
  • 网络Magna Graecia;Magna Grecia;Great Greece;Megae Hellas
  1. 简而言之,在古代,萨伦托属于大希腊(MagnaGraecia),即意大利南部的希腊人定居区。

    In brief : Ancient Salento belonged to Magna Graecia , that part of southern Italy settled by the Greeks .

  2. 意大利的脚跟和脚尖部分被称为大希腊。

    The heel and toe of Italy was called Magna Graecia .

  3. 此外,芝加哥是拥有世界第三大希腊裔人口的城市。

    In addition , Chicago has the third largest Greek population of any city in the world .

  4. 当我静静思索时,发现摆在英国面前的选择让我纠结:它是会成为一个大希腊,还是一个大荷兰?

    When I do so , I find myself struck by the existential choices confronting the UK : will it become a big Greece or a big Netherlands ?

  5. 各方正就一项规模更大的希腊纾困方案展开讨论。

    There is talk of a bigger bail-out package for Greece .

  6. 一位年纪稍大的希腊男士说:“这是一个黑暗龌龊的协议。日子一天不如一天了。上帝保佑我们吧。”

    Another man added , " It is a dark and shady deal . Everything here gets worse by the day . God help us . "

  7. 那么,坚持增加贷款、并在此过程中让公共部门资产负债表背负上更大份额希腊政府债务的理由又何在呢?

    What is the case for persisting with lending ever more and , in the process , taking a larger proportion of the liabilities of the Greek government on to public sector balance sheets ?

  8. 48小时的大罢工使希腊又一次陷入困境,这次是由于议员准备通过新一轮的削减支出和增税计划。

    Beleaguered Greece was hit by a48-hour general strike , as its parliament prepared to vote on a fresh round of spending cuts and tax rises .

  9. 希腊数十万国企和私营企业职工举行大罢工,希腊将有可能第二次在一个月之内逐渐瘫痪。

    Greece is expected to grind to a halt for the second time in a month as hundreds of thousands of state and private workers stage a general strike .

  10. 在约帕有一个女徒,名叫大比大,翻希腊话,就是多加。(多加就是羚羊的意思)他广行善事,多施周济。

    Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named tabitha , which by interpretation is called dorcas : this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did .

  11. 与主权债券市场相比,主权cds市场的规模可谓是小巫见大巫:针对希腊债券的cds的净名义价值,约为希腊未清偿债务的2%。

    Sovereign CDs markets are dwarfed by their bond market counterparts : the value of net notional CDs on Greek bonds is about 2 per cent of outstanding Greek debt .

  12. 尼采有三大爱好:古希腊文化、哲学和音乐。

    Nietzsche has three hobbies : Ancient Greek culture , philosophy and music .

  13. 一场大罢工目前正在希腊上演,致使航班延误、多数公共服务停止、办公室和商店关闭。

    A general strike is under way in Greece , grounding flights , halting most public services and shutting offices and shops .

  14. 由于他预计人民币将逐步升值,德里克表示,主要货币汇率的波动,可能更大程度上将受到希腊财政问题与美国增长前景等其它因素的影响。

    Given that he expects a gradual appreciation in the renminbi , Mr Derrick says moves in major currencies are likely to be more influenced by other factors such as Greece 's fiscal problems and the prospects for US growth .