
  • 网络yange geography
  1. 第一节介绍永州市建制沿革、地理、人口、语言(方言)基本情况;

    The first part tells the history , geography , population and language ( or dialects ) in Yongzhou .

  2. 一些墓葬随葬漆面罩、空中枕等带有地域性特征器物,这与该区历史沿革及地理环境是相关联的。

    Some tombs , funerary paint mask air pillow with regional features artifacts , this and the history and geographical environment is associated .

  3. 第二章从宏观层次出发,回顾了调查地点的历史沿革、地理状况、宗教状况等相关背景,描述了经纪人所依附的黄牛集市的整个变迁历程。

    In the chapter two , the writer reviewed the history , geographical condition and the religious status of the Survey sites , and described the transition of Cattle market .