
yán àn shuǐ
  • coastal water
  1. 闽浙沿岸水、次表层水和中深层水的N/P比值大于15;

    N / P ratio in the Fujian-Zhejiang coastal water , the subsurface water and the mid-water were higher than 15 ;

  2. 分析表明,调查海域COD浓度不仅远远低于国家一类海水水质标准,而且也大大低于渤海沿岸水。

    In the whole survey area , the COD concentration could not only meet the standard for first-class sea water quality , but also was significantly lower than the COD concentration of the coastal water .

  3. 苏北沿岸水、长江冲淡水及黄海冷水团对影响区域TOC的含量均起到稀释作用。

    Northern Jiangsu offshore currents , Changjiang diluted water and cold water mass from Yellow Sea had dilution effects to TOC concentrations in the area .

  4. 东中国海以具有混浊沿岸水著称,属典型的二类水体。

    East China Seas are famous for containing turbid coastal waters and are typical case II waters .

  5. 东海对马暖流水几乎全部由东海北部的黄海大陆沿岸水构成。

    It is composed almost wholly of the Yellow Sea coastal water north of the East China Sea .

  6. 划分结果表明:不同季节、不同水深沿岸水(尤其是长江冲淡水)和黑潮水的扩展范围各异。

    The extending area of coastal water ( especially YRDW ) and Kuroshio water is changed with seasons and layers .

  7. 高值区一般出现在不同水系的交汇区,其中,大陆沿岸水和东海外海水交汇区丰度值较其它混合区高。

    Among them , its abundance value of convergence region of coastal current water and off seawater was higher than that in other mix region .

  8. 水平方向,粤东沿岸水与表层离岸的低温高盐水逐渐混合;

    As far as the inshore water of eastern Guangdong , in the horizontal direction , it merges the low temperature , high salinity offshore current gradually ;

  9. 东海对马暖流水由东海黑潮水、东海陆架水以及东海北部黄海大陆沿岸水几部分混合而成;

    It originates from the mixed waters of the Kuroshio , the East China Sea shelf water and the Yellow Sea coastal water north of the East China Sea ;

  10. 本文报道了对雷州半岛西南端灯楼角地区的珊瑚礁的观察结果。本区地处琼州海峡和北部湾的会合点,属热带北缘大陆沿岸水环境。

    The Dengloujiao area is at the crossing of the Qiongzhou Strait and Beibu Bay , belonging to the littoral environment along the continent in the north edge of the tropics .

  11. Ⅱ区在浙闽沿岸水与台湾暖流水交汇处偏暖水一侧,表层水温在22~25℃;

    No. 2 area is situated at the side of warm water in juncture between waters along the Zhejiang seacoast water and Taiwan warm current with the surface water temperature of 22 - 25 ℃ ;

  12. 渤海沿岸水是一个不稳定的水团,其盐度较低,温度变化较小,春季和秋季范围较大而夏季和冬季较小。

    The Bohai Sea Coastal Water is a instability water mass , which is lower in salinity , smaller in temperature change , larger in range in spring and autumn and smaller in winter and summer .

  13. 多样性指数主要取决东海暖水、黑潮和东海沿岸水的消长,反映了不同季节群落结构时空分布的动态变化过程。

    The value of diversity index was determined by the influence of warm water , Kuroshio water and coast-water of East China Sea reflecting the dynamic changing of spatial distribution of communities composition for different seasons .

  14. 黄海北部表层水温为北黄海沿岸水(水团)、渤海沿岸水(水团)、朝鲜西部冷水团和黄海暖流余脉所控制。

    The surface temperature in the area was controlled by water bodies of coastal water in northern Yellow Sea , coastal water in the Bohai Sea , cold water mass west of the Korea Peninsula and the remainder of the warm current in the Yellow Sea .

  15. 文中分析了上述变化的原因,较详细地阐述了黄海沿岸水沿陆架下沉与黑潮次&中层混合水爬升的关系及其对北部冷水的影响。

    The causes of these variations are analysed and a detailed description is given for the relation between the lowering of the Yellow Sea Coastal Water along the continental shelf and the climbing of the Kuroshio Subsurface-Intermediate Mixed Water and for its influence on the Northern Cold Water .

