
yán hǎi kāi fànɡ chénɡ shì
  • Coastal open cities;open coastal city
  1. 青岛市是我国重要的经济中心城市和沿海开放城市。

    Qingdao is an important economic city and open coastal city of China .

  2. 大连的城市化程度虽不及对政治经济敏感的北京上海,但因其是一座沿海开放城市,在城市化的过程中又会比一般城市具有更多的优势。

    Urbanization level of dalian is not as high as Beijing or Shanghai , but as it is a open coastal city , its urbanization development has more advantages than a regular city .

  3. 建议:沿海开放城市通信建设以ISDN为目标逐步过渡

    Recommendation : Communication Construction of the Open Coastal Cities be Transited Step by Step with the Object of ISDN

  4. 中国沿海开放城市旅游发展对策研究

    Countermeasures on Tourism Development of Open Coastal Cities in China

  5. 一个典型欠发达沿海开放城市经济社会发展战略的研究

    A socio-economy development strategy study of a typical underdeveloped coastal open city

  6. 论沿海开放城市创新系统建设

    Analysis on the Construction of Coastal Cities ' Creational System

  7. 沿海开放城市外贸经济模型研究与出口创汇预测分析

    The Forecast and Analysis of Foreign Trade Development in Open Coastal Cities

  8. 新世纪沿海开放城市精神文明建设规律初探

    The Construction of Spiritual Civilization in Coastal Cities in the New Century

  9. 广东沿海开放城市的地震对策初探

    Preliminary approach to earthquake countermeasures for the open cities on the Guangdong Coast

  10. 当前沿海开放城市的社区教育构架研究

    A Study on the Framework of Community Education in Current Coastal Open Cities

  11. 地质环境对沿海开放城市发展的影响和制约作用

    Geological Influence and constraints on the development of china 's open coastal cities

  12. 文登是一座生机勃勃的沿海开放城市。

    Wendeng is a dynamic coastal open city .

  13. 成都房地产业起步晚于沿海开放城市和发达地区。

    The real estate industry in Chengdu began later than that in coastal areas .

  14. 十四个沿海开放城市有上海,但那是一般化的。

    The 14 open coastal cities include Shanghai , but these have no special status .

  15. 由沿海开放城市向内陆城市再向农村地区蔓延。

    Syphilis spread from coastal opening cities to inland urban area , then to rural area .

  16. 许多沿海开放城市现已成为出口创汇基地

    A number of open coastal cities have now become the Bases for export and foreign earnings

  17. 青岛在这方面与自身作为一个沿海开放城市极不相称。

    However , higher educational institutes of Qingdao cannot match it as a coastal opening city .

  18. 在这两股力量的推动下,中国的沿海开放城市出现了新式女子学校。

    In the promotion of these two forces , new female schools appeared in China 's coastal cities .

  19. 凡在徐州市境内举办的外商投资企业,享受我国沿海开放城市的优惠待遇。

    Any foreign invested enterprise in Xuzhou will enjoy the same preferential policies as the coastal development zones .

  20. 新老工业混杂,老城区排水系统落后,是沿海开放城市实施水污染控制的共同问题。

    The old industry mixes with the new , and the drainage system in the old district is imperfect .

  21. 并根据沿海开放城市佛山的实际情况,对产业配置问题进行讨论。

    As an example , we analysed actual conditions of Foshan city and discussed the problem of industrial disposition .

  22. 恐怖主义全球化蔓延的趋势,使得沿海开放城市面临恐怖主义的现实威胁。

    The creep of terrorism in the whole world brings in the realistic threaten of terrorist attack to sea-side cities .

  23. 城市旅游发展潜力定量研究&以中国14个沿海开放城市为例

    Quantitative Research on the Potentiality of Urban Tourism Development & Taking the open coastal cities in China as an example

  24. 在我省开放城市投资的,实行沿海开放城市的优惠政策;

    Any investment in the open city of our province shall enjoy the preferential policies of the coastal open city .

  25. 日照市是一个新的沿海开放城市,经济总量小,工业基础薄弱。

    Rizhao is a new coastal city with low GDP and instable industrial foundation , so development of economy is necessary .

  26. 尽管广州作为沿海开放城市,劳动力市场建设发展较快,但是存在的问题也不容忽视。

    As a coastal opening city , Gungzhou develops its labor market fast , but the existing problems should not be ignored .

  27. 大连是我国的副省级城市、计划单列市,也是全国14个沿海开放城市之一。

    Dalian is the deputy provincial city and the state plan in China , it is also the one of 14 coastal cities .

  28. 天津市是中国北方最大的沿海开放城市,海拔2-5米,素有“渤海明珠”之称。

    Tianjin is the biggest coastal open city in altitude of2-5 meters , and known as the " sea pearl of bohai ," .

  29. 青岛市作为我国十四个沿海开放城市之一,是我国沿海重要的经济和港口城市。

    Qingdao , one of the fourteenth coastal open city in China , is an important economic center and coaster city of the country .

  30. 我国现代意义上的市民阶层肇始于鸦片战争之后,从上海等沿海开放城市走上现代化道路开始。

    The modern citizen class began to from after the Opium War and stepped onto the modern way in Shanghai and other coastal cities .