
yán hǎi chénɡ shì
  • coastal cities
  1. 利古里亚的沿海城市坐落在陡峭山脉下的狭长地带上。

    The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains .

  2. 几个沿海城市在过去10年间经历了巨大的变化。

    Several coastal cities have undergone massive changes during the last decade .

  3. 沿海城市的经济迅速起飞。

    The economies of the coastal cities got off to a flying start .

  4. 在各沿海城市均设有服务部及售后维修站。

    In the coastal cities are equipped with after-sales service and depots .

  5. 但令人担忧的是,即使融化的速度稍有增加,也可能会给世界各地的沿海城市带来威胁。

    But the fear is that even a slight increase in melting could threaten coastal2 cities around the world .

  6. BT建设模式在沿海城市老港区搬迁中的应用探讨

    Application of BT construction pattern in old port relocating in coastal city

  7. 本文主旨,就在于对这两个有一定相似性的沿海城市引进FDI与区域经济增长,进行比较研究。

    The purpose of this paper is to make a comparative study of these two cities in the relationship of FDI and economic growth .

  8. 改革开放以来,我国实行对内改革,对外开放的基本国策,沿海城市对外开放先行,大量外商直接投资(FDI)涌入中国,我国对外贸易规模迅速扩大。

    Since reform and opening , Chinese government implements the basic national policy of internal reform and opening to outside . With the coastal cities open , large amounts of FDI flow into China , and the scale of trade has expanded rapidly .

  9. 本文面向沿海城市高温、高湿和腐蚀性环境,设计了大型LED显示屏屏体局部风冷散热执行机构,并建立了屏体环境参数监控系统,有效地保证了LED显示屏的使用寿命和可靠性。

    The paper presents a wind-cooling execute mechanism and a monitor system of the large LED dot matrix screen body environment parameters for the environment of high temperature , high humanity and high causticity in the coast cities , and ensures the LED screen lifetime and its reliability in use .

  10. 最新一期纽约时尚杂志《CRFashionBook》刊登了戴着“游泳池面罩”的模特照片之后,《青岛晚报》(QingdaoEveningNews)立刻声称,该面具是外国人抄袭了中国东部沿海城市青岛的一种类似面罩。

    The recent publication by a New York-based style magazine , CR Fashion Book , of a photo shoot showing models wearing " pool masks " has prompted the Qingdao Evening News to claim the look as a foreign variation on a familiar theme in the north eastern seaside city .

  11. 这个选项正在考虑之中。同样正在考虑之中的还有向被围困的沿海城市米苏拉塔(Misurata)派遣人道主义地面部队,以建立一个避风港。

    This option is under consideration , as is committing a humanitarian ground force to create a safe haven in the beleaguered coastal city of Misurata .

  12. 另有报道称,军警已经开进大马士革郊区和沿海城市jableh。

    Security forces were also reported to have moved into the suburbs of Damascus and the coastal town of jableh .

  13. 沿海城市青年志愿服务对象的心态调查

    An Investigation on the Psychology of Young Volunteers in Coastal Cities

  14. 与其它有着更长开发历史的沿海城市一样,它们也具有极佳的港口设施。

    Like longer-developed coastal cities , they have excellent port facilities .

  15. 加大沿海城市近岸海水富营养化的控制力度;

    Enhancing the control of eutrophication in offshore seas on coastal cities ;

  16. 广东省沿海城市热岛特征分析

    Analysis of heat-island characteristics in the coastal cities of Guangdong

  17. 中国沿海城市发展的三大趋向

    On Three Trends in the Development of the Coastal Cities

  18. 我们开放了十四个沿海城市,都是大中城市。

    We have opened 14 large and medium-sized coastal cities .

  19. 青岛是中国山东的沿海城市。

    Qingdao is a coastal city in Shandong , China .

  20. 从首都到那个沿海城市有多远?

    How far is it from the capital to that coastal city ?

  21. 中国沿海城市科技竞争力评价的实证研究

    A Positive Analysis on S & T Competence of China Seashore Cities

  22. 沿海城市的房地产市场泡沫就已经发出了现金浪潮冲击经济的信号。

    The booming coastal property market signals an economy awash in cash .

  23. 旁白:温州是一座历史悠久的沿海城市。

    Wenzhou is a coastal city with a long history .

  24. 沿海城市循环经济发展的三个推进层面

    The Three Advancing Levels of Development of Circular Economy in Coastal Cities

  25. 浙江省沿海城市行道树抗风能力调查研究

    Street Trees Investigation on Typhoon Resistance in Coastal Cities of ZheJiang Province

  26. 南方沿海城市职工组织承诺的相关研究

    The Relative Research on the Organizational Commitment of Workers in Southern Coastal Cities

  27. 新形势下沿海城市军队小医院建设与发展面临严峻挑战。

    Small coastal military hospital is confronted with severe challenges in new circumstance .

  28. 中国沿海城市的气块后向轨迹分析

    An Analysis of Backward Trajectories of Air Parcel at Coastal Cities in China

  29. 这对我国沿海城市正在进行的污水海洋处置工程建设的宏观规划与管理有着重要的参考价值。

    It has a great value for macroscopic management .

  30. 即将到来的台风已经开始对沿海城市的威胁。

    The coming typhoon has started its threats to the cities on coast .