  16. 这两个项目侧重长江沿岸诸如水资源保护之类的问题。

    The projects focus on problems along the Yangtze River such as water conservation .

  17. 黄河沿岸地带水资源短缺的症结与对策探讨

    Analysis of cruxes to water scarcity and countermeasures in areas along the Yellow River

  18. 长江中游沿岸地区水资源特点评价及其开发利用

    Characteristics evaluation and utilization of water resources of riverside area along the middle Changjiang River

  19. 本文通过对天津海河沿岸滨水景观设计实例的分析,提出目前滨水景观设计中存在的问题,并针对问题进行探讨。

    This text through analysing the example of the tianjin haihe waterfront landscape design , raises now the existing problems of the waterfront landscape design , and gives the discussion according to problems .

  20. 研究得出春夏季大亚湾浮游植物主要以沿岸暖水性种类为主,秋季和冬季除沿岸暖水种之外,广布种和大洋种也较多,尤其在冬季后者占优势。

    The ecotypes of phytoplankton were mostly alongshore warm-water species , however , marine warm-water species and eurytopic species in winter and autumn are more abundant than the other seasons , especially in winter , which were dominant ecotypes .

  21. 南极普里兹湾及其沿岸夏季深层水的涌升

    Upwelling of the deep water in the Prydz Bay and offshore in the Antarctic during the austral summer

  22. 本文利用滤波、谱分析等方法分析与阐述了我国东海沿岸台风增水的基本特征。指出了它们与天文潮之间非线性耦合效应的普遍性与显著性。

    Typhoon surge characteristics of the East China Sea coast are analysed using filtering and spectrum analysing methods , which indicates that the nonlinear coincidence effects between typhoon surge and astronomical tide are not only universal but also serious .

  23. 青岛沿岸风暴潮增减水的长期预测

    Long-Term Prediction of Positive and Negative Storm Surge Elevation in Qingdao Area

  24. 新疆塔里木河沿岸地区2000年水资源优化分配

    On the water resource optimization allocation in the region along the Tarim River in Xinjiang in the year 2000

  25. 根据沉积物的分区,清楚地表明了废黄河沉积物随着苏北沿岸流穿过长江水下三角洲进入闽浙沿岸海域。

    The above zoning clearly show that sediments from the old Yellow River carried by North Jiangsu coast current can travel through subaqueous Yangtze River Delta and get into Fujian and Jiangsu coast .

  26. 本着尽量少而又要满足河道疏浚后沿岸植被生长需水的原则,分析了沿岸生态闸设置的必要性和保护的生态植被的面积,并探讨了今后生态输水方式的选择与生态闸的开启顺序。

    According to the principle of vegetation water demand along lower reaches of Tarim river and reasonable ecological sluices number , analyse and protective vegetation area , discuss ecological water transport ways and open order of ecological sluices gate .

  27. 官方媒体引用彭山县官员的话称,死鸭已被消毒并掩埋,由于南河沿岸均没有饮用水的取水点,死鸭也不会对河流两岸人和牲畜带来危害。

    State media quoted the Pengshan official as saying that the duck carcases had been disinfected and buried , and pose no threat to humans or livestock along the banks of the river which is not a drinking water source .

  28. 随着卫星通讯、卫星遥感、水声遥测以及数据同化等技术的不断发展与成熟,海洋环境监测已进入从空间、沿岸、水面及水下对海洋环境进行立体监测的时代。

    With the development and mature of the satellite communications , satellite remote sensing , acoustic telemetry and data assimilation , Marine environment monitoring has entered the era of integrated monitoring from the space , coastal , surface and underwater monitoring .

  29. 官方媒体引用彭山县官员的话称,死鸭已被消毒并掩埋,由于南河沿岸均没有饮用水的取水点,死鸭也“不会对河流两岸人和牲畜带来危害”。

    State media quoted the Pengshan official as saying that the duck carcases had been disinfected and buried , and " pose no threat to humans or livestock along the banks of the river " which is not a drinking water source .

  30. 结果表明:该湾无机磷含量主要受北海、合浦沿岸排污的影响,南流江沿岸水影响不大;

    The results show that the content of inorganic phosphorus is mainly influenced by the coast-wise sewage discharge from Beihai and Hepu , and slightly influenced by the runoff of Nanliujiang River .