
  • 网络coastal gale
  1. 本文分析了江苏2005年到2006年冬春季发生的大风过程,研究发现冬春季沿海大风多由强冷空气引发,并具有一定的间断性、持续性、突发性和阵性特点;

    This article analyzed the gale process of Jiangsu in winter and spring from 2005 to 2006 , the research had discovered the coastal gale in winter and spring many by strong cold air , and had certain discontinuity , the endurance , the burst characteristics and blast nature characteristic ;

  2. 福建沿海大风预报中的几个特殊问题

    Several special questions about gale forecasting on Fujian Coast

  3. 浙江沿海大风形势及其对渔船安全的影响

    The Wind Situation its Influence on Navigation Safety of Fishing Boats off Zhejiang

  4. 港口起重机用于沿海大风多发区,具有迎风面积大、阻尼小、柔性大等特点。在港口起重机设计中,风载荷是结构设计的主要控制载荷。

    Port crane , characterized with large face area , small damping and high flexibility , is usually utilized in coastal area with frequently occurred gale , which makes the wind load control become the main controlled load for structure design of port crane .

  5. 冰雹发生的高风险区位于盐城、宿迁、连云港等城市,其中盐城各级冰雹日风险值均大于其它城市,可见,相关部门应注重沿海地区大风和冰雹灾害的防范工作。

    The high risk area of hail is located in Yancheng , Suqian , Lianyungang and other cities , of which the hail value-at-risk of Yancheng is greater than other cities .

  6. 广东沿海近地层大风特性的观测分析

    Observation and analysis of Guangdong coastal Gales in the near-surface layer

  7. 广西沿海热带气旋大风数值预报探讨

    Research of numerical forecast of tropical - cyclone gale in littoral of Guangxi

  8. 浙江省沿海海面日极大风预报

    Daily maximum wind velocity forecast on the ZheJiang coastal sea surface

  9. 西北部,东部,南部沿海地区将有大风。

    Gales are expected to sweep the northwest and eastern parts of the country and the southern coastal areas .