cities in countries on six continents .
As 203 national teams fought a two-and-a-half-year battle across six continents to qualify for Brazil , the Swedish tournament , called the Conifa World Cup , was played by national teams not recognized by FIFA , the sport 's governing body .
More than seven years later , Aspire has screened 3.5 million young athletes across three continents and cherry-picked the most promising boys for odysseys that have spanned the globe .
Nor is it likely to be the last : investigations into interest-rate rigging involve regulators from three continents , looking at more than 20 banks involved in the rate-setting process .
No matter what the outcome , it will not be easy for either continent to recover , says Begg .
Pulsatilla is a large genus of c. 60 species , distributed mainly all over Europe and Asia . There are 11 species in our country .
Only Carlos Ghosn , he of the two-continent Renault-Nissan alliance , has the wattage and the willpower for global star power .
Ubstraders and managers on three continents used phone calls , electronic chat rooms and emails to manipulate benchmark interest rates in five currencies on an almost daily basis , according to documents filed by us , UK and Swiss authorities .
According to its internal estimates disclosed in the prospectus , Alibaba in April valued itself at up to $ 121bn , though the final valuations at its IPO could be swayed by internal performance , the market and investor reaction to a roadshow spanning three continents .
While choosing research topic , I made sure to consider the top 15 nations in terms of national power , and select the nations in each continents , and disregard those libraries that don 't have Web OPAC systems and that were not built independently by themselves .
His tap-o-meter took just one month to get the green light , backed by about 40 fans on six continents .
Quadruple amputee Phillipe Croizon has announced that he 'll brave some of the world 's most treacherous waters next year as he swims between five continents .
Brine shrimp ( Artemia sinica ) is a genius of aquatic crustaceans in the phylum Arthropoda . It exists widely in all continents except Antarctica globally and mainly discovered in saltern in coastal provinces as well as inland saline lakes in China .